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Helpful Sites

Where to begin? The idea for Play Math! came about as a result of wanting to create an experience like Math On-A-Stick locally in San Diego. If you haven't heard about or been to Math On-A-Stick, we recommend their website as your first stop!

In conversation with Chris Nho (Public Math), we found that Molly Daley (Math Anywhere) had worked on a similar design question in Vancouver, Washington and created Pop-Up Math. From there, we've been asking lots of questions and getting support from Chris, Molly and Christopher Danielson (Math on a Stick and Talk Math with Your Kids) to make Play Math! happen in San Diego. 

Math on a Stick


An immersive, playful math experience at the MN State Fair, and the inspiration behind Play Math!

Math Anywhere

Math Anywhere

A community-based project aiming to build positive math experiences outside of school

Public Math

Public Math

Creating mathematical opportunities where we inhabit and interact in our daily lives

Talking Math

Math Anywhere

A community-based project aiming to build positive math experiences outside of school




What else? If you're looking for other sites that are providing resources in playing with math, we've added some of our favorites below.

Count Play Explore

Count, Play, Explore

Compilation of math play resources for 0-8 year olds



Development and Research in Early Math Education at Stanford University offers a variety of resources including Family Math ideas and activities.


Greater Good In Education

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This page is created and maintained by the SDCOE Math Team.