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Application Information

Application Information

We strongly recommend that you gather all application information and materials before beginning this online application process, and that you draft your narrative responses in a separate Word or Google Doc and then copy and paste them into the form.

The San Diego County Office of Education is pleased to share information about the application process for the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential program. Completed applications will be reviewed by our admissions committee on an ongoing basis. Applicants who are selected for the program must submit a non-refundable $400 deposit to confirm their PASC program enrollment. This deposit is credited toward program tuition.

Please review all eligibility, admission, and application requirements. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. 

You will be required to complete our online application form—including your contact information, professional history, supervisor contact information, reference names and email addresses, and written narrative responses—and to upload files containing your resume and verification of experience, and evidence of meeting the Basic Skills Requirement (BSR), using the forms available at the links below. 

Narrative Response Questions

To be submitted in Section 6 of the online application form

Consider your educational experiences especially those that have given you insights and opportunities in the area of leadership.  Please answer each question thoroughly, using formal academic voice and syntax.  Narrative responses are evaluated on writing that reflects examples and application of learning/doing and provides insight into the impact on teaching and/or outcomes for student learning/well-being.

A. Why would you like to participate in the SDCOE PASC Program? 

B. How does your background and experience qualify you for the program? 

C. What successes have you had as an instructional leader thus far? 

D. Describe the skills and knowledge needed to become an effective school leader.

Professional References 

To be entered in Section 7 of the online application form

Please provide the names and email addresses of three references, then use the Confidential Professional Reference Form to copy / send the link to your references.

One reference must be an immediate supervisor; the remaining two should be colleagues with knowledge of your leadership qualities, skills, and experiences. We encourage you to communicate with your references in advance to ensure their willingness to complete the recommendation process in a timely manner.

Eligibility Requirements

To be considered for acceptance in the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (PASC) Program, applicants must: 

  • Exhibit a deep understanding of teaching and learning
  • Have a strong desire to lead
  • Effectively collaborate with others
  • Possess strong verbal and written communication skills
  • Ensure equity and access for each and every student they serve
  • Be thoughtful and reflective educators who are ready for a relevant, rigorous, and innovative program.

Prerequisite Admission Requirements

  • Five years of successful full-time certificated experience in a public or private school (in state or out-of-state). This experience may be teaching, pupil personnel work, librarianship, health services, clinical or rehabilitative series, or a combination of teaching and school services equal to five years. (Must have 5 years of experience by completion of the program)
  • Verification of employment experience
  • A valid California clear of life teaching credential requiring a bachelor's degree and a program of professional preparation, including student teaching, or
  • A valid California clear or life Designated Subjects Teaching Credential, provided the holder also possesses a bachelor's or higher degree from a regionally-accredited college or university, or
  • A valid clear or life California Pupil Personnel Services Credential, Teacher Librarian Services Credential, Speech-Language Pathology Services Credential, Clinical or Rehabilitative Services Credential, or a School Nurse Services Credential, requiring a bachelor's degree and a program of professional preparation, including field practice or the equivalent. 
  • Possess a valid Clear California Teaching or Services Credential, including completion of basic skills requirement (BSR)

The admission process is highly competitive. The Admissions Review team reviews hundreds of applications to find the most qualified candidates for our cohorts. These cohorts are limited in size to ensure the best learning experiences. We receive many qualified applicants that meet the admission requirements, but due to the volume of applicants, we review all applications according to our guidelines and select the most qualified applicants.

Program Overview

  • Certification of all CTC requirements is accomplished through the PASC program
  • Aligned with the California Administrator Performance Expectations (CAPE)
  • Program cost is $8,900
  • Experienced and successful Pre K-12 practitioners who influence leadership across the county will serve as instructors for all classes.

Application Timeline

Thank you for your interest - The application window will re-open Spring 2025.  Please add your name to the Interest List to be notified when the application opens.


PASC Informational Video and Application Link

triangle SDCOE emblem

pasc program information

The San Diego County Office of Education is pleased to announce the application window for the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential program. Completed applications will be reviewed by our admissions committee on an ongoing basis.

PASC Program​ students complete seven rigorous courses that develop the necessary leadership competencies in vision and culture, instructional leadership, school improvement, community relationships, professional learning, organizational and systems leadership, and program evaluation.

Our innovative, competency-based program combines high-quality instruction and leading-edge research with contextualized fieldwork experiences that prepare you to be an effective educational leader.​