Out of State and Out of Country Trained Teachers
California has a two-tier credential structure. A preliminary credential is the first document issued after an individual meets basic requirements. The preliminary credential is issued for a maximum of five years. A clear credential is issued when all credential requirements have been completed. If requirements for the clear credential are not completed before the expiration of the preliminary, the holder will not be able to teach in California's public schools with that credential until those requirements are met and the document is renewed. Please contact a credential technician if you have questions regarding this matter.
- The Multiple Subject Teaching Credential authorizes the holder to teach in a self-contained classroom such as those in a preschool, K-12, inclusive, or in classes organized primarily for adults. Most assignments are in an elementary classroom.
- The Single Subject Teaching Credential authorizes the holder to teach the specific subject(s) named on the credential in departmentalized classes such as those in middle and high schools.
- The Education Specialist Teaching Credential authorizes the holder to teach in the area of specialization listed on the credential. These areas include Mild/Moderate Disabilities (M/M), Moderate/Severe Disabilities (M/S), Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH), Visual Impairments (VI), Physical and Health Impairments (PHI), and Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE).
Is my out of state license/credential acceptable in CA?
CTC chart of out-of-state acceptable credentials
THIS CHART IS ONLY A GUIDE. Any out-of-state credential submitted is still subject to review on a case-by-case basis. If you have questions regarding the status of out-of-state credentials that do not appear on this chart, write to credentials@ctc.ca.gov for more information.
I have a comparable credential in another state or US territory. What do I need to do to get a California credential?
An application packet will need to contain most, if not all, of the following items:
NOTE: All documents must have an original "wet" ink signature.
- A Certificate of Clearance (watch how-to video) issued by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (first-time applications)
- Application fee of $50 money order or cashier's check payable to CTC for all applications ($100 if you are not using a Certificate of Clearance credit).
- A completed 41-4 Application for Credential form (PDF)
- A copy of the Live Scan request form (41-LS) returned to you by the fingerprint technician (Learn about SDCOE fingerprinting services.)
- Official transcripts with your Bachelor's degree or higher showing all professional preparation including student teaching and a photocopy of same (the originals will be returned to you). Electronic transcripts will be accepted if they are sent directly from the university to us at sdcred@sdcoe.net.
- A photocopy of the front and back of your out-of-state teaching credential.
- If applicable, verification of 2 or more years of full-time teaching experience in a state other than California. This must be verified by an original letter on official letterhead of the district where you were employed and signed by the superintendent, assistant superintendent, or director of personnel. This letter must have an original wet ink signature or approved electronic signature (Adobe Sign or DocuSign).
- If applicable, photocopies of 2 annual performance evaluations
- If applicable, a photocopy of your National Board Certification
- A completed Temporary County Certificate (PDF) form (receipt)
Note: Submitting your application packet through an employing district or through a County Office of Education can provide better service and understanding of the credentialing requirements in California. If you meet the eligibility and fingerprint requirements for the credential or permit, the San Diego County Office of Education is able to issue you a Temporary County Certificate (TCC) with which to seek employment while your application is being processed at the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC).
*California Education Code 44235.5 requires the Commission to waive all application and processing fees for the initial issuance of a teaching credential for an out-of-state applicant who relocates to California due to orders received from a branch of the United States Armed Forces that require the applicant's spouse to relocate to California. The provision applies to the following credentials: Single Subject (secondary), Multiple Subject (elementary) or Education Specialist (Special Ed) Teaching Credentials. This does not apply to the Certificate of Clearance fees.
Frequently Requested Credential Types
We've compiled a list of the most frequently requested credential types and links to the corresponding CTC leaflet explaining in detail the qualifications required to apply. Please review the appropriate CTC informational leaflet containing detailed application requirements. A complete listing of all credential types and leaflets can be found at the Commission's website.
- Administrator Services Credential CL-574
- Education Specialist Teaching Credential CL-808
- Foreign Transcript Evaluation CL-635
- Multiple Subject Teaching Credential CL-561
- School Counselor/School Psychologist CL-606
- Single Subject Teaching Credential CL-560
- Speech-Language Pathology Services CL-879
Teachers Trained Out of the Country
Requirements for the Clear Credential for individuals prepared outside of the United States, if not previously met with issuance of the Preliminary Credential, may consist of the following:
- A Certificate of Clearance (watch how-to video) issued by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (first-time applications) go online and apply at www.ctc.ca.gov. This will cost $52.50, but you will get a $50 discount when you apply for your CA credential
- Application fee of $50 money order or cashier's check payable to CTC for all applications ($100 if you not using a Certificate of Clearance credit).
- A completed 41-4 Application for Credential form
- A copy of the Live Scan request form returned to you by the fingerprint technician (Learn about SDCOE fingerprinting services.)
- Official Foreign Transcript Evaluation with your Bachelor's degree or higher showing all professional preparation including student teaching and a photocopy of same (the originals will be returned to you) Reminder: US territories do not need a Foreign Transcripts evaluation. Please use the "I have a credential in another state or US territory" section above to determine your requirements.
- Verification that you were issued or eligible for a comparable teaching credential earned in a country other than the United States. The credential does not have to be valid at the time of application. A photocopy of the credential is acceptable verification of this requirement.
- A completed Temporary County Certificate form
Once you are issued the 5 year preliminary, you will also be required to complete the following to clear the document:
- Coursework in Developing English Language Skills including Reading
- A course or exam on U.S. Constitution
- Subject Matter Competence – appropriate subject matter assessment
- Induction or a Commission-approved Clear credential program (if induction is not available)
If you have further questions, please contact an SDCOE Credential Technician at sdcred@sdcoe.net or (858) 298-2194.
explore credentialing help topics
To apply for a Certificate of Clearance, applicants must complete Live Scan fingerprinting (41-LS and Clearinghouse) and then apply online at the Commission of Teacher Credentialing website.
To update your name with the Commission it is necessary to complete and submit form 41-NC along with all the requested documentation. Access the form online, then submit it to our office or send it directly to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing at 1900 Capitol Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95811-4213.
Applicants seeking a first-time, renewal, or upgrade to their Child Development Permit must first submit the required paperwork and fees.
The CTC no longer prints nor mails a physical document to credential or permit holders. If you need a physical copy of your credential or permit, you will need to print a copy from the CTC website.
Learn more about the requirements to teach in California if you are an educator was has been trained in a different state or country.
If you need to register your credential with SDCOE, call 858-298-2194.
Renewing online three months prior to the expiration date usually allows enough time for the document to be granted and downloaded to our payroll system.
SDCOE is currently accepting all paper applications via U.S. mail at 6401 Linda Vista Road, Room 104, San Diego, CA 92111. Please allow approximately 3-4 weeks for processing time.
The Emergency 30-Day Substitute Teaching Permit authorizes the holder to serve as a day-to-day substitute teacher in any classroom, including preschool, kindergarten, and grades 1-12 inclusive, or in classes organized primarily for adults.