Payroll Services
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Providing payroll services for local schools
The San Diego County Office of Education provides payroll support and assistance to 53 school districts, community colleges, and charter schools operating within San Diego County and processes more than 650,000 warrants and more than 70,000 W-2s annually.
More to Explore
- Our Services
- Payroll Services Forms
- ACA 1095-C / 1094-C Reporting
- Year End Processing: IRS Forms W-2 and 1095-C
- Contact Us
Our Services
Payroll Services is the liaison and reporting agent for the following:
Wage Garnishments (IRS Levy, Franchise Tax Board, Child Support)
Deadlines and Timelines for Processing New Orders
Effective immediately:
- Internal Revenue Service
- Bankruptcy
Effective 10 days from the date they were received by SDCOE:
- Child Support / Spousal
- Sheriff
- Student Loan
- Social Security Administration
- Board of Equalization
- US Dept. of Treasury
Effective 15 days from the date they were received by SDCOE:
- Franchise Tax Board
- Court-Ordered Debt Collections
- Vehicle Registration Collections
Deadlines for Processing Releases / Modified orders
All releases / modified orders must be received no later than 4 p.m. on Pre Calc2 Day. Please do not release the names or contact information of County Office Personnel to your employees to ensure safety.
Distribution of Payroll Warrants and Payroll Reports
- Payroll Warrant Distribution — Department, Alpha
- Payroll Report Distribution — Main Menu > Payroll for NA > Payroll Processing USA > Pay Period Reports > (Check Summary Report, Deductions in Arrears, Deductions not Taken, Deduction Register, Employer Benefit Contributions, Other Earnings Register, Payroll Register, Payroll Summary)
- Special Handling — vendor warrants that are sent or picked up directly by the district with the payroll warrants (only at district's request)
Federal, State, Social Security, and Medicare Withholding Taxes
Tax Deposits
- Next Day Depositors — Taxes are wired for each Typed Warrant, Off Cycle, Semi-Payroll, and Monthly Payroll and settled on the day after issue date.
Quarterly Reporting
- Form DE9 submitted quarterly
- Form DE9C uploaded electronically
- Form 941 uploaded electronically
Annual Reporting
- Form W-2 / W-3 printed / uploaded electronically
Abatements for Workers' Compensation
When a third party such as a claims adjuster makes payments to an employee for worker's compensation, the payments are non-taxable. If the adjuster makes the payments directly to the district, instead of to the employee, the payments are also non-taxable. The employee's taxable wages need to be decreased by the amount of the workers' compensation payment to the district. All applicable taxes need to be refunded to the employee. It is up to the employer to ensure their employees receive an accurate W-2 at year end.
Salary Overpayments - Current Year
When an employee has been overpaid and the warrant has already been cashed or the employee was paid via direct deposit:
- Line A — Actual Issued Pay amounts
- Line B — Corrected Pay amounts
- Line C — Represents Overpayment
Overpayment calculations for the difference between the issued pay and corrected pay must be completed and accurate before the form will be processed. The type of repayment must be clearly indicated. Attach copy if repaid by personal check. Indicate if repayment plan is in effect and payment will be fully recouped prior to the last payroll processing date of the current calendar year.
- Utilize a third Party Paycheck Calculator, such as, to determine the corrected pay calculations
- Backup required to be provided with overpayment forms, includes copies of calculated values for Line B with a breakdown of the gross pay amount detailing service period, hour(s), rate(s) and earnings code(s). Copy of repayment by personal check included.
Payroll Calendar
Payroll Services maintains the fiscal year payroll processing calendar for all employers on the centralized payroll processing systems. These calendars provide detail on pay periods, pay dates, calculation dates, confirm dates, typed cycles, off cycles and other important information. Review this document carefully to ensure accurate warrant processing.
Annual Resolutions for Payroll and Commercial Warrants
Pursuant to various sections of the Education Code, it is necessary for the governing board to pass a series of resolutions prior to the beginning of each fiscal year in order to maintain a current register of persons authorized to act on behalf of the school district. The fiscal year is the normal effective period for each resolution, however, the resolution forms are designed so that midyear changes can be made. Additions and/or deletions must be made by submitting corrected resolutions to the County Office indicating on the form whether it is an addition or deletion.
Direct Deposit Processing (ACH)
Individual school districts control how their employees are paid. The payroll personnel at each district may setup their employees with direct deposit. As a reminder, in PeopleSoft you setup Direct Deposit at the employee level, not by employer. The employee's direct deposit is set up one time and is used for all employers.
- Returns — Direct deposits may be returned through the ACH process when there are invalid accounts or routing numbers, or an employee's account has been closed. Bank mergers may also cause an ACH to be returned.
- Deletions — Employers may request a deletion of an ACH entry if a mistake is identified prior to payment being generated. Requests to delete must be received by 3 p.m. three business days prior to the pay date.
- Reversals — If a mistake is made, employers can request a direct deposit reversal within 5 banking days from the settlement date of the original direct deposit. Requests to reverse must be received by 3 p.m. no later than three (3) business days after the pay date.
Any funds returned from the county treasurer due to successful rejections, or reversals will be returned to the school district by Auditor Transfer within five business days. Any funds not sent due to a successful deletion request will be returned by Auditor Transfer by the first Typed Warrant or Off Cycle confirmation date.
Affidavits for Lost Payroll Warrants
Lost Warrants — When an employee has lost or misplaced their payroll warrant or 10 / 12 warrant and needs a duplicate warrant generated (in PeopleSoft the terminology is a Reprint), the school district must submit the employee's completed lost warrant affidavit to Payroll Services. A warrant inquiry will be submitted to the county treasurer's office and if unreconciled a duplicate will be generated after three business days.
PeopleSoft — Reprint functionality currently not yet available. A cancellation request will need to be submitted, and the wages reissued on the next available off cycle. Please keep in mind, if the off cycle is generated before the cancellation, the retirement calculations will not correctly deduct as the system still shows an active warrant for that earnings period.
Petition for Overage Payroll Warrants
Overage Warrants — The county treasurer will send Payroll Services a report if there are any warrants that have not been reconciled (cashed) within 180 days of issue date. Those warrants will be overaged in the payroll system. (In PeopleSoft, the overage will be noted in Job Data under the Notes section.) Once the warrants have been overaged the funds will be returned to the school district by Auditor Transfer. The school district may submit a petition request to Payroll Services if an employee has requested reissuance of an overaged warrant. Reminder, only an authorized agent may complete and sign the Petition for Issuance. This is a lengthy process and all documentation must be received and in order prior to a reissuance being granted. Please do not guarantee to the employee they will receive a warrant by any specific date.
- Submit Overage Petition Request Form
- Payroll Services will send district Petition for Issuance, and if original warrant is not available an affidavit to be completed by the employee.
- Petition of Issuance (signed by authorized agent only) returned with either original warrant or affidavit to Payroll Services.
- Payroll Services will authorize reissuance of the overage warrant by commercial warrant.
Payroll Warrant Cancellation
PeopleSoft — When an error has been identified and the employee warrant has not been cashed a cancellation request form will need to be submitted. Payroll Services will review the documentation and process the cancellation request.
- Cancellations cannot be processed on any calculation or confirmation date, please refer to the payroll calendar for available processing dates.
- Warrants with an issue date in the current month will not be processed until the first date of the following month.
- The district will receive credit for the cancelled warrant on the next monthly payroll cycle.
SUI (State Unemployment Insurance)
Tax Deposits
- Quarterly depositor — Taxes are paid by warrant at the end of each quarter when the State Unemployment Quarterly Return DE9423 is due.
Quarterly Reporting
- Form DE9423 submitted quarterly
- Form DE9C uploaded electronically
Affidavits / Petition for Lost or Overage Vendor Warrants
Lost Warrants — When a vendor has lost or misplaced their vendor warrant and needs a duplicate warrant generated (in PeopleSoft the terminology is a reprint), the school district must submit the vendors completed lost warrant affidavit to Payroll Services. A warrant inquiry will be submitted to the county treasurer's office and if unreconciled a duplicate will be generated after three business days.
Overage Warrants — The county treasurer will send Payroll Services a report if there are any vendor warrants that have not been reconciled (cashed) within 180 days of issue date. Those warrants will be overaged in the payroll system. Once the warrant has been overaged the funds will be returned to the school district by Auditor Transfer after five business days.
Vendor Maintenance
New Vendor Request — may be made if the vendor is not already setup and being used by any other district. Email with the vendor setup request.
Current Vendor Address Changes — email prior to Pre-Calc.
All Vendor communication must include:
- Vendor Name (as it needs to appear on warrant)
- Remittance Address
- Phone Number
- Contact Name
- Vendor Description/Type
Payroll Services Forms
- 2024-2025 Annual Resolutions Authorized Designated Agents (PDF)
- ACH Deletion Reversal Request Form (PDF)
- Affidavit / Declaration to Obtain Duplicate of Lost or Destroyed Warrant Forms:
- Cancel Employee Warrant Form (PDF)
- Direct Deposit Authorization PeopleSoft (PDF)
- Overage Warrant Petition Form (.doc)
- Prior Year Warrant Cancellation Form 96 (PDF)
- Salary Overpayment Computation — Form 113:
- W-2 Reprint Request Form (PDF)
- Worker's Compensation Salary Abatement - PeopleSoft (PDF)
- Worker's Compensation Salary Abatement Year-End Adjustment - PeopleSoft (PDF)
- Form W-2c - Corrected Wage and Tax Statement (PDF)
- Form W-3c - Transmittal of Corrected Wage and Tax Statements (PDF)
- SDCOE Truck Mail Schedule (PDF)
ACA 1095-C / 1094-C Reporting
- 2024 SDCOE ACA Implementation Form (PDF)
- Section 1 — Important Dates and Deadlines (PDF)
- Section 2 — District Compliance Responsibility (PDF)
- Section 3 — PeopleSoft ACA Reporting (PDF)
- Section 4 — Third Party ACA Reporting (PDF)
- Section 5 — ACA Resources (PDF)
- Section 6 — Glossary of Terminology (PDF)
- Section 7 — Common Errors (PDF)
- Section 8 — Penalties (PDF)
- ACA Eligibility Template (.xls)
Year End Processing: IRS Forms W-2 and 1095-C
2024 Year End Report - District Summary (.xls)
Section 3 — ER Reportable Healthcare PeopleSoft (Box 12DD) (PDF)
Section 5 — District Owned Leased Vehicles (Taxable Fringe) (PDF)
Section 6 — Mileage Allowances or Reimbursements (Box 12L and Taxable Fringe) (PDF)
Section 9 — Other Allowances or Per Diems (Taxable Fringe) (PDF)
Section 16 — Cash Awards / Prizes / Gift Cards (Taxable Fringe) (PDF)
Section 17 — ACA Reporting PeopleSoft (1094-C / 1095-C) (PDF)
Section 20 — Social Security Name and Number Verification and Changes (PDF)
Contact Us
SDCOE's Payroll Services team can be reached at:
- Email:
- Fax: 858-715-0091
- Mail Stop: Room 607
- SDCOE employees with internal payroll inquiries, please email
- For retirement reporting inquiries, please visit their site under "Contact Us"
- SUI Reporting
- TSA Returns
- Assign, Add or Delete Vendor Codes
- Vendor Change of Address
- Vendor Warrant Cancellations
- Overage / Lost Vendor Warrants
- Annual Resolutions
Payroll Services Team
- ACH (Reversals, etc.)
- Lost Payroll Warrants
- Overage Payroll Warrants
- End of Year County W-2 Balancing
- Payroll Calendar
- Reconciled Payroll Warrant Copies
- Forgeries
Payroll Services Team
- Current Year Salary Overpayments
- Federal and State Tax Payments
- State Tax Reporting
- Current Year Workers Compensation Abatements
Payroll Services Team
- Social Security and Medicare Tax Payments
- Federal Tax Reporting
- W2 / W3 and 941
- Payroll Tax Deductions/Refunds
- Year-end Adjustments
Payroll Services Team
- Corrected Tax Forms
- W2-C / W3-C and 941-X Form Audits, Questions and Filing
Payroll Services Team
- Garnishments / Wage Attachments
- Lost Garnishment Warrants
- Mail / Warrant Distribution
- Credential Holds / Releases
Payroll Services / Garnishment Team