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Civil Discourse in the History-Social Science Classroom Day 2
San Diego County Office of Education - 6401 Linda Vista Road (92111)

In today's educational climate, many history-social science and ethnic studies teachers are looking to collaborate with others to identify and share best practices for teaching with and for civil discourse. This two-part workshop is intended for secondary teachers who would like to:

● think deeply about the role of discussion in education and in democracy;

● synthesize current theory and scholarship on civic dialogue; and

● share/obtain practical tools and strategies.

Day 1(No fee): Participants will hear from Dr. Judith Pace, author of Hard Questions: Learning to Teach Controversial Issues.

Day 2 (For teams of 2 or more $50 per person) (Individual registration $60): Participants will learn about and discuss strategies for improving student engagement, improving academic outcomes, and minimizing conflict when discussing current events and contested histories.


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