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Fringe Benefits Consortium

The Fringe Benefits Consortium (FBC) consists of 90 member districts including charter schools. It is governed by a board of directors consisting of two representatives from each member district. The board meets twice each year and elects a seven-member executive committee that meets monthly. The FBC offers its member districts a wide variety of fringe benefits for their employees at a lower cost than districts can get on their own or with other groups. Because the FBC is a public entity and not in the business of making a profit, commissions earned by brokering programs are shared with members.

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sdcoe main contacts

Steven Salvati

Exec Dir., Risk Management
Linda Vista Campus

Ana Nicasio

Administrative Assistant III
Linda Vista Campus

Brian Vivian

Program Manager, FBC
Linda Vista Campus

Tammy Reed

Benefits Acct Representative
Linda Vista Campus

Nancy Shaskey-McNulty

Supervisor III, Benefit Claims
Linda Vista Campus

Marilyn Garcia

Account Clerk III
Linda Vista Campus

Agustin Quintana

Fringe Benefits Tech
Linda Vista Campus

Robin Parker

Deferred Comp Prgrm Technician
Linda Vista Campus