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English Learners

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English learner in class reading a Spanish science book

Supporting students with English language development

California Education Code 11300 requires that all English learners, at all proficiency levels, receive both Integrated ELD (iELD) and Designated ELD (dELD). 

Designated ELD is defined as instruction provided during a time during the regular school day for focused instruction on the state-adopted ELD standards to assist English learners to develop critical English language skills necessary for academic content learning in English. (California Code of Regulations, Title 5 [5 CCR] Section 11300[a]).

Integrated ELD is defined as instruction in which the state-adopted ELD standards are used in tandem with the state-adopted academic content standards. Integrated ELD includes specifically designed academic instruction in English. (5 CCRSection 11300[c]).

Although there is no set minimum for required minutes of ELD instruction under California Education Code. ELD is a required course of study for all English learners and instruction is provided to students based on their proficiency level. The needs of the student determine the number of minutes necessary for students to make progress toward English proficiency. However, the amount of time dedicated to ELD should be comparable to the amount of time dedicated to other core subject areas.

English Learner Typologies

Professional Development Offerings

Join the Multilingual Education and Global Achievement (MEGA) network meetings designed to support the needs of English learners, immigrants/refugees, dual language learners, world language learners, and newcomer students in your districts and schools.

Learn More about MEGA Network Meetings

Guided Language Acquisition Design (GLAD®) is an instructional model for TK-12 that supports the vision of the California English Learner Roadmap policy by strengthening educational programs and practices for English learners. 

Learn More about Project GLAD®

Take advantage of a unique opportunity to engage in free professional learning and coaching, receiving high-quality materials and taking part in ground breaking research with the National Research and Development Center to Improve Education for Secondary English Learners (WestEd), funded by the Institute for Educational Science (IES) and  under the direction of Dr. Aída Walqui. 

Learn More about Research on High-Quality Instruction for English Learners

WRITE (Writing Redesigned for Innovative Teaching and Equity), a national academic excellence model for professional development is proud to offer the Long-Term English Learner (LTEL) Institute, a four-day professional learning opportunity that will provide a comprehensive overview of culturally and linguistically appropriate writing instruction as it relates to LTELs.

Learn More about WRITE LTEL Institute


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Main Contact

Maria Cordero, Ed.D.
Executive Leadership Coach, Multilingual Education and Global Achievement (MEGA) 
Linda Vista Campus