Library Media Services
The San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) offers leadership, support, and information to educators and staff in school districts countywide. SDCOE also provides instructional resources to schools and colleges through contracting services.
Librarian of record
SDCOE makes it easy to connect your district or charter school with a credentialed librarian as required by state law. Whether it's reading, research, or technology, a certificated librarian is the key to transforming the library media center into the hub of any learning community.
For more information, contact:
Jonathan Hunt
California streaming
CaliforniaStreaming is a valuable resource for educators to enhance instruction with engaging online content vetted and curated by the California County Education Technology Consortium. A virtual library of educational resources is available at school and at home for teachers and students at sites contracting for services.
View/download flyer for free trial.
learning resources consortium
Members of the San Diego and Imperial Counties Community Colleges Learning Resources Consortium (SDICCCLRC) share audiovisual services and maintain a single collection of their individually owned educational media in a common repository accessible to all parties, and housed with SDCOE Library Media Services. Meetings are held in the fall and spring facilitated by SDCOE.
More to Explore
- Professional Learning Opportunities
- Everyone a Reader Program
- CaliforniaStreaming
- Instructional Media Resource Associate Certification
- Archived Webcasts
- Professional Resources
Professional Learning Opportunities
Everyone a Reader Program
Instructional Media Resource Associate Certification
Archived Webcasts
Professional Resources