3600 BP - Use of Technological Resources
- 3000 Business and Noninstructional Operations
Adopted: 8/13/97
Revised: 8/10/16
Reviewed: 8/10/16
The County Board of Education and the County Superintendent of Schools strongly encourage and endorse the use of technological resources to accomplish the mission of the San Diego County Office of Education and the goals of the County Board of Education with maximum efficiency and effectiveness. The County Board of Education supports the judicious use of public funds to achieve these objectives.
The Board encourages the County Superintendent of Schools to promote and support training opportunities for employees, students and their parents/guardians, and client school districts to maximize the use of technological resources for educational programs and business operations.
The County Superintendent of Schools shall maintain an administrative regulation that addresses the appropriate use of technological resources of the San Diego County Office of Education by his/her employees and by other users at facilities operated by the County Superintendent of Schools. The County Superintendent of Schools shall require that employees and students under his/her jurisdiction, as well as others who use the technological resources of the San Diego County Office of Education, read and sign an Acceptable Use Agreement prior to, and as a condition of, their use.
Board Policy: 10100, 0200
Administrative Regulation: 3600
Derivation: Adopted 8/13/97. Technical Revision 5/2/12. Amended (DATE).
Legal References:
Education Code
51006 - 51007
United States Code, Title 20
6751 – 6777
United States Code, Title 47
254(h) - 254(l)
Public Law 110-385
Broadband Data Services Improvement Act, sections 211, 215
Management Resources:
USAC Schools and Libraries Division (SLD): www.sl.universalservice.org/
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