San Diego Quality Preschool Initiative
The San Diego Quality Preschool Initiative (SDQPI) is a measurable, quality improvement system that provides support to early learning and care providers working with children from birth to age 5 in a variety of settings. Supports are provided based on the needs of each setting and the site leader's needs in the implementation of quality improvement practices that enhance the development and learning experiences of all children at their site. The adult-focused model on providers has a direct impact on how adults, in turn, interact with the children in their care.
Download the SDQPI Annual Report 2022 (PDF)
Download the SDQPI Executive Summary 2012-2020 (PDF)
Working with site leaders, SDQPI coaching and professional development offer continuous supports that create a system of continuous quality improvement for all children birth to 5 who attend an early learning and care program participating in SDQPI. Every site receives: personalized coaching for the site lead, access to professional development opportunities for all site staff, a forum to meet and engage with peers through a "Community of Practice" model, and access to incentives/stipend as applicable based on year-to-year available funds.
Through the decades of programming, the San Diego Early Education community has sought to participate in, create, and provide guidance to create the highest quality of early learning and care programs. SDQPI, funded by Quality Counts California (QCC) and First 5 San Diego, is focused on continuous quality improvement, enhancing the development and learning trajectory of children from Birth to age 5, contributing to the health and well-being of every child.
*Sites that participate in the California State Preschool Program (CSPP) will be rated. It is a requirement for them to receive funding and is written into statute that they maintain specific criteria and one of those is rating.
SDQPI Website
For additional information about SDQPI and to find participating preschools, infant/toddler centers, and family child care homes near you.
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Get Resources
- Choosing Quality Child Care Guide in English (PDF)
- Choosing Quality Child Care Guide Spanish (PDF)
- Professional Development Catalog (PDF)
- QCC Implementation Guide (PDF)
- Access SDQPI Provider Resources
- QPI Longitudinal Study - A Successful Approach to Connecting Early Childhood and Elementary School Data Report (PDF)
- Early Learners Activity Book (PDF)
SDQPI, operated by SDCOE and is collaboratively led by the following state mandated Quality Counts California (QCC) Consortium representatives: First 5 San Diego, Resource and Referral Agency (R&R), Alternative Payment Program (APPP), Community Care Licensing (CCL), the County Office of Education (SDCOE), Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) , the Local Child Care and Development Planning Council (LPC), Foster Bridge Program, and a representative from local Native American Tribes. QCC Consortium representatives, individually and collectively, participate in state, county and local policy decision making processes that continue to provide input and direction to the programs provided.