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5140 AR - Student Wellness

  • 5000 Students
5140 AR - Student Wellness

Adopted: 3/21/16
Reviewed: 2/23/16


The County Superintendent of Schools understands that healthy eating and physical activity are critical for student achievement and is committed to providing a healthy school environment for students in schools under his/her jurisdiction. The County Superintendent establishes this administrative regulation to provide for implementation of the student wellness policy of the San Diego County Board of Education in the schools under his/her jurisdiction.

Student Wellness Advisory Council

The County Superintendent of Schools recognizes the importance of engaging parents/guardians, staff, and other stakeholders in support of student wellness activities and programs. A Student Wellness Advisory Council shall be established to facilitate stakeholder participation in the implementation and periodic review and update of the student wellness policy of the County Board of Education.

The Student Wellness Advisory Council may also advise on health-related issues, activities, and programs and may be involved in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of activities that promote student health.

The student wellness advisory council shall include representation from the various educational settings in which students are served and may include parents/guardians, students, food service employees, physical education and special education teachers, school health professionals, school administrators, and members of the public. Other groups or individuals, such as health educators, curriculum directors, counselors, before- and after-school program staff, health practitioners, and others interested in school health issues may also be invited to participate.


Program Implementation and Evaluation

The County Superintendent of Schools designates the administrators directing each of the school programs operated by the County Superintendent of Schools to implement programs and activities in the school programs under their direction that ensure compliance with the student wellness policy of the County Board of Education.

On a regular basis, the Student Wellness Advisory Council shall be convened by the designated administrators to participate in activities related to the implementation, evaluation, and update of the student wellness policy.

Student wellness programs and activities at school sites shall be aligned with the following components of the County Board of Education student wellness policy as presented in Board Policy 5140, Student Wellness:

  1. County Board of Education goals for nutrition promotion and education, physical activity, and other wellness activities are implemented to the greatest extent possible.
  2. Foods and beverages available during the school day are consistent with nutritional guidelines established by the County Board of Education, comply with state and federal law, and support the objectives of promoting student health and reducing childhood obesity.

Administrators directing each of the school programs operated by the County Superintendent of Schools shall invite feedback on wellness activities from the Student Wellness Advisory Council and other stakeholders such as food service personnel, school administrators, parents/guardians, students, teachers, and before- and afterschool program staff.

Designated administrators shall conduct assessments of the implementation and effectiveness of the student wellness policy in accordance with regulations of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Assessments may include, but are not limited to, the following indicators:

  1. An analysis of the nutritional content of school meals and snacks served in all schools and program based on a sample of menus
  2. Student participation rates in all school meal and/or snack programs, including the number of students enrolled in the free and reduced-price meals program compared to the number of students eligible for that program
  3. The extent to which foods and beverages available on campus outside the food services program comply with nutritional standards
  4.  A description of any other school-based wellness activities
  5. Results of the state's physical fitness test, if administered, at applicable grade levels
  6. An assessment of youth health risks and behaviors, school connectedness, protective factors, and school violence using the California Healthy Kids Survey. The California Healthy Kids Survey shall be administered to students in grades five, seven, nine, and eleven unless parents/guardians notify the school that they do not want their child to participate (opt out).

The public shall be informed of the assessment results at a regularly scheduled meeting of the County Board of Education.


Posting Requirements

The administrators overseeing the Juvenile Court and Community Schools and special education programs shall make the County Board of Education student wellness policy available to the public on the San Diego County Office of Education website and on each school website and shall ensure that it is posted in public view in all school cafeterias or central eating areas.




Board Policy: 5140

Administrative Regulation: 3570

Legal References:
Education Code
38086, 49430 – 49434, 49490 et seq.
California Code of Regulations, Title 5
15500-15065, 15575 - 15578
United States Code, Title 42
1751 – 1769, 1771 – 1791
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 7
210.1 – 210.31, 220.8, 220.12

Management Resources:
California Department of Education, Nutrition Services Division:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
Monitoring for Success: A Guide for Assessing and Strengthening Student Wellness Policies, California School Boards Association, 2012
Student Wellness: A Healthy Food and Physical Activity Policy Resource Guide, California School Boards Association, 2012
United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service:

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