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Distance Learning Units of Study

The San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) designed units of study in grades K-12 that are focused on grade-level essential learnings in each content area. These units were purposefully designed to integrate content, provide flexibility, and choice. The units of study connect content in the following areas: English language arts, English language development, mathematics, science, history/social science, arts, computer science, and physical education through integrated study in K-5 and thematic units in grades 6 through high school. Assessment opportunities (formative and summative) and student feedback are embedded and intentionally developed.

How to Download

These open-source units are available in Google to ensure maximum flexibility for educators to personalize them for use with their preferred instructional platform. To access, select your grade level and unit, download or copy the files, and use the resources in your preferred distance learning instructional platform.

How to Use

View professional learning video tutorials to learn more about how you can utilize the San Diego County Office of Education Distance Learning Units of Study.

Learning at Home BINGO

In 2020, the San Diego County Office of Education partnered with The San Diego Union-Tribune to develop Learning at Home Bingo, a weekly series available digitally and in paper format, so everyone regardless of access to a device or the internet could participate. The weekly lessons integrated different content areas across grades K-12. Each activity is accessible for all students and support the efforts of parents and teachers. 

Distance Learning BINGO


Balance is the ability to control of stabilize the body when a person is standing still or moving. To achieve balance, one must keep their center of gravity (ex: torso) balance over their base of support (ex: feet). Balance is a critical element in most sports and physical activities.

Materials needed: Open space, with a soft surface (carpet, grass, etc.) that is free of obstacles and provides ample room to move.


Intensity describes how hard someone is exercising. There are specific indicators and hints that can be used to monitor intensity.

Materials needed: Space to move safely, that is free from obstacles. Equipment and/or music you enjoy moving to!


Nutrition goes hand in hand with exercise. It is important to fuel our body with healthy nutrients so the we have what we need to be physically active and healthy.

Materials needed: A healthy recipe and required ingredients/kitchen equipment, drinking water, food label.


Goal setting empowers each of us to make meaningful change in our life. Having a clear focus on things you would like to improve and working strategically to achieve goals allows us to control who we are mentally, physically and emotionally.

Materials needed: Paper and something to write with.


The Principle of Overload tells us that to improve our fitness levels, we need to increase the demand we put on our bodies when we exercise. We can increase overload by using the FITT Principle:

  • Frequency: how often we exercise
  • Intensity: how hard we exercise
  • Time: how long we exercise
  • Type: participating in more challenging activities;

Materials needed: Paper and something to write with.