What is the Toolkit?
- A robust set of professional learning experiences, processes, and tools to support educators at the district and classroom level
- Organized by modules in learning/doing sessions, with classroom application
- Designed to support curriculum-anchored assessment systems for both classroom teachers and system leaders
Why a Toolkit?
Establish a common vision for student performance and assessment in classrooms and local systems using principles of equity
Promote a culture of collaboration among educators around assessment centered on equity: student identity, assets, and academic success
Provide tools and processes to build assessment literacy and practice
Support ongoing growth and development of educators through collaborative professional learning
What guiding beliefs were used in the development of the Toolkit?
High-Quality Assessment: We believe assessments become part of an equitable system when they are:
Accessible to students to show what they know
Coherent with the students’ opportunities for learning and growing
Empowering to students to take action in their own learning
Asset-oriented so that students can bring their true self to the task
Reflect non-negotiable elements of alignment to the NGSS
Assessment as a System: We believe classroom assessments are one of many tools and one part of an assessment system that support learning.
Assessments are valuable when they open doors and provide paths toward student success.
Assessments are not valuable when they are used to shame, blame, or present barriers to opportunities.
Professional Learning: We believe professional learning is imperative for developing high-quality instruction and assessment and should:
Provide tools and processes to engage in learning that directly connects with classroom practice
Be collaborative and sustained over time
Be culturally relevant, asset-based, and part of the school and district culture
Curriculum Embedded: We believe that assessments can serve students best when they are intentionally used with the taught curriculum.
High-quality instructional materials are a central component of an assessment system.
Clearly established learning and assessment goals drive instruction and assessment.
What comes in each Toolkit module session?
Facilitation guide and notes
Presenters slides
Participant handouts and tools
Editable working templates
Additional resources for facilitators
Who created the Toolkit?
The CA NGSS Toolkit for Student-Centered Assessment was developed as part of a multi-year collaborative effort of California educators and other assessment leaders across the United States.
Special Acknowledgement is given to:
John Spiegel, San Diego County Office of Education
Maria Chiara Simani, California Science Project
Rudy Escobar, Stanislaus County Office of Education
Sara Cooper, Learning Policy Institute
Katie van Horne, Learning Policy Institute
The countless teachers and educators that piloted the processes, tools, and professional learning in the Toolkit and provided ideas, perspectives, and feedback
Who can I contact to learn more about the Toolkit?
John Spiegel
District Advisor, Curriculum and Instruction, San Diego County Office of Education
Co-Director, San Diego Science Project
Maria Chiara Simani, Ph.D.
Executive Director, California Science Project
Adjunct Faculty, University of California, Riverside (Department of Physics and Education)
Rudy Escobar
STEM & Computer Science Cooridnator, Stanilaus County Office of Education