Principle Two
Intellectual Quality of Instruction and Meaningful Access
English learners engage in intellectually rich, developmentally appropriate learning experiences that foster high levels of English proficiency. These experiences integrate language development, literacy, and content learning as well as provide access for comprehension and participation through native language instruction and scaffolding. English learners have meaningful access to a full standards-based and relevant curriculum and the opportunity to develop proficiency in English and other languages.
Resources Related to this Principle
Use these resources to help build your journey. Resource are specific to example element and example element.
This Self-Reflection Rubric can be used to evaluate practices at schools, districts, and county offices of education from preschool through higher education. Please use this rubric prior to submitting a practice to the EL Roadmap Example Survey.
This information sheet provides a brief overview of the CA EL Roadmap.
- Element 2.A: Integrated and Designated English Language Development (ELD)
- Element 2.B: Intellectually Rich, Standards-based Curriculum
- Element 2.C: High Expectations
- Element 2.D: Access to the Full Curriculum
- Element 2.E: Use of Students' Home Languages
- Element 2.F: Rigorous Instructional Material
- Element 2.G: Programmatic Choice
Element 2.A: Integrated and Designated English Language Development (ELD)
Element 2.B: Intellectually Rich, Standards-based Curriculum
Element 2.C: High Expectations
Element 2.D: Access to the Full Curriculum
Element 2.E: Use of Students' Home Languages
Element 2.F: Rigorous Instructional Material
Element 2.G: Programmatic Choice
Start Your Improvement Journey
After exploring this principle, we suggest that LEAs select an element to improve in their system. Below is an example of an improvement journey focused on an element in this principle. Following the example is a link to a template for LEAs to begin their own improvement journey. This Needs Assessment can help LEAs select a principle or element to focus their efforts.
Illustrative Case Examples
The examples below were submitted by local educational agencies (LEAs) and demonstrate Principle One and its corresponding elements in action. The illustrative examples will be updated as new submissions become available.
Illustrative Example: Using Actionable Evidence in Math to Improve Student Discourse
This example, from the Garden Grove Unified School District, demonstrates Principle Two, Element 2.A, and Principle Three, Elements 3.A, 3.C, and 3.D, in action.
Illustrative Example: District Partnerships to Address the Needs of Long Term English Learners
This example, from the Sanger Unified School District and the Firebaugh-Las Deltas Unified School District, demonstrates Principle Two, Element 2.A, and Principle Three, Elements 3.A, 3.B, 3.C, and 3.D, in action.