Child Care and Development Planning Council
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Promoting equitable access to high-quality early learning and care, in mixed delivery systems, for children and families in San Diego County.
The San Diego County Child Care and Development Planning Council (LPC) is funded by the California Department of Social Services, through a contract with the San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency. The County Superintendent of Schools and the County Board of Supervisors are the appointing and governing bodies of the Council. For more information about the Council, see the Member Handbook.
Our Vision
Every family throughout San Diego County has equitable access to quality Early Learning and Care services.
Our Mission
The San Diego County Child Care and Development Planning Council plans, advises, and collaborates to strengthen child care and development services.
More to Explore
- Meeting Agendas and Minutes
- Council Governance
- Council Reports
- Council Members
- Committees
- COVID-Related Resources
- Community Data
- How to Use Local Data
- Professional Career Opportunities
- Barbara Chernofsky Lifetime Achievement Award
Meeting Agendas and Minutes
All meetings of the San Diego County Child Care and Development Local Planning Council (LPC) are open to the public. LPC meeting agendas are posted 72 hours prior to the meeting. To access previous meeting materials—or to receive materials in an accessible (non-PDF) format—please email For a full list of meeting dates, times, and location, download the 2023 LPC Public Meeting Calendar.
ALTERNATIVE ENGAGEMENT FORMATS: To the extent reasonably possible, requests for accommodation or assistance should be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance of the meeting so that arrangements may be made. To request alternative engagement formats, contact Requests may include but are not limited to disability-related accommodation and language translation and interpretation (including sign language interpreters).
Local Planning Council
Meeting Information
LPC Meeting Minutes and Agendas
- The agenda will be available 72 hours prior to the meeting
- For meeting agenda questions/requests, please email
LPC Meeting Dates and Times
- January 27, 2025 – LPC Strategic Planning Retreat
- April 28, 2025, from 9 a.m. to noon
- July 28, 2025, from 9 a.m. to noon
- October 27, 2025, from 9 a.m. to noon
LPC Meeting Locations
All meetings will be held in person at the San Diego County Office of Education, see calendar for locations.
Public Comments
Members of the public may address the LPC on any subject within the Council’s jurisdiction, during an LPC meeting, that is or is not an item on the agenda. Each speaker’s presentation will be limited to 3 minutes and should make a speaker request by filling out the appropriate form. The LPC will respond to each speaker and the speaker will have 1 minute to reply with a follow-up question, comment, or concern. Please follow this link to complete the Speaker Request Form. All speaker request form responses will be reviewed 1 hour prior to the meeting start time.
Presentation Requests
Members of the public may request to present to the LPC during any public meeting. Please follow this link to complete the Presentation Request Form. All requests will be brought to the Executive Committee for review and approval. Once a decision to approve or deny the request, a response will be emailed to the requester.
Executive Committee
Meeting Information
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes and Agendas
- The agenda will be available 72 hours prior to the meeting
- For meeting agenda questions/requests, please email
Executive Committee Meeting Dates and Times:
- January 8, 2025, from 9 to 11:30 a.m.
- February 28, 2025, from 9 to 11:30 a.m.
- April 23, 2025, from 9 to 11:30 a.m.
- July 23, 2025, from 9 to 11:30 a.m.
- August 27, 2025, from 9 to 11:30 a.m.
- September 24, 2025, from 9 to 11:30 a.m.
- October 15, 2025, from 9 to 11:30 a.m.
Executive Committee Meeting Locations:
All meetings will be held in person at the San Diego County Office of Education, see calendar for locations.
Committee Overview
Executive Committee is a standing committee that consists of council chairs, standing committee chairs, ex-officio members, a member-at-large, and the previous council chair. If a committee has co-chairs, at least one chair attends. If both chairs attend, there is one vote per committee. Executive Committee may support, review, or report on:
- Committee work progress, based on committee work plans, at each meeting.
- The new, returning, and continuing membership processes, annually.
- The Self-Evaluation and Summary of Activities report, annually.
- The quality assurance evaluations and corrective action(s) if necessary, biannually.
- Strategic planning and updates, quarterly.
CHAIR: Sarina Lynn
Committee Members
- Sarina Lynn, LPC Chairperson
- Miren Algorri, First Vice-Chairperson
- Rick Richardson, Second Vice-Chairperson
- Saralyn Miller, NACCP Committee Chairperson
- Jennifer Stewart, Public Policy Chairperson
- Pamela Salgado, Public Private Resource Committee Chairperson
- Whitney Raser, Member at Large
- Kimberly Williams CDSS, Community Care Licensing Representative
- Stephanie Hudak CDSS, Community Care Licensing Representative Alternate
- Lenette Javier, First 5 San Diego Representative
- Alethea Arguilez, First 5 San Diego Representative Alternate
- Laurie Han, Resource and Referral, YMCA CRS Representative
- Shelby Gomez, Resource and Referral, YMCA CRS Representative Alternate
- Jolie Buberl, Alternative Payment, CDA
- Nikki Kelsay, SD County - HHSA Representative
- Monique Brown, SD County - HHSA Representative
- Michelle West, SD County - HHSA Representative Alternate
- Amy Isiaho, SD County - HHSA Representative Alternate
- Rita Palet, SDCOE Representative
- Eunice Munro, SDCOE Representative Alternate
- Dez Martinez, LPC Coordinator
Needs Assessment and Child Care Plan Committee
Meeting Information
NACCP Committee Minutes and Agendas
- The agenda will be available 72 hours prior to the meeting
- For meeting agenda questions/requests, please email
NACCP Committee Meeting Dates and Times:
- February 21, 2025, from noon to 1:30 p.m.
- March 28, 2025, from noon to 1:30 p.m.
- August 20, 2025, from noon to 1:30 p.m.
- September 19, 2025, from noon to 1:30 p.m.
NACCP Committee Meeting Locations:
All meetings will be held in person at the San Diego County Office of Education, see calendar for locations.
Committee Overview
The Needs Assessment and Child Care Plan Committee is a standing committee that reviews data on county-wide topics surrounding child care and development. The NACCP Committee members may support, review, and report on: [1] County-wide 5-year child care Needs Assessment report; [2] Zip Code Priority report; and [3] Other research on child care issues affecting San Diego County. Valid and reliable, county-wide data must be used in all work associated with the Needs Assessment Committee.
The NACCP Committee is also responsible for the development and maintenance of a comprehensive, county-wide child care plan that is broad in scope and meets the needs of San Diego County. This work includes but is not limited to: [1] Using local data to track progress and completion of the plan’s recommendations; [2] Fostering partnerships and establishing collaborations for the development and maintenance of the child care plan’s recommendations; and [3] Presenting progress and outcomes of the plan to LPC members and the community.
Committee Members
Public Policy Committee
Meeting Information
Public Policy Committee Meeting Minutes and Agendas
- The agenda will be available 72 hours prior to the meeting
- For meeting agenda questions/requests, please email
Public Policy Committee Meeting Dates and Times:
- February 21, 2025, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
- March 28, 2025, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
- August 20, 2025, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
- September 19, 2025, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Public Policy Committee Meeting Locations:
All meetings will be held in person at the San Diego County Office of Education, see calendar for locations.
Committee Overview
The Public Policy Committee was created to affect local legislative change that positively affects children, families and the Early Care and Education workforce. Responsibilities of the committee include but are not limited to: [1] Research, review, and analyze state and federal legislation and the state budget affecting all phases of Early Childhood Education; [2] Inform the planning council about upcoming legislative bills, the state budget, and legislative issues; and [3] Collaborate with other local agencies and organizations to share information on current legislative issues.
Committee Members
Public Private Resource Committee
Meeting Information
Public Private Resource Committee Meeting Minutes and Agendas
- The agenda will be available prior to the meeting
- For meeting agenda questions/requests, please email
Public Private Resource Committee Meeting Dates and Times:
- February 21, 2025, from 9 to 10 a.m.
- March 28, 2025, from 9 to 10 a.m.
- August 20, 2025, from 9 to 10 a.m.
- September 19, 2025, from 9 to 10 a.m.
Public Private Resource Committee Meeting Locations:
All meetings will be held in person at the San Diego County Office of Education, see calendar for locations.
Committee Overview
The Public Private Resource Committee was created to promote an environment where relevant initiatives, information, ideas, and resources are shared to support the LPC Child Care Plan and to consider recommendations that will strengthen child care and development services in the County of San Diego. Responsibilities of the committee include: [1] Recruit vested private and non-profit businesses, programs, and community members; [2] Facilitate discussions to present to the LPC members; [3] Track progress and success of local and national Public-Private initiatives; and [4] Contribute towards Child Care Recovery, Workforce and Rate reform, and Facilities Access.
Committee Members
Member Selection Committee
Meeting Information
Member Selection Committee Meeting Minutes and Agendas
- The agenda will be available 72 hours prior to the meeting
- For meeting agenda questions/requests, please email
Member Selection Committee Meeting Dates and Times:
There are no meetings currently scheduled.
Member Selection Committee Meeting Locations:
All meetings will be held in person at the San Diego County Office of Education, Building and Room numbers to be determined.
Committee Overview
The Membership Selection Committee is a standing committee that meets at least one time annually to support membership needs. The committee is made up of non-voting ex-officio members. The committee is led by a member of the Executive Committee who is not currently up for a renewed term. Ex-officio members are tasked with reviewing all applications, scoring the applicants based on the member selection rubric, and drafting an initial membership list with assigned categories. The committee may be provided with added tasks related to LPC membership as deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee.
Committee Members
UPK Mixed Delivery Planning Workgroup
Meeting Information
UPK Mixed Delivery Planning Workgroup Minutes and Agendas
UPK Mixed Delivery Planning Workgroup Meeting Dates and Times:
There are no meetings scheduled for this committee at this time.
Please register in advance to attend this meeting. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
UPK Mixed Delivery Planning Workgroup Meeting Locations:
Locations will vary between in-person and virtual zoom meetings; details will be shared as they become available.
Committee Overview
Led by the LPC Coordinator in partnership with the R&R, the UPK Mixed Delivery Planning Workgroup (an Adhoc Committee under LPC) will serve as a feedback forum to provide input and diverse perspective in support of a mixed delivery approach to expanding care and education for three- and four-year-old children, in San Diego County, as required by California Education Code 8320.
The overarching task of this workgroup is to provide input and perspective (by May 2023) on how all four-year-old children and an increased number of three-year-old children within San Diego County may access care and education services, using a mixed delivery system, that meets the needs of all families. Given limited preparation time, the plan developed by May will be considered preliminary, to fulfill the required deadline set forth by the state. The preliminary plan will be expanded upon over the next two years and a final version of the plan will be available in Fiscal Year 2025-26.
Committee Members
- Dezerie Martinez- Workgroup Chair
Additional planning partners must include:
- First 5 San Diego
- YMCA CRS as the Resource and Referral (R&R) contracting agency,
- CDA as the Alternative Payment (AP) contracting agency,
- Chicano Federation as the Family Child Care Home Network (FCCHN) contracting agency,
- Head Start,
- AP providers operating preschool programs,
- Licensed family childcare (FCC) providers serving 3- and 4-year-olds,
- Contracted state preschool programs (CSPP), including both LEAs and CBOs,
- General childcare programs (CCTR) serving preschool-age children,
- Charter schools offering transitional kindergarten (TK),
- Tribal preschool programs and Private center-based childcare preschool providers,
- Expanded Learning Program representative/s,
- Educators (preschool and/or TK teachers),
- Special education local or regional partners (SELPA)
- Exclusive bargaining representatives,
- Faculty at local institutions of higher education (IHE) focusing on child development or early childhood education, and early childhood education teacher preparation programs, including IHE.
Council Governance
Council Reports
- 2020 Emergency Child Care Plan
- 2021 Child Care Needs Assessment
- 2022 Child Care Plan Annual Report
- 2022 Subsidy Pilot Executive Summary
- 2022 Subsidy Pilot Full Evaluation
- 2023 Child Care Blueprint - LPC's Strategic Child Care Plan
- 2023 Self-Evaluation Annual Report
- 2024 Member List – Certified
- 2024 Zip Code Funding Priority Report and Overview
Council Members
- Consumers (Co)
- Providers (Pr)
- Community Representatives (CR)
- Public Agency Representative (Pr)
- Discretionary (Di)
- Ex-Officio
Consumers (Co)
Providers (Pr)
Child Care Providers: Provide child care services or represent people who provide child care services and are reflective of the range of child care providers throughout San Diego County.
- Miren Algorri
- Jennifer Stewart
- Graciela Redgate
- Rachel Villarespe
- Leia Wilson, Alternate
- Onika Miller, Alternate
- Shantell Padilla, Alternate
Community Representatives (CR)
Community Representatives: Represent an agency or business that provides funding for child care services, or who advocate for child care services through participation in civic or community-based organizations but are not child care providers.
- Saralyn Miller
- Elizabeth Alvarado
- Pamela Salgado
- Penny Adler, Alternate
Public Agency Representative (Pr)
Discretionary (Di)
Ex-Officio Appointees: Appointed by County Board of Supervisors, County Superintended of Schools and/or LPC Members based on the LPC Bylaws.
- Community Care Licensing, CDSS Representatives: Kimberly Williams | Stephanie Hudak
- First 5 San Diego Representatives: Lenette Javier | Alethea Arguilez
- Resource & Referral, YMCA/CRS Representatives: Laurie Han | Shelby Gomez
- County of San Diego, HHSA Representatives: Michelle West | Nikki Kelsay | Amy Isiaho
- Child Development Associates (AP-Alternative Payment): Jolie Buberl
- San Diego County Office of Education Representatives: Rita Palet | Eunice Munro
The LPC Committees, which do the work of the Council, meet at various times and locations. Members of the community are welcome to join a committee of interest. Current Committees and their respective chairs include:
- Executive
- Needs Assessment and Child Care Plan
- Public Policy
- Public Private Resource
- Member Selection
- UPK Mixed Delivery Planning Workgroup
The Executive Committee is a standing committee that consists of council chairs, standing committee chairs, ex-officio members, a member-at-large, and the previous council chair. If a committee has co-chairs, at least one chair attends. If both chairs attend, there is one vote per committee. Executive Committee may support, review, or report on:
- Committee work progress, based on committee work plans, at each meeting.
- The new, returning, and continuing membership processes, annually.
- The Self-Evaluation and Summary of Activities report, annually.
- The quality assurance evaluations and corrective action(s) if necessary, biannually.
- Strategic planning and updates, quarterly.
Needs Assessment and Child Care Plan
The Needs Assessment and Child Care Plan Committee is a standing committee that reviews data on county-wide topics surrounding child care and development. The NACCP Committee members may support, review, and report on: [1] County-wide 5-year child care Needs Assessment report; [2] Zip Code Priority report; and [3] Other research on child care issues affecting San Diego County. Valid and reliable, county-wide data must be used in all work associated with the Needs Assessment Committee.
The NACCP Committee is also responsible for the development and maintenance of a comprehensive, county-wide child care plan that is broad in scope and meets the needs of San Diego County. This work includes but is not limited to: [1] Using local data to track progress and completion of the plan’s recommendations; [2] Fostering partnerships and establishing collaborations for the development and maintenance of the child care plan’s recommendations; and [3] Presenting progress and outcomes of the plan to LPC members and the community.
Public Policy
The Public Policy Committee was created to affect local legislative change that positively affects children, families and the Early Care and Education workforce. Responsibilities of the committee include but are not limited to: [1] Research, review, and analyze state and federal legislation and the state budget affecting all phases of Early Childhood Education; [2] Inform the planning council about upcoming legislative bills, the state budget, and legislative issues; and [3] Collaborate with other local agencies and organizations to share information on current legislative issues.
Public Private Resource
The Public Private Resource Committee was created to promote an environment where relevant initiatives, information, ideas, and resources are shared to support the San Diego County Child Care Blueprint and to consider recommendations that will strengthen child care and development services in the County of San Diego. Responsibilities of the committee include: [1]Recruit vested private and non-profit businesses, programs, and community members; [2] Facilitate discussions to present to the LPC members; [3] Track progress and success of local and national Public-Private initiatives; and [4] Contribute towards Child Care Recovery, Workforce and Rate reform, and Facilities Access.
Member Selection
The Membership Selection Committee is a standing committee that meets at least one time annually to support membership needs. The committee is made up of non-voting ex-officio members. The committee is led by a member of the Executive Committee who is not currently up for a renewed term. Ex-officio members are tasked with reviewing all applications, scoring the applicants based on the member selection rubric, and drafting an initial membership list with assigned categories. The committee may be provided with added tasks related to LPC membership as deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee.
UPK Mixed Delivery Planning Workgroup
Led by the LPC Coordinator in partnership with the R&R, the UPK Mixed Delivery Planning Workgroup (an Adhoc Committee under LPC) will serve as a feedback forum to provide input and diverse perspective in support of a mixed delivery approach to expanding care and education for three- and four-year-old children, in San Diego County, as required by California Education Code 8320.
The overarching task of this workgroup is to provide input and perspective (by May 2023) on how all four-year-old children and an increased number of three-year-old children within San Diego County may access care and education services, using a mixed delivery system, that meets the needs of all families. Given limited preparation time, the plan developed by May will be considered preliminary, to fulfill the required deadline set forth by the state. The preliminary plan will be expanded upon over the next two years and a final version of the plan will be available in Fiscal Year 2025-26.
CHAIR: Dezerie Martinez
COVID-Related Resources
Resources for Early Learning and Care Providers During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- COVID-19 Symptom Decision Tree: This document contains step-by-step guidance for providers on COVID-19 symptoms and what actions to take.
- Partners in Prevention (PDF): Promoting family safety and well-being.
- Administrator Resource Toolkit (PDF): This document contains links to up-to-date health information, information/ guidance for providers, and resources to support distance learning.
- Educator Resource Toolkit (PDF): This document contains links to tips for working from home, professional development, information on trauma, and more.
- Family Resource Toolkit (PDF): This document contains links to support in times of need, helping children cope with change, staying engaged, and more.
- Emergency Child Care Toolkit
- Reopening Child Care Toolkit
Community Data
The LPC is tasked with assessing the local, county-wide needs of early learning and care. The data is organized by zip code and by age of child from zero to 12 years. This includes but is not limited to:
- Number of children
- Number of children in working families
- Number of children in working families earning under 85% state median income
- Number of children living in households earning under the federal poverty level
- Number of children from various races/ethnicities
- Number of children needing non-traditional hours care
- Number of children in Head Start/Early Head Start
- Number of children in the following state subsidies:
- California State Preschool Program (CSPP)
- CalWORKs Stage 1, 2, and 3 programs
- General Child Care, center-based child care (CCTR)
- Family Child Care Home Education Networks (CFCC)
- Migrant Child Care, center-based child care (CMIG)
- Severely Handicapped Program (CHAN)
- Alternative Payment Programs (CAPP)
The available data is downloaded from the American Institutes for Research, Early Learning Needs Assessment Tool (ELNAT) and is accessed by the LPC Coordinators in each county across the state of CA. AIR ELNAT uses data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the California Departments of Education and Social Services, and Head Start agencies.
Those interested in reviewing current data reports may access the LPC Child Care and Development Needs Assessment Report. This report was completed on October 1, 2021, and is updated every 5-years. Both the County Superintendent of Schools and the County Board of Supervisors have reviewed and approved this report.
How to Use Local Data
The San Diego County community has access to multiple data sources. Some of the publicly available data sources, that LPC finds useful, are from the California Department of Education and the California Department of Social Services. Watch the video below to learn more about how this data can help schools find nearby child care sites, to ensure full-day care for their transitional kindergarten (TK) students.
UPK Planning: Map it Out
California school districts have been tasked with developing a UPK Plan. The UPK planning template addresses the need to layer programs to achieve full-day programming for four-year-old children. The California Department of Education (CDE) recommends that districts outreach and engage with their LPC and existing extended learning and care providers operating within the district’s enrollment attendance boundary. Creating a map of schools and child care sites within each district will help school personnel identify nearby extended learning and care providers. These partnerships are key to achieving full-day care programming and meeting the needs of families.
Professional Career Opportunities
Are you passionate about working with children? Start your journey toward a rewarding career in early education!
In-Demand Jobs
There is a growing need for qualified early childhood educators. By joining this field, you'll have many job opportunities waiting for you.
Flexible Hours
Enjoy part-time working hours that can fit around your school and college schedule, giving you the perfect balance between work and study.
Gain Valuable Skills
From child development to classroom management, you’ll acquire essential skills that will serve you throughout your career.
Make a Difference
Working with children allows you to make a lasting impact on their development and future success. Be a part of shaping young minds!
Educational Requirements
- 12 units in child development or early childhood education.
- If working with infants, three units must be specialized in the care of infants and obtained from an accredited or approved college.
- Plus six months of experience, with at least three hours per day for a minimum of 50 days (paid or volunteer), in a licensed care program.
- All required coursework must be completed with passing grades.
- Or have a current Child Development Permit (Associate Teacher, Teacher, or Master Teacher)
Teacher Aide
- Must be 18 years old or high school graduate
- Must complete six units in child development or early childhood education.
- If working with infants, three units must be specialized in the care of infants and obtained from an accredited or approved college.
- All required coursework must be completed with passing grades.
CTE Students/ Teacher Aide
Funding Opportunities
New grant opportunities are available through SDCOE for those passionate about early education. select the links below to learn more.
Join Us Today
Explore current early education job opportunities from our community partners:
YMCA San Diego | Neighborhood House | SDCOE | Children's Paradise | Educational Enrichment Systems |
Barbara Chernofsky Lifetime Achievement Award
The Barbara Chernofsky Lifetime Achievement Award is presented by the San Diego County Child Care and Development Planning Council to individuals who demonstrate exceptional leadership, passion, and commitment in the field of Child Development in San Diego County. Nominees are lifetime contributors to the child care community.
- Robin Layton 2015
- Sheridan Dewolf 2013
- Kathryn Ingrum 2012
- Debbie Macdonald 2011
- Betty Bassoff 2010
- Rebeca Valdivia 2009
- Lois Pastore 2008
- Dana Lovelace 2007
- Charlene Tressler 2006
- DeDe Alpert and Jean Brunkow 2005
- Dorothy Hewes 2004