State and Federal Programs
Educators looking for information about state and federal programs may review the information on this page to read details about Title I, the Every Student Succeeds Act, Uniform Complaint Procedures, and more.
State and Federal Programs
Title IV, Part A Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) program federal funds are to improve students’ academic achievement by increasing local educational agencies, schools, and local communities capacity.
- Federal Programs
- State Programs
The California Department of Education uses the Consolidated Application to distribute funds from federal and state programs to county offices, school districts, and direct-funded charter schools. Entities submit required documentation twice a year to apply for funding and ensure that fiscal and program requirements are being met.
- Federal Programs
Districts and charter schools that receive funding for certain programs may be chosen for a review by the state. Using an online monitoring tool and on-site or online reviews, California Department of Education reviewers ensure that educational entities are spending their funding as required by law.
- Federal Programs
- State Programs
The purpose of the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) is to coordinate all educational services at the school in order to support student achievement. The SPSA addresses how funds provided to the school state and federal resources will be used to improve the academic performance of all students.
- Federal Programs
- State Programs
The Schoolsite Council is a group of parents, teachers, other school staff, and students (at the secondary school level) that works with the school principal to develop, review and evaluate school plans, programs, and school budgets.
- Federal Programs
Title I, Part A is a federal program with a purpose to ensure that all children have a fair and equal opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on the state content standards and assessments. The intent of this funding is to support effective, evidence-based educational strategies that close the achievement gap and help students meet academic standards.
- Federal Programs
Title II, Part A, Supporting Effective Instruction is a federal program contained in the Consolidated Application. The purpose of Title II, Part A is to increase the academic achievement of all students by helping schools and districts in two distinct areas.
- Federal Programs
Title III, LEP, funding is made available to eligible local educational agencies (LEAs) to provide supplementary programs and services to English learner students, known as English learners (ELs). The purpose of the program is to assist EL students in attaining English proficiency and achieving grade-level and graduation standards.
- State Programs
Every county office of education, district and charter school governing board is required to have policies and procedures for handling and resolving complaints from students, parents, community members, employees, and other interested parties.
- State Programs
The Williams Lawsuit Settlement was enacted into law in September 2004, ensuring that all students have equal access to the basics of a quality education, including textbooks and instructional materials, safe and decent school facilities, qualified teachers, and more.
To request training for site or district English Learner Advisory Council (ELAC) leadership, please email
Legislative Updates
For more information about legislative bills, please visit the California state legislature website.