Bullying and Harassment Prevention
The San Diego Office of Education (SDCOE) and the state of California both believe that all pupils deserve and need safe and supportive school environments in which to learn.
The Safe Place to Learn Act of 2016 established state policy "to ensure that all local educational agencies continue to work to reduce discrimination, harassment, violence, intimidation, and bullying. It is further the policy of the state to improve pupil safety at schools and the connections between pupils and supportive adults, schools, and communities."
In support of the Safe Place to Learn Act, Assembly Bill 34 passed in September 2019 (and is reflected in Ed Code 5.6/234.6) stipulating that specified information on bullying and harassment prevention must be easily accessible and readily available to students, parents, and guardians on each local education agency's website. SDCOE has compiled below a list of resources, policies, and procedures to help inform stakeholders of the organization's approach to creating safe and supportive learning environments for all students, including bullying and harassment prevention information.
Each item in Education Code Section 5.6/234.6 is listed on this page with corresponding support resources and materials found in the accordion menu.
- Items 1 and 2: Pupil Suicide Prevention
- Item 3: Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex
- Items 4 and 5: Title IX Information
- Item 6: LEA's Written Policy on Sexual Harassment
- Item 7: LEA's Policy on Preventing and Responding to Hate Violence
- Items 8 and 9: Important Information on LEA's Anti-Bullying Policies
- Items 10, 11, and 12: Social Media Bullying, Statewide Resources, and Additional Information