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Project GLAD

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Project GLAD

Guided Language Acquisition Design


Guided Language Acquisition Design (GLAD®) is an instructional model for TK-12 that supports the vision of the California English Learner Roadmap policy by strengthening educational programs and practices for English learners. Project GLAD® supports the implementation of integrated English-language development (ELD) and designated ELD. This model provides full and meaningful access to a 21st century education that results in attaining high levels of language proficiency and mastery of grade level standards.

Project GLAD® Professional Learning Series

Project GLAD® Foundations consists of two parts:

  • Part 1: Research and Theory ($500 per participant)
  • Part 2: In Classroom Demonstration ($700 per participant )

Project GLAD® is most effective when teams of teachers from the same site or district participate and learn together. San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) will work with schools and districts to coordinate our research and theory webinars and in-classroom demonstrations at times and locations convenient for your specific schedules.​

Note: Materials and resources included in the price. 

Part 1 must be completed prior to enrollment in Part 2.

Ongoing Support for Project GLAD® Implementation

Once your site has completed Part 1 of the Project GLAD® professional learning series, you have the opportunity to send
a lead from your school site to attend the SDCOE Project GLAD® Network. The purpose of the network is to create
a culture of learning by sharing resources to build precision and pedagogical practices to improve student learning, support designated ELD and integrated ELD, and the implementation of the CA EL Roadmap.


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main contacts

Dr. Rima Haroun
Coordinator, MEGA
Linda Vista Campus

Norma Gómez-Michel
Coordinator, MEGA
Linda Vista Campus 

Dr. Staci Block
Executive Leadership Coach, MEGA
Linda Vista Campus

Lydia Cruz

Administrative Assistant I