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Student Packing List

Student Packing List

Please use this list when packing the items your child will need for their outdoor school experience.

  1. Pack everything your child brings in one suitcase or duffle bag, plus one bedroll. Please, do not tie the items to one another.
  2. Weather at Cuyamaca can vary greatly. Items listed below with an asterisk (*) are absolutely necessary.
  3. Please do not purchase new clothing unless it is needed. Comfortable, old clothing is fine.
  4. Bunk beds and mattresses are provided in heated cabins. A lightweight sleeping bag will suffice.
  5. Stamps are not available at the site. Please pack stamped, pre-addressed postcards or envelopes.

Printable packing list (PDF - English)

Lista imprimible de qué empacar (PDF - Español)

Important Note: Cuyamaca Outdoor School is a fragrance-free and nut-free campus

Out of concern for persons with asthma, allergies, and other respiratory problems, perfumes, colognes, essential oils, other scented products, and all aerosol spray products are prohibited. Additionally, all products containing nuts (of any kind) or sesame seeds are strictly prohibited from all areas of the campus, including staff and adult housing areas.

Bring These Items

Label all items with your child’s name

Bedding and Linens

*(1) Sleeping bag OR (2-4) blankets and sheets

*(2) Bath towels - large

*(1) Pillow

(2) Washcloths for washing face


*(1) Toothbrush and toothpaste

*(1) Bar soap - in plastic container

*(1) Comb or brush

*(1) Tissue packet

*(1) Chapstick

*(1) Shampoo - unscented

*(1) Sunscreen - unscented lotion only


*(1) Heavy jacket 

*(1) Heavy sweatshirt 

*(2 pair) Tennis or hiking shoes 

*(4 pair) Long pants 

*(4) T-shirts 

*(4) Long-sleeved shirts 

*(4) Underwear 

*(6-8 pair) Socks 

*(1) Pajamas 

(1) Hat or cap 

(1) Belt 

(1) Bathrobe 

(1 pair) Shower sandals


*(1) Water bottle with a strap (or camelback) 

(1) Camera (disposable) 

(1-2) Laundry bag 

(1) Leisure reading book 

(1 pair) Earplugs for light sleepers 

Stamped, pre-addressed postcards 

Winter Items (November-April) 

*(1 pair) Rain boots OR (6) Plastic bags to go over socks and inside shoes 

*(1) Raincoat with hood, or rain poncho 

*(2 pair) Gloves or mittens 

*(1) Beanie 

(1) Scarf 

Warm Weather Months 

*(4) Short sleeved shirts 

*(1) Light jacket or hoodie sweatshirt 

(2) Shorts (worn on campus only)

Do Not Bring These Items 

Items on this list will be confiscated and given to a staff member from your school.

  • Candy, gum, or food of any kind 
  • Flashlights 
  • Knives or hatchets 
  • Matches, lighters, or fire starters 
  • Hair dryers or curling irons 
  • Makeup 
  • Money 
  • Personal electronic devices, such as phones, games, and media players 
  • Jewelry or watches 
  • Expensive cameras 

Cuyamaca Outdoor School is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen property. Please leave valuable items at home.