SDCOE and San Diego County districts may use the facility during normal business hours at no charge; additional room use fees are applied depending on the requesting entity. The third page of the reservation form for each campus has pricing based on room rates determined by the San Diego County Board of Education.
When booking a room in the new Event Management System, you will need to know the date, time, location, and number of attendees for your event.
Step 1: Select Your Room
From the left menu panel, select Create a Reservation.
On the row labelled “Reserve Space for an Event”, click the Book Now button.
In the “Date & Time” menu, select the date, start time, and end time.
Select the actual start and end time for your event. Additional time will automatically be added to the end time so the room can be prepared for the next event.
Click the blue Search button on the left menu to view a list of rooms.
You can add filters under the “Let Me Search for A Room” accordion to search for rooms with specific setup types, room types, features, and/or attendance capacities.
From the rooms list, click the green plus icon next to the desired room(s) to add the room to your reservation.
Click on the room name to view room details, setup types, features, images, and availability information.
In the popup menu, enter the estimated “Number of Attendees” and desired “Setup Type”. Then click the blue Add Room button. Repeat this process for each room that you’d like to add to the reservation.
Capacity for each room is limited by setup type. If you get an attendance error message, choose a different setup configuration with a greater maximum capacity.
At the top right of the booking page, click the blue Next Step button.
Step 2: Select Additional Services
Click Special Furniture Request to request furniture such as extra trash cans or recycle bins. Furniture requests are automatically sent directly to M&O.
Click the text labelled Zoom or Teams Meeting to provide your virtual meeting link for a hybrid meeting.
Click the text labelled Special Tech Request to request additional technology, such as a docucam. Special Tech requests are automatically sent directly to the Tech Support team.
All meeting rooms have a projector or TV, so a basic display does not need to be requested.
After adding all desired services, click the blue Next Step button at the top of the page.
Step 3: Enter Reservation Details
Enter the name of your event under “Event Name”.
The event name is shown to other users when searching for room availability.
Use the drop-down to select the event type.
Use the drop-down to select the name of the host group.
Verify the contact information for your primary event contact.
This is the person who will be contacted if there are questions regarding your event. If you don’t see your contact’s name on the drop-down list, select “(temporary contact)” to add their details.
If needed, add attachments such as a custom room setup diagram.
Complete any remaining questions.
Click the checkbox to agree to the Terms and Conditions.
Click the green Create Reservation button at the bottom of the page. You will receive an email receipt of your reservation.
You can edit an existing reservation in EMS to adjust the day and time a room is needed, cancel your booking, add or change requested technology services, and more. To alter reservations, first navigate to the reservation you want to manage and then make any desired changes.
Step 1: Navigate to Your Existing Reservation
From the left-hand menu, select My Events.
Confirm the Reservations tab is selected.
Confirm the Current tab is selected.
Click the name of the reservation you want to manage.
In the “Setup Type” column on the bookings grid, use the drop-down to select the new setup for a booking. Setup changed on the bookings grid will save automatically.
How to Change Expected Attendance
In the “Attendance” column on the bookings grid, type in the new attendance for a booking. Attendance changed on the bookings grid will save automatically.
Attendance is limited by both the capacity of the room and the setup type selected.
How to Change Event Contact Details
Confirm the “Reservation Details” tab is selected on the reservation grid.
Click Edit Reservation Details.
Change any desired event details.
Event details include the event name, group details, and contact information.
Click the blue Save Reservation Details button.
How to Change a Booking’s Day and/or Time
In the “Edit” column of the bookings grid, click the pencil icon.
Change the date, start time, and/or end time on the left menu.
Select the actual start and end time for your event. A time buffer will automatically be added to the end time so the room can be prepared for the next event.
Click the blue Update Booking button to finalize your changes.
How to Change a Room for an Existing Booking
In the “Edit” column of the bookings grid, click the pencil icon.
Click the blue Search button on the left-menu.
Click the green plus icon next to the new room you want to book to replace the original room.
Confirm your attendance and setup type, then click Add Room.
Important: While the button says “Add Room”, this will replace the existing room on the booking. To add a second room to your reservation without replacing the existing room, see the instructions for How to Add a Room to an Existing Booking in this job aid.
Click the blue Update Booking button to replace your old room with the new room selected.
How to Modify Services
On the “Bookings” grid, click Manage Services below the booking you want to manage.
The Manage Services option will only be available if one or more services have been requested for a booking.
Click the name of the service you want to change on the “Services Summary” menu.
Change the quantity or notes for the desired service.
Service requests must be submitted at least 3 days in advance. For more immediate requests, please reach out to Karina Montgomery.
Click the blue OK button to confirm the change.
How to Add an Attachment
Click the Attachments tab on the top reservations grid.
Drag a file from your computer into the “Reservation Attachments” area or click the Select your files button.
One common attachment is a layout when selecting a custom room setup. You do not need to attach paper forms that outline the same information you already entered in text fields.
How to Add Services
On the right-hand “Reservation Tasks” menu, click Add Services.
Click the desired service and enter the request details.
Special Furniture Requests are automatically sent directly to M&O, and Special Tech Requests are sent directly to Tech Services. All special requests must be submitted at least 3 days before your booking. For urgent requests, contact Karina Montgomery.
Click the blue Next Step button.
Click the checkbox next to the booking(s) that will require the requested service.
Click the blue Add Services button.
How to Add a Room to an Existing Reservation
On the bookings grid, click the blue New Booking button.
Enter the date and time the additional room will be needed.
Click the blue Search button.
Click the green plus icon next to the new room you want.
Confirm your attendance and setup type, then click Add Room.
Click the green Update Reservation button in the top-right corner of the booking window.
How to Cancel a Booking
A booking is a specific day, time, and room reserved for a meeting. You can have more than one booking within a reservation, such as a recurring meeting or booking 2+ rooms for the same event.
On the “Bookings” grid, click the red cancel icon in the “Remove” column.
Use the drop-down to select the cancellation reason and add any notes.
Confirm the cancellation by clicking the white Yes, Cancel Booking button.
How to Cancel a Reservation
Cancelling a reservation will also cancel all the bookings associated with the reservation. For example, a recurring meeting is one reservation with multiple bookings, one for each meeting. Cancelling the reservation will cancel all of the upcoming bookings.
On the right-hand “Reservation Tasks” menu, click Cancel Reservation.
Use the drop-down to select the cancellation reason and add any notes.
Confirm the cancellation by clicking the Yes, Cancel Reservation button.
How to Cancel Services for a Booking
On the “Bookings” grid, click Manage Services below the booking you want to cancel.
The “Manage Services” option will only be available if one or more services have been requested for a booking.
On the “Services Summary” menu, click the red delete icon to remove the service that is no longer needed.
For cancellations less than 3 days in advance, email Karina Montgomery.
Parking at the SCREC campus is limited to the top floor of the parking structure and a parking permit is required. Tickets are issued by SWC and fees can run up to $43.
If using the facility outside normal business hours, please provide payment information (a purchase order or contact information for invoicing) to assist us with your booking.
Cancellations must be received and acknowledged in order to avoid billing for events outside regular business hours.
The San Diego County Board of Education makes its conference facilities available to assist groups, organizations, and institutions within the community for instances when these facilities are not in use by the county superintendent of schools. Use of these facilities shall be primarily for the official activities of the San Diego County Superintendent of Schools and public education purposes. Any other authorized use or occupancy shall be secondary and subordinate to this primary purpose. The county superintendent reserves the right to assign, reassign, or cancel the use of these facilities and/or grounds 24 hours in advance.
Reservations will not be considered final until all paperwork has been submitted and processed, and arrangements have been confirmed by the Room Reservation Clerk. Reservations are made on a first-come, first-served basis; to ensure fairness telephone reservations are not accepted. A minimum of five working days should be allowed for processing reservation requests. Reservations may be requested for up to six months in advance.
To confirm a reservation, complete Maintenance and Operations Facilities Reservation Request and Use Agreement. Be sure to note the maximum room capacities and to indicate any special arrangements, including audio/visual equipment. The Room Reservations Clerk will assign meeting facilities, as available, and will return a written confirmation copy.
If it is necessary to AMEND a confirmed reservation request, notify the events assistant immediately to confirm if changes can be made, e.g., equipment changes, room set-up changes, time changes, etc.
If it is necessary to CANCEL a confirmed reservation, the events assistant should be notified immediately by phone and sent a follow-up email to confirm cancellation.
Reservation cancellations must be received in writing at least three working days prior to the scheduled event. Failure to cancel a reservation when special arrangements have been made with regard to staffing, equipment, rental, etc., will result in a penalty of actual costs incurred.
Meetings sponsored by SDCOE staff MUST BE related to the goals/objectives of the County Office of Education.
All Facilities Reservation Requests from outside organizations must be signed by an officer of the organization. Facilities and/or grounds must be under the supervision of a responsible adult (minimum 21 years of age).
The regular hours of use are 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturdays under special arrangement. Meetings taking place after 5pm on Monday require a badged-access employee to enter campus.
No alcoholic beverages or restricted substances are allowed.
Smoking is prohibited on SDCOE property.
Large meetings/conferences occurring during lunch time should avoid convening in the cafeteria as it is not large enough to accommodate Office of Education staff and conference participants at the same time. A micromarket is located in the cafeteria space on the main campus at which visitors may purchase food and drink items using the kiosk.
Use of facilities is confined to the area(s) named in the approved reservation request, with use of appropriate lavatory and corridors.
No keys will be issued to applicants. Office of Education personnel will be available with keys during scheduled meetings.
Nothing shall be posted, pinned, etc., to facility wall without prior approval of the Maintenance and Operations director.
A list of outside visitors (such as meeting attendees) will be provided to the information booth for efficient participant check-in.
Whenever use of SDCOE facilities is permitted without a service charge, there will be no admission charged, no soliciting of funds, no free will offering, sale of literature or material by the organization using the facility and the meeting shall be non-exclusive and open. The organization, its officers, members, and guests using the facility agree to indemnify and hold harmless the SDCOE, its officers, agents, and employees against any and all loss, damage, and/or liability that may be suffered or incurred by the SDCOE, its officers, agents and employees and against any and all claims, demands and causes of action, attorney fees and expenses that may be brought against the SDCOE, its officers, agents and employees, caused by, arising out of, or in a way connected with the use of SDCOE facilities.
It is the right of the SDCOE to require a Certificate of Insurance naming as Additional Insured the San Diego Superintendent of Schools and the SDCOE. The limits of liability shall be commercial general liability insurance coverage of at least $1 million per occurrence. The person or group receiving the permit shall be financially responsible in case of loss or damage to school property as a result of its usage.
Parking is free and SDCOE assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen property or damage to any vehicle in the SDCOE parking lot. SDCOE assumes no responsibility for loss or damage to personal belongings of anyone using the facilities. There shall be no cooking or food preparation using any type of open flame in any room. There shall be no use of chemicals or scientific experiments using chemicals in any room. Rules, regulations, and use fees have been established in accordance with SDCOE Policy 3513 and Administrative Regulation 3513.
Lessee is required to comply with State Water Resources Control Board Water Quality Order No. 2003.0005-DWQ National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, General Permit No. CAS000004. Lessee to fully familiarize itself with the Permit. Failure to comply with the permit is a violation of federal and state law. Lessee hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless district, its officials, officers, agents, employees, and authorized volunteers from and against any and all notices of violation, claims, demands, losses, or liabilities of any kind or nature which district, its officials, officers, agents, employees, and authorized volunteers may sustain or incur for lessee’s noncompliance with the permit, except for liability resulting from the sole established negligence or willful misconduct of the district, its officials, officers, agents, employees, or authorized volunteers.