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Substitute Teaching Permits

Substitute Teaching Permits

Please do not apply on your own (direct) on the CTC website for the Sub Permit - it will delay your application - come through us instead!

Start Here: Substitute Permit Checklist

The Emergency 30-Day Substitute Teaching Permit authorizes the holder to serve as a day-to-day substitute teacher in any classroom, including preschool, kindergarten, and grades 1-12 inclusive, or in classes organized primarily for adults. The holder may serve as a substitute for no more than 30 days for any one teacher during the school year, except in a special education classroom, where the holder may serve for no more than 20 days for any one teacher during the school year. This permit is valid for one year and is renewable.

Which one do you need?  

30-Day Sub Permit
(I Hold a Degree)

Prospective Sub Permit
(I Don't have a Degree Yet)

30-Day Substitute Teaching Permit

To apply for the Emergency 30-day Substitute Permit, please mail or drop off the following items to our main office at 6401 Linda Vista Rd., San Diego, CA 92111. Applications must be complete and will not be accepted in pieces.

Official Transcripts Showing Your Bachelor's Degree or Higher

Official transcripts must be from a regionally accredited college or university and must have your degree posted. Please have your university either email the official electronic transcripts to or you can have them send hard copies to you in which you will give to us. SDCOE and the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) do not accept electronic transcripts sent directly to the applicant. NOTE: When ordering electronic transcripts, please allow 2-3 days processing time before coming to our office, we are not able to complete the process without the transcripts being on file. If you decide to use hard copies, you may mail or drop off the original hard copy to SDCOE, 6401 Linda Vista Road, room 104, San Diego, CA 92111. The transcripts can be open as long as they are on the original university water-colored paper. This will not be returned to you. Diplomas, photocopies of transcripts, electronic transcripts sent to the student, and unofficial transcripts are NOT accepted. For Foreign Degrees, please contact one of the CTC approved Foreign Transcript Evaluation Agencies to have your program evaluated for CA equivalency.

Appropriate Fingerprinting

CTC Fingerprinting

These fingerprints are required by CTC in order to grant you the substitute permit. Mail or drop off a copy of the completed 41-LS form (PDF) after you are printed or a photocopy of your Certificate of Clearance (if applicable).

Clearinghouse Fingerprinting

These fingerprints are required by most school districts in San Diego County to employ you as a sub teacher. These fingerprints are not required to apply for a sub permit, but will be required before employment in a substitute position in most districts.

Temporary County Certificate Form

Complete a Temporary County Certificate form (PDF). Once we review your packet and sign off on the TCC, this document will serve as a receipt verifying you submitted the appropriate materials to our office.

Next Steps

Once we receive all these items, one of our Credential Technicians will recommend you for the permit online and send you a receipt (TCC). You will then receive an email from CTC prompting you to complete the application online. ***IMPORTANT: Please make sure to click on the “employer recommendation” tab. If you click on the “new credential application” tab, the process for you to obtain your substitute teaching permit will be delayed.

What Does the 30-Day Substitute Permit Allow Me to Do?

The substitute permit is valid for ONE calendar year. It allows you to sub every day of the year, however, it does not allow you to sub in any long term assignments. You may sub in one assignment for up to 30 days within the year.

It is up to the district of employment if they utilize 30-day substitute permit holders. A complete list of the school districts can be found on our website. You will contact the Human Resource Department in the district where you would like to work or you may search through the Ed-Join website.

If you have further questions or concerns, please contact a SDCOE Credential Technician at


Emergency Substitute Teaching Permit for Prospective Teachers (No degree yet)

To apply for the Emergency Substitute Teaching Permit for Prospective Teachers, please mail or drop off the following items to our main office at 6401 Linda Vista Rd., San Diego, CA 92111. Applications must be complete and will not be accepted in pieces.

Application Fee

The fee for the permit is $100 and must be in the form of a Money Order or Cashiers Check payable to CTC. No personal checks or Credit Cards will be accepted.

A Completed 41-4 Application Form

The 41-4 Application for Credential form (PDF) must be completed, signed and submitted in paper form.

Official Transcripts Showing 90 Semester Units or More

Official transcripts must be from a regionally accredited college or university and must have at least 90 semester units. Please have your university either email the official electronic transcripts to or you can have them send hard copies to you in which you will give to us. SDCOE and the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) do not accept electronic transcripts sent directly to the applicant. NOTE: When ordering electronic transcripts, please allow 2-3 days processing time before coming to our office, we are not able to complete the process without the transcripts being on file. If you decide to use hard copies, you may mail or drop off the original hard copy to SDCOE, 6401 Linda Vista Road, room 104, San Diego, CA 92111. The transcripts can be open as long as they are on the original university water-colored paper. This will not be returned to you. Photocopies of transcripts, electronic transcripts sent to the student, and unofficial transcripts are NOT accepted. For foreign coursework, please contact one of the CTC approved Foreign Transcript Evaluation Agencies to have your classes evaluated for CA equivalency.

Current Enrollment in a 4-Year Institution

Verification of current enrollment in a regionally-accredited four-year California college or university. This may be verified by an original letter from the registrar of the office of admissions, or official transcripts showing current work-in-progress.

Basic Skills Requirement

Generally, this is completion of the CBEST. However, CTC does accept a number of other means to meet this requirement. These are explained in the Basic Skills Requirement leaflet found on the CTC website. Please mail or drop off these official score reports to our office.

Appropriate Fingerprinting

CTC Fingerprinting

These fingerprints are required by CTC in order to grant you the substitute permit. Mail or drop off a copy of the completed 41-LS form (PDF) after you are printed or a photocopy of your Certificate of Clearance (if applicable).

Clearinghouse Fingerprinting

These fingerprints are required by most school districts in San Diego County to employ you as a sub teacher. These fingerprints are not required to apply for a sub permit,but will be required before employment in a substitute position in most districts.

Certificate of Clearance

The Certificate of Clearance (COC) issued by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing is required (watch how-to video). The COC is verification of fingerprint clearance and allows SDCOE to issue a Temporary Permit (below)

Temporary County Certificate Form

Complete a Temporary County Certificate form (PDF) (TCC). Once we review your packet and sign off on the TCC, this document will serve as a receipt verifying you submitted the appropriate materials to our office and will allow you to begin working prior to issuance of the "prospective" sub permit.

Next Steps

Once we receive all these items, one of our Credential Technicians will review the packet, send it to the CTC and issue you a Temporary Permit. It can take up to four months for this to be granted, but the TCC will allow you to work in the meantime.

What Does the Emergency Substitute Teaching Permit for Prospective Teachers Allow Me to Do?

The "prospective" substitute permit is valid for ONE calendar year. It allows you to sub up to 90 days of the year, however, it does not allow you to sub in any long term assignments. You may sub in one assignment for up to 30 days within the year.

It is up to the district of employment if they utilize "prospective" permit holders. A complete list of the school districts can be found on our website. You will contact the Human Resource Department in the district where you would like to work or you may search through the Ed-Join website.

If you have further questions or concerns, please contact a SDCOE Credential Technician at

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To apply for a Certificate of Clearance, applicants must complete Live Scan fingerprinting (41-LS and Clearinghouse) and then apply online at the Commission of Teacher Credentialing website.

To update your name with the Commission it is necessary to complete and submit form 41-NC along with all the requested documentation. Access the form online, then submit it to our office or send it directly to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing at 1900 Capitol Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95811-4213.

Applicants seeking a first-time, renewal, or upgrade to their Child Development Permit must first submit the required paperwork and fees.

The CTC no longer prints nor mails a physical document to credential or permit holders. If you need a physical copy of your credential or permit, you will need to print a copy from the CTC website.

Renewing online three months prior to the expiration date usually allows enough time for the document to be granted and downloaded to our payroll system.

SDCOE is currently accepting all paper applications via U.S. mail at 6401 Linda Vista Road, Room 104, San Diego, CA 92111. Please allow approximately 3-4 weeks for processing time.

The Emergency 30-Day Substitute Teaching Permit authorizes the holder to serve as a day-to-day substitute teacher in any classroom, including preschool, kindergarten, and grades 1-12 inclusive, or in classes organized primarily for adults.