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Universal Design for Learning

Image of student masks on a bulletin board

Universal design for learning (UDL) is a tool for equity that helps to actualize:

  • The variety of assets all students bring with them to school are seen, valued, and accessed as teachers design and implement meaningful, relevant lessons.

  • All students become expert learners by engaging in learning that is designed to remove barriers and center their strength, value their identity, and foster a sense of belonging.

 Join the San Diego UDL Network for Educators

Antiracism and UDL

Andratesha Fritzgerald reveals UDL as an effective framework to teach Black and Brown students, showing how teachers open new roads of communication, engagement, and skill-building for students who feel honored and loved. The author provides theory and background, establishes a connection between CLRI and UDL, and gives practical application of inclusive instruction. CAST provides a free downloadable Leadership Implementation Guide to accompany the book.

Antiracism and UDL

What is UDL?

UDL is a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people, and aims to change the design of the environment rather than to change the learner. When environments are intentionally designed to reduce barriers, all learners can engage in rigorous, meaningful learning. Universal design for learning:

  • Acknowledges our students have variability and then promotes designing instruction that leverages that variability
  • Designs to increase educational equity from the start by removing barriers

  • Teaches to the spectrum of learners

  • Is a mindset (all can succeed) and the skillset (of removing barriers) to make it happen

Introduction to UDL Video Resources


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Audrey Mendivil
District Advisor, Curriculum and Instruction, Mathematics
Learning and Leadership Services