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Multi-Tiered System of Support

MTSS, PBIS, RtI2, SEL! Ever wondered what these acronyms and practices really mean? What are the differences and similarities? How are they related? What do these practices look like in your local educational agency and how can we make it better?

This presentation on the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Framework includes some additional information about scaling up districtwide efforts, and you can learn more about California's definition of MTSS.

What is MTSS?

Three local educational agencies in San Diego County explain how the definition of MTSS has come alive for them in a series of videos.

San Diego Global Vision Academy branding

San Diego Global Vision Academy

Video | Transcript (PDF)

SDUSD logo

​San Diego Unified School District

Video | Transcript (PDF)

EJE logo

Excellence and Justice in Education (EJE) Academies

Video | Transcript (PDF)

More to Explore

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Main contacts

Erin Dare
Senior Director

Gail Paradeza
MTSS Coordinator

Felicia Singleton-Daniel
Executive Director, Whole Child and Community Design

Jenee Peevy
Coordinator, System of Support