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Virtual Exchanges: How to Get Started

Virtual Exchanges: How to Get Started

If you have never embarked in a virtual international exchange, it can be difficult to know where to start. This section provides information on how to go about planning for a virtual exchange. We also share ideas for the kinds of activities you could do with your class when you connect with teachers and students in other countries.

Whether you teach elementary, middle or high school, virtual intercultural exchanges are powerful ways of engaging students and giving them authentic opportunities to connect with the target culture and practice their target language. We encourage you to seek these types of meaningful partnerships to expand horizons, promote communication, intercultural understanding, and global competence.

Screenshot of laptop screen with virtual meeting attendees
Screenshot of laptop screen with virtual meeting attendees
Teachers plan and collaborate, sharing ideas, pedagogical practices and authentic resources. Teachers plan and collaborate, sharing ideas, pedagogical practices and authentic resources.


Videos from Participating Schools 

Here you can watch videos from two schools participating in SDCOE’s Two Shores Intercultural Exchange Program. These videos were created by teachers and students to share their activities and experiences in the program, and how their intercultural connection helped make their language learning more meaningful. Be ready to be energized as you hear about their amazing collaborative activities and their students’ experiences. You will see global competence in action in 9-12 classrooms.

Students and teachers at CEIP Pancho Cossío in Torrelavega (Spain) share their experiences in the Two Shores Program, demonstrating that, regardless of age and grade level, virtual exchanges can be very successful.

5 Spanish with English subtitles

Students and teachers at IES Tirso De Molina in Madrid  (Spain) share their experiences in the Two Shores Program, with lots of ideas for creating connections in every content area.

5 min. in Spanish with English subtitles

Students and teachers at Rancho Bernardo High School (Poway USD) share their experiences in the Two Shores Program. Learn about the activities they did and how this collaboration enhanced students’ experiences in the world language classroom.

5 min. in English with Spanish subtitles

Thank you participating schools and teachers! We extend our sincere appreciation to the amazing teachers at CEIP Pancho Cossío, at IES Tirso de Molina, and at Rancho Bernardo High School for their participation in the Two Shores Virtual Intercultural Exchange Program and for sharing their projects and experiences.

Other Exchange Experiences

For more information About Two Shores 

If you are interested in receiving information about next edition of the Two Shores Program, please submit the Interest Form.

Email Eva Pando Solís with any questions.