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4112.23 AR - Special Education Staff

  • 4000 Personnel
  • 4100 Certificated Personnel
4112.23 AR - Special Education Staff

Adopted: /14/24


Qualifications/Assignment of Special Education Teachers

Any teacher assigned to serve students with disabilities shall possess an appropriate credential or other authorization issued by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) that specifically authorizes him/her to teach students with the primary disability within the program placement recommended in the students' individualized education program (IEP).

The San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) may employ a person with an appropriate intern credential to provide classroom instruction to students with disabilities, provided they have met the subject matter requirement specified in Education Code 44325 and receives guidance, supervision, and professional development through an established intern program.

The county superintendent or their designee may request that the CTC issue a special education limited assignment teaching permit which authorizes a qualified special education teacher, with their written consent, to serve outside the specialty area of his/her credential. If the teacher has not yet obtained permanent status, the county superintendent or their designee shall assign one or more experienced educators in the special education subject area(s) of the permit, who have at least three years of full-time teaching experience in each of the subject area(s) of the permit, to provide guidance and assistance to the permit holder.

As needed, the SDCOE may apply to the CTC for an emergency permit for resource specialist services pursuant to 5 CCR 80023.2 and 80024.3.1.

When requesting either a limited assignment teaching permit or an emergency resource specialist permit, the county superintendent or their designee shall submit a Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators that satisfies the requirements of 5 CCR 80026 and has been approved by the County Board of Education at a regularly scheduled board meeting.

If there is a need to immediately fill a classroom vacancy or a suitable credentialed teacher cannot be found after a diligent search, the county superintendent or their designee may, as appropriate, apply to the CTC for a short-term staff permit pursuant to 5 CCR 80021, a provisional internship permit pursuant to 5 CCR 80021.1, or, as a last resort, a credential waiver.

Individuals providing related services to students with disabilities, including developmental, corrective, and other supportive and related services, shall meet the applicable qualifications specified in 5 CCR 3051-3051.24.

The Superintendent or designee shall provide ongoing professional development as needed to assist special education staff in updating and improving their knowledge and skills.

Whenever a candidate for a clear education specialist credential is employed by the County Office of Education, the Superintendent or designee shall, within 60 days of employment, collaborate with the candidate and, as applicable, with the college or university to develop an individualized induction plan including supported induction and job-related course of advanced preparation.

Resource Specialist

The duties of resource specialists shall include, but are not limited to:

  1. Providing instruction and services for students with disabilities whose needs have been identified in an IEP
  2. Conducting educational assessments
  3. Providing information and assistance for students with disabilities and their parents/guardians
  4. Providing consultation, resource information, and material regarding students with disabilities to staff members in the regular education program and the students' parents/guardians
  5. Coordinating special education services with the regular school program for each student with disabilities enrolled in the resource specialist program
  6. Monitoring student progress on a regular basis, participating in the review and revision of IEPs as appropriate, and referring students who do not demonstrate appropriate progress to the IEP team

7.     Providing services for secondary students that emphasize academic achievement, career and vocational development, and preparation for adult life

Any student who receives resource specialist services shall be assigned to regular classroom teacher(s) for a majority of the school day, unless his/her IEP team approves enrollment in the resource specialist program for a majority of the school day.  

Resource specialists shall not simultaneously be assigned to serve as resource specialists and to teach regular classes.

The SDCOE’s resource specialist program shall be under the direction of a resource specialist who possesses the qualifications specified in Education Code 56362.


The county superintendent or their designee shall ensure that caseloads for special education teachers are within the maximum caseloads established by law, the collective bargaining agreement, and/or the comprehensive plan of the Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) in which the SDCOE participates.

No resource specialist shall have a caseload which exceeds 28 students.  As necessary and with the agreement of the resource specialist, the County Board of Education may request a waiver from the State Board of Education to increase the caseload to no more than 32 students, provided that an individual resource specialist does not have a caseload exceeding 28 students for more than two school years and has the assistance of an instructional aide at least five hours daily during the period of the waiver.

The average caseload for language, speech, and hearing specialists shall not exceed 55 cases, unless the SELPA plan specifies a higher average caseload and states the reasons for the higher average caseload. The maximum caseload for speech and language specialists exclusively serving children with disabilities age 3-5 years shall not exceed 40.



Administrative Regulation:  4112.22

Legal Reference:  Education Code

44325, 44326, 44830.3, 56362.1, 56363.3, 56441.7

California Code of Regulations

5 CCR 3100, 80023.2, 80024.3.1, 80026, 80027.1, 80048.8.1, 80070.5

Code of Federal Regulations

34 CFR 300.34


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