Business Services
The San Diego County Office of Education provides business services and assistance to the 42 school districts of San Diego County in the following areas:
- Budget development and monitoring
- Accounting services
- Retirement reporting
- Auditing
- Payroll processing
- Risk management services consisting of large self-insurance pools in the areas of workers' compensation, property, liability, and employee benefits
- Deferred compensation programs for school district employees
- Charter schools
We work with each school district to assist it in complying with legal mandates and to provide quality services and support in all areas of school business administration and finance with a goal of helping to improve the quality, efficiency, and cost effectiveness of their business operations.
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Business Services Departments
District Financial Services
SDCOE provides business support services for all school districts, community college districts, and charter schools in San Diego County, serving as a financial hub for the collection, processing, and dissemination of all fiscal, budgetary, and related statistical information and reports for K-12 school districts within the county.
Charter School Services
SDCOE ensures organizational efficiency by developing and administering oversight for the 11 SDCOE authorized charter schools. The County Office also provides technical assistance and training to San Diego County charter schools and school districts related to charter school oversight, operations, and legal requirements..
risk management
The San Diego County Office of Education supports San Diego County and Imperial County school districts with risk management through two Joint Powers Authorities (JPA): the Risk Management JPA and the Fringe Benefits Consortium. By preventing and reducing losses, districts have more money and resources for the classroom.
Maintenance and Operations
The County Office supports districts with facilities needs and a two-way delivery system between SDCOE sites and local schools for media, library books, financial documents, and student systems records.
Michael Simonson
Deputy Superintendent,
Chief Business Officer