California English Learners Roadmap
Improving Outcomes in Complex Systems
Under the guidance of the CA Dept. Ed EL Roadmap, this digital resource guide shapes your journey to improve achievement and equity for English Learners. Select a principle as a starting point to your improvement journey.
Discover the Roadmap Principles
The Multilingual Education and Global Achievement Department (MEGA) and Innovation Division of the San Diego County Office of Education has created this website as a resource to further assist an LEA’s journey in implementing the California Department of Education’s English Learner Roadmap.
The California English Learner Roadmap: Strengthening Comprehensive Educational Policies, Programs, and Practices for English Learners (CA EL Roadmap) articulates a common vision and mission for educating English learners and supports LEAs as they implement the State Board policy.
Assets-Oriented and Needs Responsive Schools
Pre-schools and schools are responsive to different EL strengths, needs, and identities and support the socio-emotional health and development of English learners.
Intellectual Quality of Instruction and Meaningful Access
English learners engage in standards-based, high quality learning experiences that foster high levels of English proficiency.
System Conditions that Support Effectiveness
The school system has knowledgeable and responsive leaders and educators who utilize valid assessment to inform instruction and continuous improvement.
Alignment and Articulation Within and Across Systems
English learners experience a coherent and aligned set of practices and pathways to ensure successful participation in a global, diverse, multilingual, twenty-first century world.