Improvement Networks
Join other school teams in 2024-25 to learn and apply an improvement approach to a common problem and achieve rapid improvement.
Modeled after the Institute for Healthcare Improvement's Breakthrough Series College, these improvement networks are designed to support school teams in implementing and adapting existing knowledge and proven practices to their local settings in order to accomplish a common aim. Each network provides a collaborative structure for learning and action, combining subject matter experts and improvement advisors with school-based practitioners to make targeted changes that produce dramatic results. School teams of three to five people commit to a 10- to 15-month program that includes an introductory webinar, three face-to-face learning sessions, and three site-based action periods.
A year-long improvement network for elementary and middle schools committed to reducing their chronic absence rate and improving student attendance with a focus on structures and routines, relationships, communication, and climate/culture.
Applications for Cohort 6 will be released in January 2025 with a launch in June/August 2025.
The Middle School Aspire Network is designed specifically for middle school staff to look at how to create experiences that develop students’ readiness for success in middle school, high school and beyond through the avenue of belonging, relationships, voice, and agency.
Cohort 2 of the network will begin Fall 2025. Application will be open in January 2025.
The San Diego County 9th Grade On-Track Network (SD9UP) supports 9th grade students to stay on track for important college and career outcomes. The network specifically targets students who have the greatest probability of getting off track during their 9th grade year.
The Inclusive Education Network (IEN) is focused on supporting students identified as being socially economically disadvantaged (SED) who are not successful in reading at the universal instructional level.