College and Career Readiness
Connect the educational experience to the world of work, to guarantee all students graduate prepared for college, career, and beyond. - San Diego County Board of Education Board Goal 1
Today's schools must prepare students to take on jobs that tackle our community's most pressing problems using advanced technology.
The challenge is clear: We must connect education to the world of work. Through project-based learning, work-based learning, career technical education, and other modern approaches of integrating career concepts into core curriculum, we can prepare students for careers in high-wage, high-growth industries.
Join us for our upcoming professional learning opportunities or explore our archived content.
Sign up for our monthly newsletter, the Career Pathway Navigator, for upcoming opportunities, events, and resources.
About Career Readiness
SDCOE is launching a new podcast, The Future Starts with You, where we explore career readiness initiatives with people doing the real work in the field, from the classroom to administrators, industry and beyond. Each episode features a 20-minute interview highlighting the work of a K12 career education champion.
Join us to learn about creating futures without boundaries - the future starts with you.
contact us
Margie de Ruyter
Coordinator, Career Pathways
Linda Vista Campus
Innovation Division