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Risk Management

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High school students walking on campus

Helping districts protect their assets against loss

​The San Diego County Office of Education supports San Diego County and Imperial County school districts with risk management through two joint powers authorities (JPAs): the Risk Management JPA and the Fringe Benefits Consortium. By preventing and reducing losses, districts have more money and resources for the classroom.

One hundred twenty school districts and charter schools place their trust in the joint powers authorities.


The Fringe Benefits Consortium (FBC) Deferred Compensation Program, serving member districts and charters in San Diego County, Riverside County, and Imperial County, is a retirement program designed to help educators build and grow their savings in order to achieve their retirement dreams.

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Fringe Benefits Consortium: HEALTH and BENEFITS

The Fringe Benefits Consortium offers its member districts a wide variety of fringe benefits for their employees at a lower cost than districts can get on their own or with other groups. Because the FBC is a public entity and not in the business of making a profit, commissions earned by brokering programs are shared with members.

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rISK mANAGEMENT Joint Powers Authority

The Risk Management Joint Powers Authority (JPA) consists of 67 member districts and charter schools governed by a board of directors consisting of one representative from each member district. Through this partnership, districts and charter schools can purchase economical insurance programs which include loss control services and safety training.

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main contacts 

Steven Salvati

Exec Dir., Risk Management

Julie Nester

Sr. Manager, Prop & Liab Prgm

Felicia Amenta

Sr. Manager, Workers Comp

Brian Vivian

Program Manager, FBC

Ana Nicasio

Administrative Assistant III