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Introduction to PeopleSoft

New Navigation Guide

Check out our guide that has all the navigations used in our PeopleSoft HCM and Finance guides and job aids. It groups the navigations by module for ease of use.

View Navigation Guide

PeopleSoft Roadmaps

PeopleSoft Roadmaps provide high-level plans that state a module's objectives and captures the major steps to achieve those objectives.

View Roadmaps


  •  Introduction to PeopleSoft Roadmap (08/10/23, v1.4) This roadmap is to take you through steps to learn the basic terminology, rules of thumb, navigations, searching and running reports  used in PeopleSoft Human Capital Management (HCM), Finance and Employee  Self-Service (ESS).

Master Guide

  • Introduction to PeopleSoft Guide (PDF) (06/20/23, v4.1) This guide provides instructions on how to log into PeopleSoft and basic functionality. Other areas include how to navigate once you are in the system, an overview of quick links, and running queries and reports.

Job Aids


  • Personalizing PeopleSoft - Demo (PDF) (11/19/15) This There are several screens in PeopleSoft that have grids on them. There may be columns that you do not need, or you may want to reduce the size of the grid that displays. PowerPoint walks you through the steps to set up personalizations in PeopleSoft for easier navigation. 
  • WorkCenters Presentation (PDF) (07/18/19)

Getting Started with PeopleSoft

Basic PeopleSoft Functionality




PeopleSoft Roadmaps

Get on the fast track to learning PeopleSoft

PeopleSoft Roadmaps provide high-level plans that state a module's objectives and captures the major steps to achieve those objectives.

Quick links: HCM Roadmaps  |  Finance Roadmaps

Starting Line for New Users

To keep from driving in the dark, all new users should start with these two things:

1.    Introduction to PeopleSoft Roadmap (08/10/23, v1.4)

This roadmap is to take you through steps to learn the basic terminology, rules of thumb, navigations, searching and running reports  used in PeopleSoft Human Capital Management (HCM), Finance and Employee  Self-Service (ESS).

2.   What is a PeopleSoft Roadmap? (video) (August, 2023, 4:26)

This video explains the basic structure and purpose of a PeopleSoft Roadmap using the Introduction to PeopleSoft Roadmap which all new users should review. Roadmaps are available for most modules. 

Start here graphic

Plan your route from one of our many roadmaps...

Ladies & Gentlemen, start your engines!

HCM Roadmaps

PeopleSoft Training Roadmap - Absence Management (08/01/23, v1.2) 

This roadmap outline steps to help you reach your goal of processing and tracking absence events (leave requests).

PeopleSoft Training Roadmap - Benefits Administration (08/01/23, v1.1) 

This roadmap outline steps to help you reach your goal of understanding PeopleSoft Benefit Administration.

PeopleSoft HR Training Roadmap - DBT (08/02/23, v3.36) 

Identify SDCOE training resources* and outline steps to help you reach your goal of understanding and effectively adding and updating Department Budget Tables (DBTs) for Positions in PeopleSoft. The roadmap is also designed to provide a high-level understanding of the impact that the DBT has in Payroll, PeopleSoft FIN, and the PEDR Report once distribution completes after payroll each month.

PeopleSoft HR Training Roadmap - Job Data (08/02/23, v3.4)

Identify SDCOE training resources* and outline steps to help you reach your goal of understanding and effectively entering Job Data in PeopleSoft including New Hires, LOAs, Transfers, adding additional Employment Instances, and Terminations. These training objectives, key concepts, and resources should be reviewed and referred to as you work with the Job Data module in PeopleSoft HCM.

PeopleSoft HR Training Roadmap - Personal Information (08/03/23, v3.3) 

Identify the training resources* and outline steps to help you reach your goal of understanding and effectively entering Personal Information in PeopleSoft. Topics include entering and updating all personal information including name and address changes, monitoring health and safety data, and meeting regulatory requirements.

PeopleSoft HR Training Roadmap - Position Management (08/03/23, v3.2)

Identify SDCOE training resources* and outline steps to help you reach your goal of understanding and effectively adding and updating different kinds of staff positions. These training objectives, key concepts, and resources should be reviewed and referred to as you work with the Manage Position module in PeopleSoft HCM.

PeopleSoft Training Roadmap - Payroll (08/30/23, v1.0)

This roadmap identifies SDCOE training resources and outline steps to help you reach your goal of understanding and effectively adding and updating different kinds of Payroll data.

PeopleSoft Training Roadmap - Time and Labor (08/02/23, v1.1) 

This roadmap will help you identify SDCOE training resources and outline steps to help you reach your goal of entering, adjusting, and approving positive and exception time worked.

Graphic of a winding road with location markers

Finance Roadmaps

PeopleSoft Training Roadmap - Account Payable (08/07/23, v1.0) 

This roadmap outline steps to help you reach your goal of obtaining the knowledge to perform duties related to creating, posting and maintaining vouchers and maintaining supplier information in the Accounts Payable processes. 

PeopleSoft Training Roadmap - Accounts Receivable (10/18/23, v1.0) This roadmap walks you through the steps of processing a deposit in PeopleSoft.

PeopleSoft Training Roadmap - Commitment Control (KK) (08/10/23, v1.2) 

This road map outline steps to help you reach your goal of creating and maintaining budgets, check actual transactions against budgets, and check future financial obligations (pre-encumbrances & encumbrances).

PeopleSoft Training Roadmap - General Ledger (08/04/23, v1.0) 

This roadmap outline steps to help you reach your goal of creating and processing journal entries and auditor’s transfers. Understand chartfield maintenance and identify the many business processes included in the General Ledger. 

PeopleSoft Training Roadmap - Inventory (10/19/23, v1.0) This roadmap guides you through the management and maintenance of warehouse items. 

PeopleSoft Training Roadmap - Purchase Orders (08/18/23, v1.0)

This roadmap identifies SDCOE training resources and outlines steps to help you reach your goal of understanding and effectively processing purchase order transactions in PeopleSoft.

PeopleSoft Training Roadmap - Requisitions (PO1) (08/11/23, v1.3) 

This roadmap outline steps to help you reach your goal of understanding, entering, and maintaining requisitions for items to be purchased. 

PeopleSoft Training Roadmap - TE1 Travel & Expense for Employees (08/11/23, v1.3) 

This roadmap identifies SDCOE training resources and outline steps to help you reach your goal of understanding and effectively adding and updating Travel and Expense Transactions.

PeopleSoft Training Roadmap - TE2 Travel & Expense Admnistration.pdf (09/08/23, v1.0) 

This roadmap identifies SDCOE training resources and outline steps to help you reach your goal of understanding and effectively assigning delegates, editing an employee’s default ChartFields for a travel authorization (TA) or expense report (ER), viewing all TAs/ERs for the organization, doing the rollover for TA encumbrances at the end of the year and other administrative functions.

PeopleSoft Training Roadmap - TE3 AP Travel & Expense.pdf (02/23/24, v1.0) This roadmap identifies SDCOE training resources and outlines steps to help you reach your goal of understanding and effectively complete Accounts Payable tasks for Travel & Expense.


Graphic of race car at finish line