From Mathematics for Human Flourishing, author Francis Su is a mathematical explorer.
Play Matters
When we leverage play in the context of patterns, shapes and numbers, we can create an environment that allows us to experience the joy and beauty of mathematics in a safe space, trying out new ideas without risk. Math play can be structured (a game with specific rules) or unstructured (using shape tiles to create something), and, when designed thoughtfully, it can leave behind mathematical residue that can be drawn upon indefinitely. When we create the opportunity for students to play math, we open the door to endless possibilities, uncovering the mathematical connections that exist all around us.
Creator of Math for Love, Dan Finkel described playing in math in his TED Talk 5 Ways to Share Math with Kids.
Professor and author, Keith Devlin is also known as "The Math Guy" on NPR's Weekend Edition.
Francis Su shares an inclusive vision of what math is, who it's for, and why anyone should learn it in Mathematics for Human Flourishing.
Play for Everyone
We can begin an investigation in math with play to ignite curiosity and creativity, and enhance a learning experience with play to ensure a safe space to try out ideas and look for connections. When we open up the opportunity to play in math to everyone, we give everyone the opportunity to see themselves as mathematicians and experience the beauty and joy in mathematics all around them.
Astrophysicist, Neil deGrasse Tyson often discusses children's curiosity and on the power of curiosity.
In the Young Mathematicians at Work series, Fosnot and Dolk share what they've learned from intensive study of students in math classrooms.
Denise Gaskins has designed Let's Play Math to showcase the beautiful flavors of math.
Francis Su makes the argument - teach math like you'd teach writing.
Connecting School and Community
Play Math! connects communities and families with schools by acknowledging the brilliance each and every person has and better honoring and empowering our students' brilliance during math. Through math play, we can transform power and find ways for educators to learn from and with community members and families in order to highlight the ways our students naturally exude brilliance, and then build from those ideas, experiences and curiosities in the classroom to honor and connect our students, communities and schools.
Renowned author and educator, Lisa Delpit challenges the status quo and pushes all educators to reframe with an assets-based approach in Multiplications is for White People: Raising expectations for other people's children.
Samaria Rice is the CEO of Tamir Rice Foundation, in support of all students "expressing their truth to improve their lives," and wrote the foreword of Antiracism and Universal Design for Learning.
Author of Antiracism and Universal Design for Learning, Andratesha Fritzgerald shares how educators can utilize the UDL framework to support and honor Black and Brown students.
What the students say
Quote Board - Coming Soon!
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