Dual Language
Types of Bilingual Programs
Dual language immersion (two-way) is language learning and academic instruction for native speakers of English and native speakers of another language. The goals of dual-language immersion programs are language proficiency and academic achievement in students' first and second languages and cross-cultural understanding. This program is typically found in kindergarten through grade 8 but may be offered through grade 12.
Developmental bilingual provides instruction for English learners utilizing English and students' native language for literacy and academic instruction, with the goals of language proficiency and academic achievement in students' first and second languages. This program is typically found in kindergarten through grade 8.
Transitional bilingual provides instruction for English learners utilizing English and students' native language for literacy and academic instruction, with the goals of language proficiency and academic achievement in English. Students typically transition to "English only" instruction by 3rd grade. This program is typically found in kindergarten through grade 3, but may be offered at higher grade levels.
One-way developmental or one-way immersion provides instruction in English and another language for non-speakers of the other language, with the goals of language proficiency and academic achievement in English and the other language, and cross-cultural understanding. This program is typically found in kindergarten through grade 8.
Heritage language or indigenous language provides instruction in English and another language for non-English speakers or students with limited literacy skills in their first language. Indigenous language programs support endangered minority languages in which students may have limited receptive and no productive skills. Both programs often serve American Indian students. This program is typically found in kindergarten through grade 12.
FLEX or Foreign Language Elementary Experience provides instruction for non-native speakers of the targeted language, with the goals of exposure, enrichment, and language experience. Typically during a designated period of the school day or after-school program (usually a few times a week) providing basic exposure to a language. This program is typically found in kindergarten through grade eight.
FLES or Foreign Language in Elementary Schools provides instruction for non-native speakers of the target language during a designated period of the school day or after-school program dedicated to language study. This program is typically found in kindergarten through grade eight.
Native Speaker Courses are courses of language study designed for native speakers of the target language, typically offered in grades seven through twelve.
Professional Learning Opportunities
Recognizing the immediate and practical value of learning on-site, SDCOE hosts multiple visitations to successful dual-language school sites yearly. Dates and locations range from elementary, middle, high school, and K-8 programs with various models of multilingual education across the county. If you wish to learn directly how diverse dual language programs work, register and join the visits.
This two-day, in-person series is designed to improve an already existing dual language program. Teams composed of a district champion, a site administrator, at least two representative teachers, and another staff or community member (e.g. counselors, parents, etc.) gather to revisit critical components of successful dual language programs and revise/create their dual language plan. If your community needs to re-inspire and revamp a dual language program, please email us to discuss this offering.
This two-day in-person series is designed to assist schools/districts in launching a dual language program the following school year. Teams composed of a district champion, a site administrator, at least two representative teachers, and another staff or community member (e.g. counselors, parents, etc.) gather to learn critical components of successful dual language programs and draft a plan to establish their own local DL program. If your community needs assistance to create a dual language program, please email us to discuss this offering.
The Multilingual Education and Global Achievement department at the San Diego County Office of Education, along with the California Department of Education's Multilingual Support Division invite you to the Dual Language Program Implementation Network (DuaLPIN) meetings.
Bilingual Program Resources
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