Promoting the well-being and success of every child and family
P-3 Alignment: Prekindergarten to 3rd Grade
An estimated 90% of brain growth happens before kindergarten. That’s one reason why the state is providing support to expand transitional kindergarten to include all 4-year-olds and strengthen the program coherence between prekindergarten to 3rd grade, known as P-3 alignment.
The San Diego County Office of Education is helping local educational agencies provide high-quality prekindergarten (pre-K) by connecting them with information on current transitional kindergarten programs, the latest details on universal transitional kindergarten, and best practices that align curricula, assessment, and professional learning for P-3 alignment. The California Department of Education’s P-3 alignment efforts step from a belief that gaps in opportunities and learning outcomes require system-level reform to address biases and disrupt inequities.
Educators and families of students who are English learners and multilingual learners play an important role in setting up all young people for success. All children in California have a constitutional right to high-quality education.
P-3 Newsletters - Subscribe to the P-3 monthly newsletter by clicking on the bell icon below and view previous editions.
More to Explore
- Professional Learning Opportunities
- About Universal Transitional Kindergarten
- P-3 English Language Development Resources
- Educator and Family P-3 Multilingual Resources
- Mindful Moments
- San Diego County P-3 Spotlight
- P-3 Newsletter Archive
Professional Learning Opportunities
SDCOE's P-3 team welcomes you to join the 2024-25 P-3 Alignment Network. Learn and network with educators from across the county at regularly scheduled meetings geared toward educational leaders and partners.
The California Department of Education (CDE) has released the California Preschool/Transitional Kindergarten Learning Foundations (PTKLF). The PTKLF describe the knowledge and skills that most children ages 3 to 5 1/2 develop in high-quality early education programs.
These trainings will introduce you to the PTKLF and help you explore each of nine learning domains.
This free consultation series is tailored for mental health school staff supporting PreK–12 students. Participants will engage in small groups conversations that are structured, promote collaborative problem-solving to focus on student well-being and systemic improvement.
SDCOE's P-3 team invites district and school administrators to an institute Feb. 26 and 27 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. where participants will develop and explore their P-3 system.
This institute provides intentional, in-depth time for participants to examine their current strengths and opportunities within their P-3 system in order to make actionable and relevant site-based changes. This exciting opportunity will foster learning, collaboration, and action-planning to build a cohesive P-3 continuum.
This dynamic two-day institute, hosted by SDCOE's P-3 team, is specifically designed for early education administrators and center-based site leaders. The session focuses on understanding the role of the early education administrator and site leader within the P-3 system, enhancing leadership capabilities, partnering with Local Education Agencies (LEAs), and effectively managing staff.
About Universal Transitional Kindergarten
Transitional kindergarten (TK) refers to the first year of a two-year kindergarten program that uses a modified kindergarten curriculum which is developmentally- and age-appropriate. Universal transitional kindergarten is a TK program available to all 4-year-old children statewide at no cost to families. Universal prekindergarten refers to the continuum of high-quality programs, including TK, state preschool, Head Start, general childcare, and community-based early learning and care providers, that can be layered and wrapped to create rich, early-learning opportunities for all children during the year before kindergarten, regardless of income.
Universal Transitional Kindergarten Implementation Timeline
2021-22 | 2022-23 | 2023-24 | 2024-25 | 2025-26 | |
Student Phase-In |
Turn 5 between Sept. 2 - Dec. 2 | 5th birthday between Sept. 2 - Feb. 2 | 5th birthday between Sept. 2 - April 2 | 5th birthday between Sept. 2 - June 2 | 4th birthday by Sept. 1 |
General Resources
- California Department of Education (CDE) Transitional Kindergarten webpage – A collection of resources and links (e.g., FAQs, TK and K eligibility/ admissions, early admission to TK, amendments, etc.).
- Great Start California P3 Vision Statement (2024)
- Key Information for UPK Implementers (2023)
- Universal Prekindergarten FAQ
- California Educators Together: A community of practice designed to provide educators, administrators, specialists, and state program leads a common space to communicate, share strategies, and access resources
- TK California Early Edge Organization: An online hub for finding easy-to-use resources for administrators, teachers, and parents
District Implementation
- Developmentally Appropriate Toileting Practices Toolkit: Supporting All Children from Preschool through 3rd Grade (2024)
- Promoting Week of the Young Child: The Week of the Young Child (WOYC) is an annual celebration of young children that takes place every April in Shasta County and in communities across the nation.
- The Greater Good Adult Wellbeing: The Greater Good Science Center studies the psychology, sociology, and neuroscience of well-being and teaches skills that foster a thriving, resilient, and compassionate society.
- California's Great Start Transition to Elementary School Toolkit
- Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors National Latino Family Report 2024
- Multilingual Learning Toolkit for P-3
- Universal PreKindergarten Teacher Pipeline Resource Compendium (2022-23)
TK Teacher Support
- Teacher Requirements (CDE FAQs): Information on the credentialing and additional requirements for TK teachers
- California Preschool/Transitional Kindergarten Learning Foundations (PTKLF): These were released in July 2024 and outlines key knowledge and skills that most children ages three to five and a half years old can achieve when provided with the kinds of interactions, instruction, and environments that research has shown to promote early learning and development.
- The Powerful Role of Play in Early Education (2021): Discusses the critical role of play for children, particularly in early childhood.
- The First Steps to Math Success: Guidance for Teaching Mathematics in Transitional Kindergarten (2023)
- The Integrated Nature of Learning: Best Practices for Planning Curriculum for Young Children
- Count, Play, Explore~ Discover the Power of Math (2023)
- The Greater Good Science Center studies the psychology, sociology, and neuroscience of well-being and teaches skills that foster a thriving, resilient, and compassionate society.
- Learning How to be Kind to Yourself Learning to be kind to ourselves not only improves our wellbeing but influences how we show compassion for the people in our lives. This short video shows the research, the science and the benefits of self compassion.
- Inclusion Works! Creating Child Care Programs that Promote Belonging for Children with Disabilities (2021)
- Alberta Family Wellness Initiative Resource Library
- Vroom: A source of creative tools and materials that inspire families to turn everyday moments into brain-building moments.
- The Whole Brain Child Workbook for Parents and Educators Learn some very specific ways to help your child thrive through activities and personal reflection
- National Association for the Education of Young Children Tips for Parents Getting Ready for School
- Mindful Breathing Life is full of demands especially if you are raising children. This simple breathing activity can help you restore your sense of calm.
- What is Self Compassion? Explore this website and learn more about the benefits of having self compassion and the different elements of Self Compassion
- Learning How to be Kind to Yourself Learning to be kind to ourselves not only improves our wellbeing but influences how we show compassion for the people in our lives. This short video shows the research, the science and the benefits of self compassion.
- Why Parents need a little self compassion. In this short article, Susan Pollak, author, writes, “Self Compassion helps us cope with tough situations like divorce and trauma, keeps us motivated, and helps us be more supportive and caring in our relationships.
P-3 English Language Development Resources
Students in preschool and transitional kindergarten must receive English language development, which is, both designated and integrated, in accordance with the local educational agency’s determined time.
The California Department of Education states that designated English language development is required as part of the regular school day, but there are no set minimum minutes for that instruction. Find detailed answers to these topics and more at the CDE Distance Learning ELD FAQs webpage.
Additional informational
- Universal Prekindergarten Resources for Dual Language Classrooms and Students who are English Learners
- TK-1 ELA/ELD Implementation Support
- Improving Education for Multilingual and English Learner Students Chapter
- EL UPK Planning and Implementation Guidance #1 Language Development
- EL UPK Planning and Implementation Guidance #2 Language Development
- Californian’s Together ELD Video Series Guidance for Teachers TK-5th Series
- Sobrato Early Academic Language: SEAL is a powerful English Learner-focused approach to education rooted at the intersection of research and educational equity
Educator and Family P-3 Multilingual Resources
For Educators
- TK-6th Grade Welcoming and Affirming Community Toolkit: Resources to support prioritizing the nurturing of students’ and educators’ social emotional well-being to support academic progress.
- Multilingual California Project (MCaP) Digital Academies: Free statewide asynchronous digital Canvas Academies in the areas of biliteracy and English learner support for UPK-3rd grade teachers, para-educators and administrators.
- Multilingual Learning Toolkit: Online hub for research-based key principles, instructional strategies, and associated, free, practical, and easy-to-use resources that are geared towards educators who teach pre-K-3rd multilingual learners.
For Families
- Ways to Develop Your Child’s Multilingualism - Spanish (PDF)
- Keeping Your Home Language available in 16 languages (PDF)
- The Importance of Home Language Series (available in English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, and other languages)
Mindful Moments
This meditation is designed to engage young children’s imagination, encourage mindfulness through simple breathing and movement, and instill a sense of security and positivity. When we teach mindfulness to kids, we equip them with tools to build self-esteem, manage stress, and skillfully approach challenges. Explore this guided meditation to introduce mindfulness and meditation to children—at any age.
Mindful Expression Through Art by Melissa Dormoy, is slightly adapted and curated from Green Child Magazine (2024). This mindful art resource allows for children to meditate and practice creative expression through their imagination or you can guide them through a meditative art session. This practice offers children the chance to express themselves through art. They can choose to use their imagination and visualize the creative process, or you can lead this meditation while they use art supplies to make their own art creation.
Welcome to a Mindful Moment, where we take a few moments out of our busy lives to relax, rejuvenate, practice mindfulness, and reconnect with your inner self. Mindfulness is the practice of intentionally focusing one's attention on the present moment and accepting it without judgment. It involves being fully aware of what is happening in the here and now, both internally (such as thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations) and externally (such as sights, sounds, and smells). Many researchers say that taking just five minutes a day can reduce stress, improve focus and concentration and can contribute to an overall sense of well-being and contentment.
Welcome to a Mindful Moment where we take a few moments out of our busy lives to relax, rejuvenate, practice mindfulness, and reconnect with our inner selves. Mindfulness is the practice of intentionally focusing our attention on the present moment and accepting it without judgment.
Today's Mindful Moment introduces us to “biophilia” (bio meaning "life," and -philia meaning "friendly feeling toward"). Biophilia refers to our innate connection to nature. Research shows that incorporating direct and indirect elements of nature into our spaces fosters a sense of calm and happiness. Whether it’s being in nature, seeing images of nature, or simply imagining being surrounded by nature, this connection has a profound impact on our overall well-being. This can be used with children as well and is an easy way to practice mindfulness in the classroom. See the Meditation for Kids: "Exploring a Peaceful Place in Nature.” below.
Welcome to a Mindful Moment, where we take a few moments out of our busy lives to relax, rejuvenate, and practice mindfulness. In a world that constantly pulls us in many directions, it's essential to find time to reconnect with our inner selves. Mindfulness is the practice of intentionally focusing our attention on the present moment, embracing it fully and accepting it without judgment. It’s about finding peace in the here and now, no matter where we are or what we’re doing. So, let’s take this time to center ourselves, to breathe, and to simply be.
Let’s take a moment to explore a unique and calming way to ease that tension. Scientists have discovered that watching fish or ocean creatures can have a soothing effect on both our minds and bodies. There’s something almost hypnotic about the way fish glide through the water, moving back and forth in a tranquil rhythm. This natural movement helps to calm the mind and relax our muscles, offering a simple yet powerful way to reduce stress.
Welcome to a Mindful Moment where we take a few moments out of our busy lives to relax, rejuvenate, practice mindfulness, and reconnect with our inner selves. Mindfulness is the practice of intentionally focusing our attention on the present moment and accepting it without judgment.
This month, we will explore using Zentangles to practice mindfulness. A Zentangle is a creative drawing method where structured and repetitive patterns are used to fill in shapes. It is a relaxing and meditative way for adults and children to express creativity, with no strict rules.
This month, our theme is “Loose Parts Nature Art.” Studies show that being in nature and touching natural elements has numerous mental health benefits. Whether it’s feeling the earth beneath our feet, the texture of leaves, or the coolness of a gentle breeze, engaging with nature helps lower cortisol levels (the stress hormone), reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation. Simply touching natural elements like soil, leaves, and plants releases serotonin, a hormone associated with happiness, fostering joy and tranquility. Research even shows that combining art with nature boosts feelings of hope and positivity about the future.
Welcome to a Mindful Moment where we take a few moments out of our busy lives to relax, rejuvenate, practice mindfulness, and reconnect with our inner selves. In this short meditation, we’ll explore how sound can promote relaxation and invite a sense of peace into our day.
San Diego County P-3 Spotlight
Regulation for all Students: The Peaceful Place at Lexington Elementary School
TK Classroom at Ira Harbison Elementary School
TK Classroom at Mission Elementary School
Zamorano Fine Arts Academy students are off to a great start this school year.
Early Childhood Assessments in Chula Vista Elementary School District
At Children’s Paradise we recognize that family engagement extends beyond the center and into the communities where our families live. To support this we forged a partnership with North County Trade Tech High, a tuition-free charter public school, to develop and implement the Future Educators Academy (FEA).
P-3 Newsletter Archive
Please access the links to view our San Diego County Office of Education UPK- P-3 Publication:
- Dec. 3, 2021
- Jan. 7, 2022
- Feb. 9, 2022
- March 9, 2022
- April 5, 2022
- May 11, 2022
- June 16, 2022
- Sept. 7, 2022
- Oct. 10, 2022
- Nov. 9, 2022
- Dec. 5, 2022
- Jan. 10, 2023
- Feb. 6, 2023
- March 8, 2023
- April 10, 2023
- May 8, 2023
- Aug. 16, 2023
- Sep. 8, 2023
- Oct. 12, 2023
- Nov. 6, 2023
- Dec. 6, 2023
- Jan. 8, 2024
- Feb. 6, 2024
P-3 Articles/Blog/News
Universal Prekindergarten and the California English Learner Roadmap
High-quality pre-K experiences have a profound impact on children’s brain development and key school readiness skills. Yet historically underserved students, such as multilingual children and children with disabilities, have had the fewest opportunities to access effective early education. By providing access to high-quality early education programs and services, we can ensure every child has what they need to succeed before they even enter kindergarten.
The California English Learner Roadmap: Strengthening Comprehensive Educational Policies, Programs, and Practices for English Learners (link to CDE page) can be used in conjunction with the UPK focus area. The English Learner Roadmap sets a common direction for LEAs in the planning and implementation of early education programs for English learners.
The four principles and companion resources provide a crosswalk between the UPK focus areas and the English Learner Roadmap principles. Additionally, each includes support for LEAs in their planning, implementing, and evaluation of P-3 programs.
Principle 1
Assets oriented and needs responsive
Focus Area A - Vision and Coherence
- Integrating Universal PreKindergarten within District Local Control Accountability Plans
- Supporting Access and Enrollment Equity in Universal PreKindergarten
Focus Area B - Community Engagement and Partnerships
- California State Preschool Program - Information for Parents
- Head Start - Information for Parents
- Guidance on County Office of Education Support for Universal PreKindergarten Planning and Implementation
- Partner Deep Dives
- Supporting Universal PreKindergarten through Community Schools
Focus Area D - P-3 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
- Universal Prekindergarten Curriculum and Assessment Selection
- Prekindergarten through 3rd Grade Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Language Models and Supporting Dual Language Learners
- Prekindergarten through 3rd Grade Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment - Supporting Children with Disabilities
- Supporting Social and Emotional Learning and Development
Source: Californians Together EL Roadmap Teacher Toolkit
The 2014 ELA/ELD Framework supports and incorporates the California Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects (CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy) and the California English Language Development Standards (CA ELD Standards). The Framework has several examples that align with Principle One in Snapshots and Figures:
Open Circle - Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) For use in kindergarten through fifth grade, this resource is designed to equip teachers with effective practices for creating a cooperative classroom community and establishing positive relationships and effective approaches to problem solving within the classroom. The program has, on average, 34 structured lessons each year that cover relationship building and communication skills, understanding and managing emotions, and problem solving. The Open Circle program also has a separate unit on bullying, as well as separate components to support school-wide implementation and family involvement. The program provides frequent suggestions and reminders for teachers regarding cultural sensitivity and ethnic norms. |
Project2Inspire- California Association for Bilingual Education CABE’s Parent and Family Engagement Program is focused on working with CABE’s partners from school districts and county offices to provide parents with the best opportunities and resources to help their children succeed in school. To achieve this goal, CABE’s Parent and Family Engagement Program:
Colorín Colorado is the premier national bilingual website serving parents and teachers of English learners (ELs) in Grades PreK-12. Over the past decade, Colorín Colorado has established itself as a trusted leader in addressing the urgent challenge of helping ELs around the country succeed. |
Support for Immigrant and Refugee Students In light of the increasingly hostile climate toward immigrants and the insecurity caused by the changing policy landscape, Californians Together developed a multi-pronged approach toward creating a safe learning environment for students of all backgrounds. The following resources were developed in collaboration with Loyola Marymount University’s Center for Equity for English Learners (CEEL).
The Newcomer ToolKit - US Department of Education This tool kit is designed to help U.S. educators and others who work directly with immigrant students—including asylees and refugees—and their families. It is designed to help elementary and secondary teachers, principals, and other school staff achieve the following:
My Name, My Identity- A Declaration of Self This campaign is a partnership between the National Association for Bilingual Education and the Santa Clara County Office of Education. The objectives of the initiative are to bring awareness to the importance of respecting student’s names and identity in schools as measured by the number of community members making a pledge to pronounce students’ names correctly and to build a respectful and caring culture in school communities that values diversity as measured by my name stories posted on social media. |
Alas y Voz Social Media Campaign A social media campaign to raise awareness among parents of English learners about the importance and benefits of bilingualism. The website and videos posted on YouTube share videos, graphics, and stories on social media with effective messaging about biliteracy and bilingual programs. An online toolkit has resources for educators to use with parents. |
This resource provides a systematic framework for evaluating the quality of classroom-based SEL programs. It uses this framework to rate and identify well-designed, evidence-based SEL programs with the potential for broad dissemination to schools across the United States. The primary goal of the Guide is to give educators information for selecting and implementing SEL programs in their districts and schools. It also documents the significant advances the SEL field has made in the past decade, establishes new and more rigorous standards for SEL program adoption, and provides suggestions for next steps for SEL research and practice. |
Culturally Responsive/Relevant Teaching and Learning Resources Compiled by the Hayward Unified School District, this website lists numerous resources, including bibliographies of culturally relevant literature for students to support culturally responsive and relevant teaching and learning. |
Principle 2
Intellectual quality of instruction and meaningful access
Focus Area A - Vision and Coherence
Integrating Universal Prekindergarten Within District Local Control Accountability Plans
Focus Area B - Community Engagement and Partnerships
Supporting Universal Prekindergarten Through Community Schools
Focus Area D - P-3 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
- Universal Prekindergarten Curriculum and Assessment Selection
- Prekindergarten through 3rd Grade Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment – Language Models and Supporting Dual Language Learners
- Prekindergarten through 3rd Grade Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment - Supporting Children with Disabilities
- Supporting Social and Emotional Learning and Development
- Early Math - Math Matters
Source: Californians Together EL Roadmap Teacher Toolkit
The 2014 ELA/ELD Framework supports and incorporates the California standards for English language arts and literacy in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects (CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy) and the California English Language Development Standards (CA ELD Standards). Classroom teachers of all grades and disciplines will find descriptions of grade-level ELA/literacy and ELD instruction across the content areas and examples of engaging teaching and assessment practices for ensuring the progress of the diverse students they serve. Language integrated in and through content is a major theme of the ELA/ELD Framework. The Framework serves as a key resource for the implementation of the EL Roadmap, Principle #2, especially the grade- level chapters and vignettes. |
History/Social Science Framework for California, Kindergarten through Grade Twelve, 2016. The 2016 History/Social Science Framework describes grade-level content, areas of focus, and examples of engaging classroom activities and assessments practices that meet the needs of the diverse students they serve The framework offers guidance for educators as they design, implement, and maintain a course of study to teach content, develop inquiry-based critical thinking skills, improve reading comprehension and expository writing ability, and promote an engaged and knowledgeable citizenry in history/social sciences. The HSS Framework also supports interdisciplinary instruction and implementation of the California Common Core State Standards, the California English Language Development Standards (and the English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework. |
Presents a strategy for building complex sentences and understanding the structure of language in a Kindergarten bilingual classroom. |
Cross Language Connections in the Classroom Illustrates cross-language connections and metalinguistic awareness in the dual language brain utilizing various strategies in grades Kindergarten through 3rd grade. |
Integrated and Designated ELD: Kindergarten Illustrates Integrated ELD and small group Designated ELD building upon thematic “Push and Pull” science content in an English-taught Kindergarten. |
California English Language Development Standards (especially Chapter 5) (PDF) The CA ELD Standards describe the key knowledge, skills, and abilities that EL students need to access, engage with, and achieve in grade-level academic content. They amplify the California State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/ Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects (ELA/ Literacy). The CA ELD Standards support English Learners to use English purposefully, to use language to interact meaningfully in school and beyond, and to be knowledgeable about English and utilize language as a resource for communicating and learning. Of particular importance, Chapter 5 highlights how English works. |
Integrating the CA ELD Standards into K–12 Mathematics and Science Teaching and Learning (DOC) A Supplementary Resource for Educators Implementing in tandem the California English Language Development Standards, the California Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, and the Next Generation Science Standards for California Public Schools. |
Sobrato Early Academic Language Model SEAL (Sobrato Early Academic Language) is a professional development and instructional model that builds the capacity of preschools and elementary schools to powerfully develop the language and literacy skills of English learner children within the context of integrated, standards-based, and joyful learning. They have created and make available a library of videos of research-based practices and instructional strategies (listed at the end of this “Illustrative Resources and Connections” section. |
As a model of professional learning, the Orange County Department of Education National Training Center (NTC) for the Project GLAD® (Guided Language Acquisition Design) model, is dedicated to building academic language and literacy for all students, especially English learner/emergent bilingual students. The model enhances teachers’ design and delivery of standards- based instruction through an integrated approach with the intent of building language proficiency and academic comprehension. Project GLAD® classrooms promote an environment that respects and honors each child’s voice, personal life experience, beliefs, and values their culture. |
Be GLAD®, is a national organization providing professional development on the Guided Language Acquisition Design model to states, districts, and schools promoting language acquisition, high academic achievement, and 21st-century skills. Teachers are trained to modify the delivery of student instruction to promote academic language and literacy. The professional development offered focuses on improved pedagogy with consistent instructional routines while creating a school environment responsive to diversity with an inclusive learning environment. Be GLAD® helps to establish a project-based, student- centered curriculum process that is inquiry driven. |
Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education – Third Edition Center for Applied Linguistics, Dual Language Education of New Mexico, and Santillana USA Designed for educators, researchers, policymakers, and all who are interested in effective dual language education, the new edition of this widely-used resource includes enhancements to the principles reflecting learning from research and practice, updated literature reviews, and revised templates for program self- evaluation. |
Leading with Learning Systemically Transforming Teaching for English Learners Leading with Learning is a system for ensuring that culturally and linguistically diverse Learners experience effective teaching and learning and attain high academic achievement. It includes interrelated and aligned courses for teachers, instructional coaches, principals, district facilitators, and district leadership teams. The main goal is to ensure that all students experience academically rich, culturally sustaining, and positive teaching and learning daily to improve their academic, language, and literacy learning outcomes throughout the year. Leading with Learning is a three-year process, with the first two years consisting of intensive support from WestEd staff. The third year of the partnership is focused on sustaining and scaling the work. |
The California ELD Standards Companion, Grades K-2 and 3-5 Ivannia Soto, Linda Carstens, Jim Burke, Corwin Press, Nov 27, 2018 A teaching resource that helps teachers make the critical link between the ELD Standards and the CCSS ELA Standards |
Scaffolding Language Scaffolding Language by Pauline Gibbons This resource helps teachers ensure that their English learners become full members of the school community with the language and content skills they need for success. Gibbons shows how the teaching of language can be integrated seamlessly with the teaching of content and how academic achievement can be boosted. Rich examples of classroom discourse illustrate exactly how the scaffolding process works, while activities to facilitate conversation and higher-level thinking put the latest research on second language learning into action. |
English Learners, Academic Literacy and Thinking: Learning in the Challenge Zone by Pauline Gibbons In English Learners, Academic Literacy, and Thinking, Pauline Gibbons presents an action-oriented approach that gives English learners high-level support to match our high expectations. Focusing on the upper elementary and middle grades of school, she shows how to plan rigorous, literacy-oriented, content-based instruction and illustrates what a high-challenge, high-support curriculum looks like in practice. |
English Language Learners Day by Day, K-6, by Christina M. Celic Highlights what best practices look like on a day-to-day basis, starting day one, by drawing on a rich blend of research findings and classroom experiences. |
Dual Language Learner Resource Guide First 5 California’s Dual Language Learner Resource Guide was designed to provide early learning programs that serve young dual language learners (infants, toddlers, and preschoolers). The resources highlight evidence-based strategies to improve the quality of instructional practices and interactions with young dual language learners, including partnering with families in this effort. |
A series of videos for supporting language-intentional teaching in elementary grades, Integrated and Designated ELD and dual-language practices, and cross- language connections is available through SEAL. The videos are made available for use in professional learning and to support the field in meeting the needs of English learners. |
Principle 3
System conditions that support effectiveness
Focus Area A - Vision and Coherence
- Integrating Universal Prekindergarten within District Local Control Accountability Plans
- Leadership Structure: Positions to Support Universal Prekindergarten Implementation
Focus Area B - Community Engagement and Partnerships
Supporting Universal Prekindergarten Through Community Schools
Focus Areas C - Workforce Recruitment and Professional Learning
- Universal Prekindergarten Workforce Requirements: Credentials
- Workforce Development Funding Opportunities
- Best Practices and Resources for Recruitment
- Best Practices for In-Service Preparation
- Research on Benefits of Joint Professional Learning
- Professional Learning for Leaders and Principals
- Professional Learning on Observational Assessments
Focus Area D - P-3 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
- Universal Prekindergarten Curriculum and Assessment Selection
- Prekindergarten through 3rd Grade Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment – Language Models and Supporting Dual Language Learners
- Prekindergarten through 3rd Grade Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment - Supporting Children with Disabilities
Focus Area E - Local Educational Agency Facilities, Services, and Operations
- Funding Sources That Can Be Utilized for Facilities
- Transportation
- Supervision of Young Children
- Implementing Universal Meals in Universal PreKindergarten
Principle 4
Alignment and articulation within and across systems
Focus Area A - Vision and Coherence
- Integrating Universal Prekindergarten within District Local Control Accountability Plans
- Leadership Structure: Positions to Support Universal Prekindergarten Implementation
- Supporting Access and Enrollment Equity in Universal Prekindergarten
Focus Area B - Community Engagement and Partnerships
- California State Preschool Program - Information for Parents
- Head Start - Information for Parents
- Guidance on County Office of Education Support for Universal PreKindergarten Planning and Implementation
- Partner Deep Dives
- Supporting Universal PreKindergarten through Community Schools
Focus Area D - P-3 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
- Universal Prekindergarten Curriculum and Assessment Selection
- Prekindergarten through 3rd Grade Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment – Language Models and Supporting Dual Language Learners
- Prekindergarten through 3rd Grade Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment - Supporting Children with Disabilities
- Supporting Social and Emotional Learning and Development
Focus Area E - Local Educational Agency Facilities, Services, and Operations
- Funding Sources That Can Be Utilized for Facilities
- Transportation
- Supervision of Young Children
- Implementing Universal Meals in Universal PreKindergarten