Reading List
Learning Through Play
A review of the evidence
Jennifer M. Zosh, Emily J. Hopkins, Hanne Jense, Claire Liu, Dave Neale, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, S. Lynneth Solis and David Whitebread (November 2017), LEGO Foundation
What We Mean by Creativity
The LEGO Foundation
Play is more than just fun
Stuart Brown, TED Talk (2008)
Why you need a play table in your mathematics classroom asap
Sara Van Der Werf (2017)
Powerful Role of Play in Early Education
California Department of Education (2021)
Power of Play in the Primary Classroom
Dr. Stephanie Smith, STEM Ed Magazine (2021)
Doing the Math (PDF)
100K in 10 Challenge (2019)
How Purposeful Play Opens the Door to Lifelong Learning
Wendy McMahon Oct. 24, 2022
Other Reads:
Denger, K. (2022). The Importance of Play in Middle School Mathematics. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12, 115 (2), 131-138.
Gresalfi, M., Horn, I., Jasien, L., Wisittanawat, P., Ma, J. Y., Radke, S. C., Guyevskey, V., Sinclair, N., & Sfard, A. (2018). Playful Mathematics Learning: Beyond Early Childhood and Sugar. London; England.
Jasien, L., & Horn, I. (2022). Fixing the crooked heart: How aesthetic practices support sense making in mathematical play. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 53(1), 41–64.
Knuth, E. J. (2002). Fostering Mathematical Curiosity. The Mathematics Teacher, 95(2), 126–130.
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