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4007 BP - Affirmative Action, Employment

  • 4000 Personnel
4007 BP - Affirmative Action, Employment

Adopted: 3/10/76
Revised: 2/6/19


The County Board of Education and the county superintendent of schools recognize a basic commitment to equal opportunity for all individuals in seeking to employ or promote the best-qualified applicant for each vacancy or promotional opportunity. Likewise, the County Board of Education and the county superintendent of schools are committed to a program of affirmative action employment that is consistent with the above principle.

For purposes of this policy, "affirmative action employment program," as described in Education Code section 44101(a), means planned activities designed to seek, hire, and promote persons who are underrepresented in the workforce compared to their numbers in the population, including individuals with disabilities, women, and persons of minority racial and ethnic backgrounds. It is a conscious, deliberate step taken by the county superintendent of schools to assure equal employment opportunity for all staff members, in both certificated and classified assignments.

The county superintendent of schools is directed to develop an affirmative action employment program that includes, but is not limited to, the development of strategies for recruiting, training, and the provision of career-advancement opportunities that will result in an equitable representation of women and minorities in the workforce of the San Diego county superintendent of schools.




Derivation: Former Board Policy No. 4340 Adopted 3/10/76 and Amended 1/13/88. Amended and Renumbered 4007, 5/10/95. Amended 2/6/19.

Legal References:
Education Code 
200 - 260, 44100 - 44105, 44830 - 44830.5, 44858 
Government Code 
12900- 12996  
Title VI and VII, Civil Rights Act of 1964
Executive Order 11246 

Equal Pay Act of 1963 
Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 
The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 
Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972, as amended by the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 
California Code of Regulations, Title 5 

30 – 31 

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