Health and Physical Education
The ultimate objective of health and physical education is to empower students with health and physical literacy. We do this by:
- Engaging students with meaningful learning experiences that develop their understanding, skills, mindsets and beliefs
- Giving students autonomy in their learning
- Inspiring students to apply learning in all aspects of life and in their community
- Fostering a sense of belonging
- Providing equitable access
- Making learning fun and relevant!
Services Available
- 2024-25 SDCOE Health and Physical Education Professional Learning Calendar
- Guiding Resource Curation
- Customized Services for Districts/Sites (Professional Learning, Coaching, Strategic Planning, Curriculum Design/Identification, and more!)
- Support with Ed Code Compliance (Federal Program Monitoring, Physical Fitness Testing, CA Healthy Youth Act, etc)
- Networking and Collaboration
stay informed
SDCOE Announces Resources to Update Physical Education Programming!
- CFHL-PEP Mini-Grants: Apply now to receive $7500 - $75,000 to update physical education programming. Check out the SDCOE CFHL-PEP Mini-Grant Description, Criteria and Application for more information.
- FREE Professional Learning: All physical education professional learning by SDCOE is free to all San Diego County educators.
- FREE Technical Assistance: Email for more information.
Apply Now
Mini-grant funding available from $7,500 - $75,000 for qualified districts/schools to update physical education programming and increase students’ physical activity.
This work supports the Live Well San Diego vision for healthy, safe, and thriving communities. Funded by USDA SNAP, an equal opportunity provider.
Critical NEW Resources
SHAPE America recently released New National Standards for both Health and Physical Education. Click on the links below to learn more about these exciting new resources. They are game changers!
NEW SHAPE America National Physical Education Standards: Educator Kit (released March 2024)
NEW SHAPE America National Health Education Standards: Educator Kit (released March 2024)
2024-25 Health and Physical Education Updates
The California Department of Education (CDE) has released the California Preschool/Transitional Kindergarten Learning Foundations (PTKLF).
The SDCOE Health and Physical Education Leadership Cadre recently released two documents that define “First Best Instruction” for physical education in terms of learning environment, instruction, curriculum, assessment and professionalism.
Share the New Reference Guide for Physical Education in California Schools!
More to Explore
- Professional Learning and Networking Opportunities
- Health and Physical Education Literacy, Standards and Framework
- Research, Articles and Resources
- CA Ed Code and Legislative Updates
- San Diego CAHPERD Unit
- Health and Physical Education Monthly Update Archive
- Local, State, and National Professional Organizations/Partners
Professional Learning and Networking Opportunities
Health and Physical Education Literacy, Standards and Framework
Research, Articles and Resources
CA Ed Code and Legislative Updates
San Diego CAHPERD Unit
Health and Physical Education Monthly Update Archive
Local, State, and National Professional Organizations/Partners