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Family Engagement Resources

Family Engagement Resources

The article Practitioner Brief: Culturally Responsive Practices to Collaborate with Families focuses on culturally responsive practices for early childhood educators, emphasizing the significance of collaborating with families from diverse cultural backgrounds to support children's social-emotional learning. It provides practical strategies to address common challenges in establishing effective communication and engagement with families. Additionally, it underscores the vital role of family-professional collaboration in creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment for all children.

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Join us for an engaging and impactful conference designed to foster collaboration among educators, caregivers, community leaders, and advocates to holistically support the development and well-being of every child. Let’s come together to share knowledge, cultivate strategies, and strengthen our collective ability to support the whole child.

This dynamic two-day institute, hosted by SDCOE's P-3 team, is specifically designed for early education administrators and center-based site leaders. The session focuses on understanding the role of the early education administrator and site leader within the P-3 system, enhancing leadership capabilities, partnering with Local Education Agencies (LEAs), and effectively managing staff.

The California Department of Education (CDE) has released the California Preschool/Transitional Kindergarten Learning Foundations (PTKLF). The PTKLF describe the knowledge and skills that most children ages 3 to 5 1/2 develop in high-quality early education programs.

These trainings will introduce you to the PTKLF and help you explore each of nine learning domains.

SDCOE's P-3 team welcomes you to join the 2024-25 P-3 Alignment Network. Learn and network with educators from across the county at regularly scheduled meetings geared toward educational leaders and partners.

The California Department of Education (CDE), in partnership with WestEd, has been updating the Preschool Learning Foundations, now called the Preschool / Transitional Kindergarten Learning Foundations (PTKLF). As the state’s learning standards for early education programs, the PTKLF describe the knowledge and skills children ages three to five and a half can achieve in a high-quality early education program. The updates reflect recent research in the field, and a greater emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion. The CDE plans to release the PTKLF publication this summer 2024.

SDCOE's P-3 team invites district and school administrators to an institute Feb. 26 and 27 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. where participants will develop and explore their P-3 system.

This institute provides intentional, in-depth time for participants to examine their current strengths and opportunities within their P-3 system in order to make actionable and relevant site-based changes. This exciting opportunity will foster learning, collaboration, and action-planning to build a cohesive P-3 continuum.

At Children’s Paradise we recognize that family engagement extends beyond the center and into the communities where our families live. To support this we forged a partnership with North County Trade Tech High, a tuition-free charter public school, to develop and implement the Future Educators Academy (FEA).