North Inland Special Education Region (niser) Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA)
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The North Inland Special Education Region (NISER) - Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) is a multi-district SELPA comprised of 10 school districts in the northeast quadrant of San Diego County. The region covers over 2,000 square miles of mountains, valleys, and deserts between I-15 and Imperial County. There are approximately 42,000 students enrolled in the districts. Special education services are provided to approximately 5,500 children with disabilities.
SELPA Governance
The North Inland SELPA is comprised of 10 member districts that support the Governance structure.
The governance structure of the Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) is established by agreement among the governing boards of the member districts.
Visit this page for more details on the NISER Local Plan and the Superintendents' Council Meetings.
AlternatIVE Dispute Resolution (ADR) PROGRAM
The North Inland SELPA’s goal for alternative dispute resolution is to aid parents and district staff in working through conflict at the earliest stage possible. Having positive and productive parent-school teams is the SELPA’s top priority.
Please contact the SELPA with questions and concerns.
Community Advisory Committee (CAC)
The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is comprised of parents, community members, and school staff from the 10 districts within NISER. The members of the CAC all have a particular interest in providing quality special education services to students with disabilities.
Visit this site for membership details, meeting schedule, and the newly revised Parent Handbook.
Professional Development
Special Education administrators, teachers, related service providers, and classified support staff are a crucial part of the North Inland community and districts.
The North Inland SELPA provides trainings and support to districts in many ways. Click below to view the upcoming or on-demand events.
Communication Severity Scales (CSS)
The American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) developed Guiding Principles for Speech/Language Services in the school setting.
The Communication Severity Scales are guidelines for the IEP team to consider in determining the type, frequency, duration, and location of speech/language services.
The NISER SELPA collaborates with multiple state and local agencies and community partners.
the framework for additional personnel support (FAPS)
A framework designed to allow a school district to customize the process of determining when a student with and Individualized Education Program (IEP) requires additional personnel support in the school setting.
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main contacts
North Inland Special Education Region (NISER)
1710 Montecito Road
Ramona, CA 92065