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Forms and FAQs

Salary Reduction Agreement

A Salary Reduction Agreement (SRA) is used to Start, Stop, or Change the amount contributed from your paycheck. Requests made during the first week of the month, can typically process that month; otherwise, the requested change usually takes place the pay period for the following month's pay period. 

For your convenience, there are several ways to access your account to make changes to your contribution amount, as well as change your address or beneficiary: 

SchoolsFirst Plan Administration (SFPA). SRA changes can be made to any of your FBC Deferred Compensation 403(b) or 457(b) contributions, regardless of the vendor, through our Third Party Administrator (TPA), SchoolsFirst Plan Administration. Forms can be uploaded directly and securely through your account on their PlanVue portal, faxed in, or even turned in at one of the local branches. 

First time log in video help
Changing deferral amounts video help 

SchoolsFirst Plan Administration Contact:

PARTICIPANT LINE: 800.462.8328 x4727
FAX: 714.258.4262Hours: Mon-Fri - 7am-7pm/Sat 9-3pm
Local Branches: Oceanside & Mission Valley


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403(b)/Roth 403(b) – Please note, your Investment provider may require its own paperwork in addition to forms from the SchoolsFirst Plan Administration. Please submit all forms to SchoolsFirst per the instructions on the form.

403(b) Distribution/Rollover Authorization form
403(b) Exchange Authorization Form
403(b) Hardship Authorization Form
403(b) Loan Authorization Form
QDRO Distribution Rollover Form

Salary Reduction Agreement (SRA) – use this form to start, stop, or change your regular allocations:

SRA – 457(b)
SRA – 403(b)/Roth 403(b)