Retirement Reporting
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Helping schools with retirement and payroll reporting
School districts, community colleges, and charter schools throughout San Diego County rely on the San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) to assist with reporting payroll information to the California Public Employees' Retirement System and California State Teachers' Retirement System. SDCOE serves as a liaison for:
- CalPERS Defined Benefit Retirement Reporting
- CalSTRS Defined Benefit and Defined Benefit Supplemental Retirement Reporting
- CalSTRS Cash Balance Reporting
- CalPERS Golden Handshake
- CalSTRS Retirement Incentive Program
For CalPERS member assistance from CalPERS, call 888-225-7377 or visit the CalPERS member website.
For CalSTRS member assistance from CalSTRS, call 800-228-5453 or visit the CalSTRS member website.
More to Explore
- Bulletins and Correspondence
- Forms and Documents
- Training and Procedures
- Charter School Independent Reporting
- Contact Us
Bulletins and Correspondence
- 2024-2025 Certificated Work Days Calendar (CDAYS) 04/24/2024 (PDF)
- CalSTRS Reduced Workload Program - Contracts for 2024-2025 04/22/2024 (PDF)
- CalSTRS Retirement Incentive Programs ED2016-06 04/13/2016 (PDF)
- CalSTRS Employer Retirement Incentive Documentation Checklist (PDF)
- CalSTRS Retirement Incentive Program - Employer Certification of Member Eligibility MS 187 (PDF)
- CalSTRS Retirement Incentive Program - Certification of Employer Participation MS 1169-1 (PDF)
- CalSTRS Retirement Incentive Program - Certification Information MS 1169-2 (PDF)
- CalPERS "Golden Handshake" documents:
Employer Rates
- 2024-2025 Employer Rates - STRS, PERS, Social Security, and Medicare 01/02/2025 (PDF)
- 2024-2025 Employer Rates - STRS, PERS, Social Security, and Medicare 06/26/2024 (PDF)
- 2023-2024 Employer Rates - STRS, PERS, Social Security, and Medicare 01/03/2024 (PDF)
- 2023-2024 Employer Rates - STRS, PERS, Social Security, and Medicare 06/26/2023 (PDF)
- 2022-2023 Employer Rates - STRS, PERS, Social Security, and Medicare 01/03/2023 (PDF)
- 2022-2023 Employer Rates - STRS, PERS, Social Security, and Medicare 07/01/2022 (PDF)
- 2021-2022 Employer Rates - STRS, PERS, Social Security, and Medicare 01/14/2022 (PDF)
- 2021-2022 Employer Rates - STRS, PERS, Social Security, and Medicare 06/28/2021 (PDF)
- 2020-2021 Employer Rates - STRS, PERS, Social Security, and Medicare 01/11/2021 (PDF)
- 2020-2021 Employer Rates - STRS, PERS, Social Security, and Medicare 07/21/2020 (PDF)
- 2019-2020 Employer Rates - STRS, PERS, Social Security, and Medicare 08/12/2019 (PDF)
- 2018-2019 Employer Rates - STRS, PERS, Social Security, and Medicare 07/03/2018 (PDF)
- 2017-2018 Employer Rates - STRS, PERS, Social Security, and Medicare 07/03/2017 (PDF)
- 2016-2017 Employer Rates - STRS, PERS, Social Security, and Medicare 02/27/2017 (PDF)
Year-to-Date Summary
- PERS / STRS 2023-2024 Year-to-Date Summary (as of June 2024) 08/20/2024 (PDF)
- PERS / STRS 2023-2024 Year-to-Date Summary (as of December 2023) 03/05/2024 (PDF)
- PERS / STRS 2022-2023 Year-to-Date Summary (as of June 2023) 08/10/2023 (PDF)
- PERS / STRS 2022-2023 Year-to-Date Summary (as of December 2022) 04/04/2023 (PDF)
- PERS / STRS 2021-2022 Year-to-Date Summary (as of June 2022) 08/04/2022 (PDF)
- PERS / STRS 2021-2022 Year-to-Date Summary (as of December 2021) 03/07/2022 (PDF)
- PERS / STRS 2020-2021 Year-to-Date Summary (as of June 2021) 08/16/2021 (PDF)
- PERS / STRS 2020-2021 Year-to-Date Summary (as of December 2020) 03/01/2021 (PDF)
- PERS / STRS 2019-2020 Year-to-Date Summary (as of June 2020) 07/29/2020 (PDF)
- PERS / STRS 2018-2019 Year-to-Date Summary (as of June 2019) 08/28/2019 (PDF)
- PERS / STRS 2017-2018 Year-to-Date Summary (as of June 2018) 08/30/2018 (PDF)
- PERS / STRS 2017-2018 Year-to-Date Summary (as of December 2017) 03/15/2018 (PDF)
- PERS / STRS 2016-2017 Year-to-Date Summary (as of June 2017) 08/17/2017 (PDF)
- PERS / STRS 2016-2017 Year-to-Date Summary (as of December 2016) 02/14/2017 (PDF)
Additional Information
- my|CalPERS for Employers (select employers and business partners)
- CalSTRS Secure Employer Website
Forms and Documents
CalPERS Reporting
- CalPERS AESD-2 Member Action Request for "0269 San Diego County Schools" 02/2024 (PDF)
- CalPERS AESD-2 Member Action Request for "0246 San Diego County Office of Education" 02/2024 (PDF)
- CalPERS - 1001 Notice of Exclusion from CalPERS Membership (03/2023) (PDF)
- CalPERS - 1187 Reciprocal Self-Certification Form (12/2023) (PDF)
- SDCOE 308 Verification of Membership Status in a California Public Retirement System (Rev. 11/16) (PDF)
CalSTRS Reporting
- CalSTRS CB 5333 Cash Balance Benefit Program Election (Rev. 04/23) (PDF)
- CalSTRS ES 0350 Permissive Membership (Rev. 04/23) (PDF)
- CalSTRS ES 0372 Retirement System Election (Rev. 04/23) (PDF)
- CalSTRS ES 1161 Reduced Workload Program Eligibility Certification (Rev. 04/23) (PDF)
- CalSTRS RF 1360 Refund Application (Rev. 09/24) (PDF)
- CalSTRS SR 0554E Express Benefit Report (Rev. 01/20) (PDF)
- CalSTRS SR 1897 SFS Exemption Form (Rev. 07/24) (PDF)
- Certification Of Freedom From Contagious Or Infectious Disease (PDF)
- District Calendar - Certificated Days and Hours (CDAYS) (xls)
- Salary Computation Worksheet (Rev 07/2008) (.xls)
- CalSTRS Retiree paid via SDCOE Commercial Warrant form (enterable) March 2022 (PDF)
- SDCOE 308 Verification of Membership Status in a California Public Retirement System (Rev. 11/16) (PDF)
Other Information
Training and Procedures
- CalPERS Furloughs
- CalPERS - Resignations and Retirements - AESD-2 form requested
- CalPERS - Summer School Reporting Procedure (PDF)
- Inquiry Access to my|CalPERS Procedure (PDF)
- CalSTRS Furloughs
- CalSTRS Refund Application RF1360 Processing Procedure (PDF)
- CalSTRS Service Credit Discrepancy Procedure (PDF)
- Access to CalSTRS Secure Employer Website (SEW) (PDF)
Retroactive Pay
- Retirement Reporting Unit documents:
Charter School Independent Reporting
Charter Welcome Packet 2024-2025 (see pages 3-5 for Retirement Reporting)
SDCOE Required Documents
SDCOE Information Documents
- SDCOE Fee Schedule - Charter School Section 2024-2025 (PDF)
- SDCOE Fee Schedule - Charter School Section 2023-2024 (PDF)
- SDCOE Fee Schedule - Charter School Section 2022-2023 (PDF)
- CalSTRS Charter Reporting Due Dates for FY 2024-2025 (PDF)
- CalPERS Charter Reporting Due Dates for FY 2024-2025 (PDF)
CalSTRS Information Documents
- CalSTRS Employer Information Circular Vol. 37, Issue 04, June 11, 2021
- CalSTRS Employer Directive 2011-03, September 19, 2011
- CalSTRS Employer Directive 2020-03, May 4, 2010
- CalSTRS Employer Information Circular Vol. 20 Issue 5, March 22, 2004
- CalSTRS Employer Directive 2001-01, Jan. 19, 2001
CalSTRS Required Documents
From CalSTRS website:
Charter school application for CalSTRS activation
A charter school electing the option to offer CalSTRS retirement program must apply for CalSTRS activation. CalSTRS activation requires valid and executed documentation including but not limited to the following:
- CalSTRS Activation Packet ES1796.
- Governing Board Minutes, Official Memorandum or Resolutions adopting the following:
- Charter Petition.
- Memorandum of Understanding.
- CalSTRS Activation Application.
- Electronic copy of Charter Petition, Memorandum of Understanding, Board Approved Resolutions.
- Proof of Registration to the California Department of Education – Application or notice for a CDS Code.
Forms to complete:
- CalSTRS Application for CalSTRS Activation ES1796 REV May, 2020 (PDF)
- Includes Pre-Tax Deductions for Voluntary Receivable Resolution (Section 4 on Page 6)
CalSTRS Required File Layouts
SDCOE Procedures for CalSTRS
CalSTRS Required (as needed) File Layouts
- CalSTRS Employer Address File Specification - July 2012
- CalSTRS SEW F496 File Specification - September 2016
- CalSTRS Match File Specification - December 2012
- CalSTRS MR87 File Specification - December 2012
CalPERS Information Documents
CalPERS Required Documents
- CalPERS Circular Letter — New Charter School Certification Form for Charter Schools Requesting to Participate in the CalPERS Plan (PDF)
- CalPERS School Applicant Questionnaire (PDF)
- Copy of the charter approval for the establishment of the Charter School
- Charter Petition
- Articles of Incorporation
- By laws
- Audited Financial Report
- CalPERS Resolution to Tax Defer Member Paid Contributions — IRC 414(h)(2) Employer Pick-Up (.doc)
- CalPERS Employer Resolution Tax Deferred Deduction Plan for Service Credit Purchases (.doc)
CalPERS Required File Layouts
Contact Us
SDCOE's Retirement Reporting team can be reached at:
- Fax: 858-279-2953
- Location: 6401 Linda Vista Road, Room 605, San Diego, CA 92111
- CalSTRS Defined Benefit Accounting
- CalSTRS Cash Balance Accounting
- CalSTRS Service Credit Repurchase Accounting
- CalSTRS Year to Date Salary Subject Figures
- CalSTRS Address File
- CalSTRS Penalties and Interest
Ria Angelina
Retirement Technician
- CalSTRS Certificated Calendar Days (CDAYS)
- Certificated Reduced Workload Program (RWP) Contracts
- CalSTRS Excess Contribution Refunds
- Service Credit Repurchases (General Deductions)
- Service Credit Discrepancy Inquiries
- CalSTRS Special Projects
Cameron Andrew
Account Clerk III
- CalSTRS Payroll Reporting
- Retirement Membership Enrollments
- Permissive Elections
- Right of Elections
- Payroll Adjustments
- 60 Hours and 100 Days Reports
- Salary Computations Worksheets
- Refund Applications
- Retirements (Express Benefit or MS 554 forms)
- Certificated Retiree I-30s
Renée Evans
Account Clerk II
(CalSTRS 1-45, 50, 52)
- CalSTRS Payroll Reporting
- Retirement Membership Enrollments
- Permissive Elections
- Right of Elections
- Payroll Adjustments
- 60 Hours and 100 Days Reports
- Salary Computations Worksheets
- Refund Applications
- Retirements (Express Benefit or MS 554 forms)
- Certificated Retiree I-30s
Ryan Anderson
Account Clerk II
(CalSTRS 46-189, 60)
- CalPERS Defined Benefit Accounting
- Salary Overpayments
- Right of Elections Review
- PERS Summer School Reporting
- CalPERS Year to Date Salary Subject Figures
Benjamin Vickery
Retirement Technician
- CalPERS Service Credit Repurchases (General Deductions)
- CalPERS Special Projects
Wayne Austin
Account Clerk III
- CalPERS Payroll Reporting
- Retirement Membership Enrollments, Right of Elections
- Payroll Adjustments
- 1,000 Hours Reports
- AESD-2 Forms: Memberships, Separations, Name Changes, and Address Changes
- Refunds
- Retirements
- Service Credit Discrepancy Inquiries
Abdullah Badr
Account Clerk II
(CalPERS 1-45, 50, 52)
- CalPERS Payroll Reporting
- Retirement Membership Enrollments, Right of Elections
- Payroll Adjustments
- 1,000 Hours Reports
- AESD-2 Forms: Memberships, Separations, Name Changes, and Address Changes
- Refunds
- Retirements
- Service Credit Discrepancy Inquiries
Lina Rahbin
Account Clerk II
(CalPERS 46-189, 60)
- CalSTRS Charter School Independent Reporting
- CalPERS Charter School Independent Reporting
- Charter School Fees
- Special Projects
Allie White
Retirement Technician
Charter Schools
- PeopleSoft Monthly Payroll Reports
- Retirement Unit Support
- CalPERS and CalSTRS Special Projects
Clarissa DeLos Santos
Retirement Technician
(CalPERS and CalSTRS)
- Retirement Unit Support
- CalPERS and CalSTRS Special Projects
Denise Aquino
Account Clerk III
(CalPERS and CalSTRS)
- PeopleSoft Unit Support
- PeopleSoft Testing
- PeopleSoft Special Projects
Alex Aragon
Retirement Reporting Analyst
- Retroactive Pay - School District Contact
- PeopleSoft Unit Support
- PeopleSoft Testing
- PeopleSoft Special Projects
Carolyn Squeo
Retirement Reporting Analyst
- Retirement Reporting Unit Supervision
Laura Benavides
Supervisor III,
Retirement Reporting
- CalPERS system access administrator (
- CalSTRS system access administrator (
- PeopleSoft maintenance of: CHRS, Job Codes, Retirement related EE and ER Rates
- PeopleSoft Unit Support
- PeopleSoft Testing
- PeopleSoft Special Projects
Beth Valderrama
Retirement Systems