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Professional Networks

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Professionals networking at a large meeting

Connecting school employees with their peers

Professional networks present many benefits: sharing of knowledge and effective practices with regional leaders, opportunities to get feedback or seek solutions for specific issues, and collegial communication focused on a common purpose. 

counseling for career readiness network

Are you a school counselor? Join this network to discover the strategies and tools you need to support students as they plan for their future, get insight into CTE programs, and learn more about how you can build career readiness opportunities at your school

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CTE Network

Are you a CTE leader in San Diego County? Join the CTE Leaders Network! We meet monthly to cover everything you need to know about CTE, and are also developing opportunities focused on CTE in Alternative Education and Career Readiness at the Elementary Level.

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Curriculum and Instruction Networks

The San Diego County Office of Education is proud to offer networks for curriculum and instruction leaders, administrators, and educators. Register online for upcoming leadership networking events, or explore content-area specific events on the Curriculum and Instruction pages.

Explore Curriculum and Instruction

Data and Assessment Network

​​​Data and Assessment Network meetings are held regularly to provide timely updates to district administrators and provide an opportunity for participants to explore and exchange promising practices.

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Dual Language Network

The Dual Language Design Thinking Network is a collaborative effort supported through a partnership with the California Association for Bilingual Education. This network provides a forum for nationwide dialogue among dual language leaders who strive to redesign dual language programs as current challenges are addressed, and opportunities are recognized and seized.

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ed tech network

Authentic, relevant technology integration through networking. San Diego county educators exchange ideas, gather resources, and build community while sharing successes and challenges.

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Educator Pathways

The SDCOE Educator Pathways Community of Practice is a free affinity group open to educators from historically underrepresented groups. We welcome current and prospective educators across the state, whether certificated or classified!

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Esports network

Join educators throughout San Diego county who are providing students safe, fun, and competitive opportunities while introducing them to school and career pathways in the field of computer science and gaming, and even the potential for college scholarships. 

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MEGA Network

Bilingual directors can participate in the Multilingual Education and Global Achievement (MEGA) Network, which provides current and critical information and resources, California Department of Education updates, and high-need topics related to language learners.

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South county education network

The South County Professional Development Consortium works in collaboration with districts, colleges, and SDCOE to provide professional development opportunities, support, and resources; facilitate articulation and data sharing related to content standards, instructional materials and assessment; develop understanding of state mandates and legislative issues; and more.

Meetings are held monthly at the South County Regional Education Center (800 National City Blvd., National City). Educators can call 619-470-5200 to learn more.

State and Federal Programs Leadership Network

Each of the local educational agencies in San Diego County has an administrator who oversees state and federal programs. These administrators meet on a regular basis to network and share information. Scheduled time 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. More information is TBD.

State and Federal Programs