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Teacher induction program information

Questions? Contact

  • Partnership

Administrators play an important role in the success of new teachers. School and district administrators who​ support new teachers in becoming fully qualified and credentialed, increase new teacher retention rates and improve the quality of educational experiences for students.

  • Candidate
  • Contacts
  • Early Completion Option (ECO)
  • Mentor
  • Partnership
  • Resources
  • University Credit

Please use these contacts to reach out if you have any questions or need more information about the Teacher Induction Clear Credential Program.

  • Candidate
  • Early Completion Option (ECO)

The CCTC-approved San Diego County Office of Education Teacher Induction Program provides the Early Completion Option (ECO) to all qualifying program participants. All Teacher Induction candidates enrolled in the program are apprised of the opportunity to apply for this option. This option is intended to serve experienced and exceptional candidates.

  • Resources

Please view the provided responses to some of the most frequently asked questions related to induction and the SDCOE induction program.

  • Mentor

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Being a mentor is a highly rewarding position. ​Not only do you have the opportunity to support another teacher throughout their first two years of the profession, but you also receive training and experience that will make you an asset to your school community.

  • Candidate

Through Action Research (cycles of inquiry) candidates will develop an Individual Learning Plan that includes professional growth goals, a description of how the candidate will work to meet those goals, defined and measurable outcomes, and planned opportunities to reflect on progress and modify the ILP as needed.

  • Resources

The San Diego County Office of Education offers a two-year commission-approved program to teachers seeking to clear their preliminary credential.​​ California Teacher Induction is a state-led program in conjunction with the California Department of Education and the Commission on Teacher Credentialing

  • Candidate
  • Mentor
  • University Credit

SDCOE offers units for Teacher Induction through partnerships with CSUSM, University of Massachusetts Global (formerly Brandman), USD, Point Loma, and University of the Pacific.