CDE Resources (.doc)
2021 Revision of the Mathematics Framework
The Mathematics Framework is scheduled to be revised by 2021, accordingly, the work will begin with focus groups across the state in the Fall of 2019. The Mathematics Instructional Materials adoption is scheduled to follow in 2022 with a projected San Diego Instructional Materials Fair in early 2023.
2019 Revision of the World Language Standards
The IQC has recommended the guidelines for the revision of the standards to the SBE, who will act on the guidelines on January 18-19, 2018. The 2019 WL Standards will have goals aligned with other content standards:
- Support multilingualism for CA's unique and diverse student population
- Reflect the language and guiding principles of the CA ELD Standards
- Include a path toward attaining the State Seal of Biliteracy
Instructional materials aligned to these new standards are projected to be made available in November 2021.
2019 Revision of the Visual and Performing Arts Standards
Education Code (EC) Section 60605.13 calls for the state superintendent of public instruction (SSPI), in consultation with the IQC, to recommend to the SBE revisions to the current Visual and Performing Arts Content Standards for Public Schools, Prekindergarten Through Grade Twelve (VAPA Standards) in the subjects of dance, music, theater, and visual arts, and recommend standards in the subject of media arts, on or before January 31, 2019. The SSPI is to consult with the IQC and select a group of experts to form a VAPA Standards Advisory Committee (VAPA SAC) to assist with making these revisions and recommendations. The National Core Arts Standards are to serve as the basis for deliberations.
California educators and content experts applied for appointment to the VAPA SAC in September and October. The work of the VAPA SAC will be conducted February through May of 2018, and be directed by a set of guidelines developed as an outcome of several focus groups conducted throughout the state in early 2017. Interested stakeholders may follow the revision process and learn about opportunities to participate by subscribing to the VAPA listserv. Send a blank email to
2018 Science Instructional Materials Adoption
The California State Board of Education adopted 29 of the 34 publisher-submitted science programs. The San Diego LRDC hosted an instructional materials fair showcasing the approved science materials on Feb. 6, 2019.
View 2018 SBE Recommended Science Programs
2018 Draft of the Computer Science Standards
A draft of the computer science standards developed by the Computer Science Standards Advisory Committee (CSSAC) will be presented to the IQC in March 2018. After the IQC takes action, there will be a 60-day comment and public review period. In July 2018, the IQC will analyze the public review of standards to the State Board of Education (SBE). The SBE will take action on the IQC's recommended Computer Science Standards at their September 2018 meeting. Further information can be found on the Computer Science Education web page. It's important to note there will not be an open adoption call for instructional materials from CDE for the subject area of Computer Science.
2017 History-Social Science Materials Adoption
On Nov. 9, 2017, the SBE adopted 10 out of the 12 History-Social Science instructional programs submitted for recommendation by the Instructional Quality Commission. The Clearinghouse for Specialized Media and Technology is preparing for the receipt of the final versions of the 2017 H-SS instructional materials and electronic copies from publishers to begin the process of creating alternate accessible formats in April 2018. View a complete adoption report and a full listing of these materials.