Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Resources
Q: What is induction?
A: Induction is a required component of California's two-tier credentialing system. After having obtained a preliminary credential through a preparation program as the first tier, teacher candidates complete induction as the second tier of preparation.
Induction is a two-year, job-embedded individualized program that is focused on extensive support and mentoring to new teachers in their first and second years.
Q: How do I know if I need induction?
A: You can look up your credential(s) on the CTC website:
After looking up your record, if you click on your credential (so that it appears highlighted in yellow), you should see a section towards the bottom of the page labeled renewal requirements. In that section, if you have a renewal code which references completion of an induction program, that would indicate that you need to complete an induction program. The renewal codes for induction should be one of the following: R14I, PRO, or RSGN.
SDCOE would be happy to verify if you need induction and will confirm that everyone registering for the program does need induction.
Q: I taught out of state. Do I need induction?
A: You might. It may depend on how long you taught out of state and how you applied to the CTC when transferring your credential to CA. Please feel free to contact to discuss further.
Q: What if I have other renewal requirements listed besides induction?
A: You will need to meet any additional renewal requirements before SDCOE is able to recommend you for a clear credential after completing induction. If at all possible, it is strongly recommended that you work to complete additional renewal requirements during the time you are enrolled in induction. If you have not completed these additional requirements prior to completing induction, SDCOE will retain your information. You will be responsible to notify the program once you have met the requirements, at which time we will be able to make the recommendation for your clear credential.
Q: I have more than one credential. Will I be able to clear more than one credential through induction?
A: If you hold Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Education Specialist credentials, you will be able to clear all of them by completing the SDCOE induction program. It will not require additional work to clear multiple credentials.
Q: Can induction be waived if I have a Master’s or other advanced degree?
A: No, induction would still be required.
Q: When does induction take place?
A: The induction year runs from approximately mid-September to May. Registration for the program takes place between late August and mid-September.
Q: When is the cutoff for registering for the SDCOE induction program?
A: Registration for induction closes in mid-September. There is not an option to start the program midyear.
Q: What sort of time commitment does induction require?
A: Accreditation standards for induction programs require that teacher candidates communicate with their mentor for an hour per week on average. Besides the regular communication between teachers and mentors, the assignment used by the SDCOE induction program may require teachers to spend around 1-2 hours per week to make adequate progress, with some weeks possibly requiring more and some weeks less.
Induction is considered a responsibility outside of one's normal teaching assignment, so candidates may need to devote time during after-school hours, breaks, or weekends in order to meet deadlines.
Q: How long is the induction program?
A: Induction programs were designed as a two-year, job-embedded system of support. The vast majority of teachers completing induction will complete the program in two years.
Q: Is there an accelerated or shorter option than two years?
A: Legislation establishes the availability of an Early Completion Option (ECO). This option is intended for "experienced" and "exceptional" candidates. Factors such as the program cost or an individual's credential expiration date are not considered as part of the approval process for ECO. Interested individuals are encouraged to review the information about the application process and eligibility on the induction website. Submission of an ECO application does not guarantee approval. Submission of an application would only happen after a candidate has registered and discussed the viability of this option with their district lead.
Q: I already know that my district is partnered with the SDCOE induction program. What should I do to get started?
A: If you are already aware of who the district lead (person who coordinates induction) is within your district, you can contact them directly. If you are not sure who the district lead is, you are welcome to fill out the interest list (which is published in May each year), and we will forward your information to the district lead to follow up with you.
Q: My school/district does not currently partner with SDCOE induction. How can I determine if I might be able to register for the SDCOE program?
A: In May each year, we post an interest list on the induction website. If you complete the interest list, we will contact an administrator at your school to determine if a partnership can be formed which would allow you to register for the SDCOE induction program.
Q: Can I participate in induction if I am a part time teacher?
A: Maybe. The decision would often be made by your district about whether part time teachers are eligible to participate. Please feel free to contact to discuss your position further.
Q: Can I participate in induction if my position is not a standard classroom teaching position (Ex: Non-classroom teaching, Remote teaching, etc.)?
A: Maybe. If you hold a position where you are a teacher of record and see a core group of students consistently throughout the year, it is possible that you would be able to participate. Please feel free to contact to inquire further about your specific position.
Q: Can I participate in induction if I am not in a teaching position?
A: Most likely not, but feel free to contact to discuss the position further.
Q: Can I participate in induction if I have a planned leave during the year?
A: If the leave will be longer than 8 weeks, then you would not be able to participate. If the leave will be shorter than 8 weeks, you would need to work with the district lead for your school/district to make necessary arrangements.
Q: What is the cost for induction?
A: The cost of the SDCOE induction program is determined by the option chosen by the candidate's employing district when establishing a partnership with SDCOE induction. The cost for a teacher would be either $2500 or $1000 per year, or there may be no cost if the candidate's employer has elected to cover the cost.
Q: When is payment due for induction and do I need to pay the full balance all at once?
A: After registering, teachers will receive instructions to submit payment, with the first payment due by September 15. Teachers may elect to pay the balance in full or in five, equal monthly installments on the 15th each month from September to January.
Q: Is there any financial assistance to help pay for induction?
A: There is not financial assistance offered through SDCOE. SDCOE does maintain relationships with some financial institutions which may offer products such as loans geared towards educators. Some of these programs may be eligible to use for induction program costs. One of those financial institutions is Schools First Credit Union.
If considering a loan program through a financial institution, please note that a teacher would need to have completed the process with the institution in order to have the funds available to make the first payment by September 15.
Q: Can I participate in induction with an intern credential?
A: No, intern credentials are not eligible to register for induction.
Q: Can I participate in induction if I do not live in San Diego County?
A: It depends. If your school/district is willing to partner with SDCOE induction by signing an induction agreement, then there is no requirement that you live in San Diego County.
Q: If my credential expires before I will finish induction, do I need to obtain an extension?
A: Yes, if your credential expires anytime before June of the year you will complete the induction program, then you would need to apply for an extension. If you are registered in the SDCOE induction program, you can work with SDCOE induction staff to apply for an extension.
Q: What if I complete one year of induction and then I do not return to the same school/district?
A: SDCOE can provide a letter verifying your completion of year 1 of induction. You will be able to provide that letter to another induction program to be registered in year 2.
Q: What if I already completed one year of induction prior to registering for the SDCOE induction program?
A: During the registration process, you will be asked if you have previously completed year 1 of induction with another program. If you indicate that you have already completed year 1 elsewhere, SDCOE program staff will follow up to request a letter verifying completion of year 1. Once your completion of year 1 can be verified, you would be registered for year 2.
Q: If I need to leave my position midway through the school year, will I receive partial credit?
A: There is no partial credit
If you have additional questions about the SDCOE induction program, please contact:
Teacher induction program information
Questions? Contact
- Partnership
Administrators play an important role in the success of new teachers. School and district administrators who support new teachers in becoming fully qualified and credentialed, increase new teacher retention rates and improve the quality of educational experiences for students.
- Candidate
- Contacts
- Early Completion Option (ECO)
- Mentor
- Partnership
- Resources
- University Credit
Please use these contacts to reach out if you have any questions or need more information about the Teacher Induction Clear Credential Program.
- Candidate
- Early Completion Option (ECO)
The CCTC-approved San Diego County Office of Education Teacher Induction Program provides the Early Completion Option (ECO) to all qualifying program participants. All Teacher Induction candidates enrolled in the program are apprised of the opportunity to apply for this option. This option is intended to serve experienced and exceptional candidates.
- Resources
Please view the provided responses to some of the most frequently asked questions related to induction and the SDCOE induction program.
- Mentor
Being a mentor is a highly rewarding position. Not only do you have the opportunity to support another teacher throughout their first two years of the profession, but you also receive training and experience that will make you an asset to your school community.
- Candidate
Through Action Research (cycles of inquiry) candidates will develop an Individual Learning Plan that includes professional growth goals, a description of how the candidate will work to meet those goals, defined and measurable outcomes, and planned opportunities to reflect on progress and modify the ILP as needed.
- Resources
The San Diego County Office of Education offers a two-year commission-approved program to teachers seeking to clear their preliminary credential. California Teacher Induction is a state-led program in conjunction with the California Department of Education and the Commission on Teacher Credentialing
- Candidate
- Mentor
- University Credit
SDCOE offers units for Teacher Induction through partnerships with CSUSM, University of Massachusetts Global (formerly Brandman), USD, Point Loma, and University of the Pacific.