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Mentoring 2.0

Mentoring 2.0

Certificate Overview

How will you ensure your mentors are continuing to push their practice to the next level? San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) Teacher Effectiveness and Preparation Unit built Mentoring 2.0 as an online experience to help districts satisfy CTC program standards related to ongoing training for mentors.  

Preliminary Credential Programs Standard 3 and  Common Standard 3 calls for recent and ongoing training in various areas of coaching and classroom pedagogy for anyone supervising preservice teachers, intern teachers, and beginning teachers.  

The content is ideal for mentors with prior mentoring experience, peer mentors, PAR mentors, or any educator in the role of supporting, teaching and learning.

About the Training

The training covers eight hours of content completed at your own pace over four weeks, completely online managed by a facilitator / instructor, and delivered in three distinct modules covering:

  • Developing a coaching stance
  • Multiple coaching supports
  • Understanding and valuing adult learners
  • Goal setting
  • Managing difficult coaching situations 

Each Mentor receives a badge of certification that is portable as evidence of having been trained, and any district participating will have access to their database of Mentors and their training dates (for accreditation purposes).

Next Session

January 20th - May 23rd, 2025

Register Online for Session 17


  • $50 per participant (paid by preparation program if your participation is required)
  • Optional 3 units of university credit
  • Purchase orders and credit cards are accepted
  • Credit card payment links are sent after registering


Valeria Diaz
Program Secretary


triangle SDCOE emblem

other certificate courses

SDCOE built an online training to help universities and districts satisfy the most recent Teaching Credential Program Standards and Teacher Induction Standards in California.

Built for educators to ensure all students, regardless of exceptionality, receive high-quality educational opportunities in classrooms. As schools develop their Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) and most effective learning environments, the Certificate in Inclusive School Practices can help build capacity in your teaching teams, leadership, and support staff on campus.

How will you ensure your mentors are continuing to push their practice to the next level? SDCOE built Mentoring 2.0 as an online experience to help districts satisfy CTC program standards related to ongoing training for mentors. 

Whether you have been recently selected to serve in the very important role of "paraeducator" in a school setting, or have served in this role for some time, this experience will provide you with the knowledge and tools to work cooperatively and effectively alongside your fellow paraeducator and teacher colleagues. The blended delivery model offers you both synchronous support and asynchronous content delivered in 6 distinct modules over a period of 6 week

How will you ensure that all support personnel for your PPS candidates are prepared to supervise fieldwork? SDCOE built an online training to help universities and districts satisfy the most recent Pupil Personnel Services Standards in California.

Gain practical strategies and useful information from experts in the field, including teachers, site and district administrators, human resource officers, and credentialing professionals. Receive a substitute teacher manual and classroom resources you can use tomorrow!

The purpose of the TPSL is to fill assignments where a teacher of record will be out due to an identified statutory leave. The TPSL is not an option to fill teacher vacancies, and shall be restricted to the LEA requesting the permit.