Special Education
As part of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) provides a special education program for school-age multi-handicapped students at Friendship School and special education services for students at Juvenile Court and Community Schools (JCCS) throughout San Diego County.
The HOPE Infant Family Support Program provides early intervention services for eligible children birth to 3-years-old and their families as mandated under the California Early Start Program, Part C of IDEA, for four special education local plan areas (SELPAs): NCCSE, NISER, Poway, and South County.
In addition to direct services to students, SDCOE provides support in the following areas:
- Development of interagency agreements and memorandums of understanding
- Leadership of countywide special education staff development
- Coordination of non-public schools, including development of master contracts, rate setting, and program quality review
For questions or concerns about SDCOE's special education schools, please contact each school directly. For information about special education services at districts throughout San Diego County, please contact the district directly, or the SELPA that represents that district. Details and contact information can be found on the SELPA webpages.
Davila Day School
Davila Day School’s mission is to provide Deaf and hard-of-hearing students with a comprehensive, fully accessible and language-rich learning environment that offers equal access to the general education curriculum and standards. With this environment, students have opportunities to achieve their goals and reach their full potential.
Friendship School
Located in Imperial Beach, Friendship School is a special education school with an award-winning multi-sensory environment and individualized support services. Friendship serves as many as 50 students between the ages of 3 and 22 from southern San Diego County who have multiple severe disabilities with health impairments.
North County Academy
North County Academy is designed to meet the academic and therapeutic needs of students with mental health concerns. The school serves K-12 students with Individual Education Programs, helping them acquire the skills needed to re-integrate into a more comprehensive and less restrictive setting.
More to Explore
- Juvenile Court and Community Schools Special Education Program
- Special Education Parents' Rights
- Special Education Resources for Educators
- National Special Education Resources
- Transition Resources
- Information from the California Department of Education
- Alternative Plan Format
Juvenile Court and Community Schools Special Education Program
The Juvenile Court and Community Schools (JCCS) Special Education Program is administered by the Student Services and Programs Division of the San Diego County Office of Education. The procedural safeguards of IDEA apply to students who come under the jurisdiction of the juvenile justice system. The program serves students with disabilities attending school while being detained in juvenile facilities, on probation, or under the jurisdiction of the Health and Human Services Agency.
The JCCS Special Education program provides identification, assessment, and instruction to students with disabilities in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations governing special education. Services are provided year-round based on 246 school days. Students may enter and exit the program at anytime during the year. Due to the nature of these programs, the daily pupil count varies depending on the number of court-ordered placements.
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main contacts
Special Education Parents' Rights
Special Education Resources for Educators
- The Annenberg / CPB Projects: Program schedules and announcements, information on workshop series, video previews and program descriptions, and educational resources for math and science.
- ASCD: The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development: ASCD, a community of educators, advocating sound policies and sharing best practices to achieve the success of each learner.
- California Department of Education
- ENC: Inspiration, support, and guidance all at your fingertips.
- Gateway to 21st Century Skills: The Gateway to 21st Century Skills is a consortium effort to provide teachers with quality materials and tools found on federal, state, university, non-profit, and commercial internet sites. Thousands of lesson plans and other teaching and learning resources.
- National Academy Press (NAP): NAP was created by the National Academies to publish the reports issued by the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine, and the National Research Council all operating under a charter granted by Congress.
- National Education Association offers teacher resources and information exchange.
- PENT Positive Environments, Network of Trainers
- Picture Me Reading is a visual-conceptual method of teaching the ABCs and the 220 high frequency sight words that are often known as the Dolch Sight Words.
Teachers Helping Teachers: Middle school teacher Dr. Scott Mandel and other contributing educators provide basic teaching tips to beginning teachers—things that they can immediately implement in the classroom.
Teaching Strategies Online: Offers developmentally appropriate curriculum materials, training programs, parenting resources, and staff development services.
Learning material and resource center: A learning resources search engine.
The Ultimate Teacher's Resource!: The chat boards available bring together educators in category-specific chats, such as the chat board specifically for beginning teachers. This site also includes lesson plans, live meetings, a bookshelf with a list of useful resources, and a newsletter.
National Special Education Resources
- Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- American Council for the Blind
- American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)
- American Psychological Association
- American Society of Deaf Children
- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
- American Therapeutic Recreation Association
- Angelman Syndrome Foundation
- Association for Retarded Citizens (ARC)
- Association for Persons with Severe Disabilities (TASH)
- Autism Information Center: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Autism Society
- Autism Society of America
- Brain Injury Association, Inc.
- Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
- Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)
- Council for Exceptional Children
- Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children
- Easter Seals – National Office
- Epilepsy Foundation of America
- Learning Disabilities Association of America
- March of Dimes Resource Center
- National Association for Gifted Children
- National Association for Learning Disabilities
- National Association of the Deaf
- National Association of Protection and Advocacy Systems
- National Attention Deficit Disorder Association
- National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- National Consortium of Deaf/Blindness
- National Down Syndrome Society
- National Institute on Mental Health (NIMH)
- National Mental Health Association
- National Organization on Disability (NOD)
- Parents Helping Parents Resource Center
- Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
- United Cerebral Palsy Association, Inc.
- The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
- Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)
Transition Resources
Under IDEA, educational agencies are responsible for assisting students with special needs to make a successful transition from school to adult living. Quality planning and preparation promotes and empowers students to advocate for themselves, create a personal vision, identify opportunities, discover their strengths and weakness, narrow their career paths, and feel more confident in their ability to accomplish their future dreams and goals.
Agency and Government Resources
California Department of Education
The core purpose of the California Department of Education is to lead and support the continuous improvement of student achievement, with a specific focus on closing achievement gaps.
California Department of Labor
The Department of Industrial Relations was established to improve working conditions for California's wage earners, and to advance opportunities for profitable employment in California.
Council for Exceptional Children
The Council for Exceptional Children works to improve the educational success of individuals with disabilities and/or gifts and talents.
Employment Development Department
The Employment Development Department provides a comprehensive range of employment and training services in partnership with state and local agencies and organizations.
Job Accommodation Network
The Job Accommodation Network provides free consulting service to individuals with physical or intellectual limitations that affect employment.
National Council on Disabilities
The National Council on Disabilities continues to serve people with disabilities by publishing information and recommendations meant to enhance the quality of lives for people with disabilities.
Office of Civil Rights
Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities.
San Diego Regional Center
The San Diego Regional Center serves as a focal point in the community through which a person with a developmental disability and his or her family can obtain services and be linked to other community resources within San Diego and Imperial counties.
Social Security
Social Security offices are located throughout the nation to assist people with all of their social security needs.
Youth Rules
Provides information for teens, parents, educators, and employers. Early work experiences can be rewarding for young workers by providing opportunities to learn important job skills.
College Resources
Information on the ACT assessment for college-bound students.
California Community Colleges
Information about the state's 109 colleges: location, program offerings, and student services.
California State Universities - How to Get to College
Students can plan early and follow the steps in each grade level to prepare for college. Families can also see how they can help students succeed.
California State University Mentor
How to plan for and apply to the California State University.
Explore Financial Aid
Find and pay for college. Explore financial aid.
Federal Student Aid FAFSA
Free application for Federal Student Aid.
Mapping Your Future
No matter what you dream of doing with your life, preparing yourself for life (and most likely education) after high school is important. Mapping Your Future can help. For middle and high school students.
Palomar College
Student services are provided to support student success.
A standardized test that provides firsthand practice for the SAT Reasoning Test.
Background and registration information for the SAT assessment.
Think College
A student resource to think about college and options.
Universities of California
This website aims to assist high school educators in designing courses that meet both the University of California subject area requirements and conform to school curricular reform efforts.
Virtual College Campus Tours
View your favorite campuses on-line.
Laws and Regulations
Conservatorship – Superior Court of San Diego County
A Self-Help Guide to conservatorships.
Kids and Law – A Parent’s Guide (ordering information)
“Get the Legal Facts of Life” brochures.
Notice of Procedural Safeguards
Revised January 2009, Notice of Procedural Safeguards for parents/guardians of students with disabilities.
US Department of Labor
The safety of young workers is of paramount importance to the Department of Labor. In this site, you will find rules and regulations regarding youth employment.
The Why, When, What, and How of Disclosure
While federal law mandates that a person with a disability be given needed accommodations, it will be up to the person with the disability to decide whether or not to share information in their education/training or employment setting.
Work Permits
This site provides guidelines and information on work permits.
Youth Rules
Through the Youth Rules initiative, the U.S. Department of Labor and its partners seek to promote positive and safe work experiences that help prepare young workers to enter the 21st century workforce.
Local Community Agencies
2-1-1 San Diego
211 is San Diego's primary source for community, health, and disaster information.
Big Brothers and Sisters of San Diego
Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Diego County serves children, ages 7 through 18, in six distinct programs: Amachi, Bigs in Schools, Community Mentoring, High School Bigs, Operation Bigs, and Sports Bigs.
Community Health Improvement Partners
The Community Health Improvement Partners is a collaboration of San Diego health care systems, hospitals, community clinics, insurers, physicians, universities, community benefit organizations, and the County of San Diego who are dedicated to a common vision.
Educational COMPACT
Escondido Education COMPACT is a unique and nontraditional organization designed to provide youth with job readiness, training, and linkages to employment.
Episcopal Community Services of San Diego
Episcopal Community Services programs encompass a broad range of social services: chronic homelessness, mental health, domestic violence, child and family services, emergency groceries and substance abuse education.
Escondido City Public Library
The Families for Literacy Program provides special services for Adults who are enrolled in the Adult Literacy Program and who have children between the ages of 0-5 years.
Goodwill Industries
Goodwill's programs and services are designed to assist people with disabilities in San Diego County gain employment skills and find a job.
Jewish Family Service, One Source for a Lifetime of Help
Jewish Family Service is a comprehensive social service organization with nine locations throughout San Diego County and an office in Palm Desert, serving the Coachella Valley. From its early grassroots origins, the agency now serves over 20,000 people annually.
Partnerships with Industry
Partnerships with Industry provides job training, placement, and ongoing support services for adults with developmental disabilities to work in the community.
Red Cross
The Red Cross offers individual and community classes to improve safety.
San Diego Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired
The mission of the Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired is to increase the abilities of any adult with blindness or vision impairment to reach their own highest level of independence.
San Diego Workforce Partnership
The San Diego Workforce Partnership provides employment related services to local businesses and job seekers through a network of countywide one-stop career centers.
St. Clare’s Home – Escondido
St. Clare's two-year education and career guidance program for homeless and abused women includes life skills classes on health care, safety, parenting, nutrition, domestic violence and child abuse prevention, as well as classes on computers, journaling, art therapy, anger management, and more.
The ARC of San Diego
The ARC of San Diego is a private, not-for-profit corporation, it is one of the region's largest human-service agencies. It has a rich tradition of developing quality programs for children and adults with developmental disabilities.
Toward Maximum Independence
Toward Maximum Independence helps people with disabilities with community living, employment, and family support.
Local Job Resources
Escondido Educational Compact
Provides employment opportunities and work readiness skills.
Job Options
Job Options works in partnership with government and commercial customers for outsourcing of high quality, reliable and cost-effective support services. It is a San Diego-based not-for-profit company that provides professional service personnel, many of whom have severe mental, physical or psychological disabilities, in basic services such as janitorial, food service, laundry, administrative and clerical, commissary inventory management, and shelf-stocking services.
Jobing San Diego
Jobs listed by region in San Diego County.
San Diego Zoological Society
The Zoological Society of San Diego is a conservation, education, and recreation organization dedicated to the reproduction, protection, and exhibition of animals, plants, and their habitats.
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) – Practice Tests 1-3
These tests will give you an idea of how you'll score and identify areas that need improvement.
Today’s Military
This site provides information to students, parents, and educators for the military as a career option. Over 150 training options
Parent Guides and Information
A Middle School Parent's College Prep Guide
You and your child need to start planning for college no later than middle school. Here are seven steps your child and family should take.
Conservatorship – Superior Court of San Diego County
A self-help guide to conservatorships.
Improving Postsecondary Outcomes for All Students with Disabilities
This Technical Assistance Guide assists in implementing evidence-based and promising practices ensuring students with disabilities, including those with significant disabilities, graduate prepared for success in postsecondary education and employment.
Kids and Law – A Parent’s Guide (ordering information)
“Get the Legal Facts of Life” brochures.
Reality Check
After high school, students will need to work to earn money for food, housing, recreation, etc. Find out how much money they will need and what occupations will help them finance their lifestyle.
Pre-Employment / Work Readiness Skills
411 on Disability Disclosure
A downloadable workbook that helps young people make informed decisions about whether or not to disclose their disability and understand how that decision may impact their education, employment, and social lives.
California Career Zone Resources
Explore interests, jobs that fit your personality, and conduct a reality check to make sure you will have enough money to pay your bills.
California Labor Market Information
Information for job seekers looking for work or seeking a career change.
California Occupational Guides
Includes job description, job outlook and wages, and qualification requirements.
Career Kids, My First Resume
Here's an easy way to put together a resume. Simply follow the directions and watch how your skills and interests can turn into a valuable resume.
Career Training
Apprenticeship is career preparation.
CareerToolbox – Best-Job-Interview
What you need to know to get the job you want.
Employability Skills 2000+
A brochure that demonstrates the skills you need to enter, stay in, and progress in the world of work—whether you work on your own or as a part of a team.
Employment Development Department
The Employment Development Department provides a comprehensive range of employment and training services in partnership with state and local agencies and organizations.
Skills for Today’s Workforce
Links to a variety of sources that contain necessary workplace skills.
WorkAbility I
A California Transition Program - Students Learn to Earn.
Recreation / Leisure
Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs of North County
California Center of the Performing Arts
The Center provides a variety of year-round, high-quality programs that are educational and fun.
Palomar College
Non-credit classes are also offered at Palomar College.
Salvation Army Kroc Center
The Salvation Army Kroc Center is a 12-acre family support, education, recreation, and cultural arts facility.
San Diego Parks and Recreation
Information on sports and recreation opportunities throughout San Diego.
San Diego Zoological Society
The Zoological Society of San Diego is a conservation, education, and recreation organization dedicated to the reproduction, protection, and exhibition of animals, plants, and their habitats.
Sports for Exceptional Athletes
San Diego-based sports program serving athletes with developmental disabilities ages 5 through adult.
The Miracle League
The Miracle League is a charitable organization that provides children with mental or physical challenges an opportunity to play baseball as a team member in an organized league.
YMCAs strive to achieve their mission of building strong kids, strong families and strong communities, and reinforce the YMCA core values.
Self Assessment (Learning Styles, Interests, Personality, and Career)
Abilities Quiz
You can get a list of occupations to explore and match your abilities profile.
California Career Zone
Learn about careers in California (with video clips), assess yourself, and explore the Reality Check.
Career Fulfillment
Career success strategies for your personality type.
Career Perfect- Quick Work Preference Inventory
This is a quick work preference inventory.
Career Quiz
Career Quiz will help you identify what types of work you most like doing.
Data, People, Things Quiz
All occupations combine working with data/information, people, and things in different ways and to varying degrees.
What is your Learning Style?
An on-line assessment. Everybody has a preferred learning style. Knowing and understanding our learning style helps us to learn more effectively.
Work Place Preference Quiz
On-line work preference quiz.
Work Values Quiz
Values are important clues to what kind of work and work conditions you would like.
Study Skills
Helping Students Become Organized with a Filing System
The Master Filing System for paper is one effective strategy that helps students with learning disabilities manage their materials.
Helping Your Child Develop Organizational Skills
A detailed article that helps parents to create a step-by-step approach to helping their child become organized.
Study Skills – A Handout for Parents
Help your child complete homework, increase organizational skills, and create a plan for improving academic skills.
Test Taking Strategies
Improve your test taking skills by following a few simple steps.
Teacher Guides and Information
Brain Boosters
Brain Boosters offers on-line activities for your kids including educational games and brain teasers.
California Career Zone Resources
California Career Technical Education Model Curriculum Standards
Technical Education standards for grades 7-12..
California High School Proficiency Examination
This site will educate you about California High School Proficiency Exam and provide registration information and instructions for taking the test in your area.
Intervention Central
Intervention Central offers free tools and resources to help school staff and parents to promote positive classroom behaviors and foster effective learning for all children and youth.
Occupational Outlook Handbook
The handbook tells about the training and education needed; the earnings expectations; job prospects; what workers do on the job and working conditions for most jobs.
Online Instructional Tools
A variety of sources to support and expand classroom lessons.
Reality Check
After high school, students will need to work to earn money for food, housing, recreation, etc. Find out how much money they will need and what occupations will help them finance their lifestyle.
School to Career
School-To-Career professional development Toolkit is a Resource Guide for educators, counselors and career staff to support integrated teaching strategies and principles of school-to-career.
Strategies That Work for Students Grade 9 to 12 with Dyslexia
A teacher shares ideas of what has worked when working with students who have significant learning problems.
Transition and Self-Advocacy
Developing self-knowledge is the first step in self-advocacy skills.
US Department of Labor
Publications provided free of charge related to people with disabilities in the workforce.
Transportation Opportunities (Access to public transportation)
California Driver’s Education
Practice exams for the California driver’s license test.
Department of Motor Vehicles
Resources for driver’s licensing and vehicle registration.
North County Transit Center
Link to information regarding San Diego’s North County Transit schedules, fees, etc.
Vocational (Trades) Training
Job Corp
Job Corps' mission is to attract eligible young adults, teach them the skills they need to become employable and independent, and place them in meaningful jobs or further education.
Palomar College Apprenticeships
Three to five year apprenticeship programs.
Palomar College Occupations
Prepares students for careers.
San Diego Urban Corp
The Urban Corps of San Diego provides job training and educational opportunities to young adults, in the fields of conservation, recycling, and community service which will assist these youths in becoming more employable, while protecting San Diego’s natural resources and instilling the importance of community involvement.
US Department of Labor Employment and Training
Provides links to apprenticeship sponsors who may be accepting applications throughout the United States.
Volunteer Resources
San Diego Humane Society
Volunteers are an indispensable part of their community events, outreach programs, and the daily well-being of animals in their care.
Habitat for Humanity
Donors and volunteers are the foundation of Habitat's work in San Diego County. Habitat welcomes volunteers to join them in many ways to build hope for family partners in need.
Helen Woodward Animal Center
The Center serves the community by teaching and practicing humane behavior toward man and all living things.
Information from the California Department of Education
Alternative Plan Format
Alternative Plan Format
In compliance with state and federal laws, including the Americans with Disability Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the Individuals with Disability Education Act (IDEA), the San Diego County Office of Education is required to establish policies and procedures for ensuring that individuals with disabilities can access their school health information and communications in an appropriate and accessible format. This includes providing information in alternative formats, such as large print, audio, or electronic formats, to ensure that individuals with disabilities can better understand and participate in their school health decisions. SDCOE already provides services to students with disabilities to address their individual needs, including accessibility needs, as part of our commitment to creating an inclusive and equitable learning environment. This alternative format plan builds on the SDCOE system of care and support by ensuring that students with disabilities have access to their health information and communications in a format that is accessible to their needs.
SDCOE is committed to complying with state and federal civil rights laws, including laws related to accessibility and accommodations for individuals with disabilities. To ensure compliance, SDCOE has designated the following as its ADA Coordinator:
Cara Schukoske, Executive Director for Special Education Services
San Diego County Office of Education
6401 Linda Vista Rd
San Diego, CA 92111
Accessibility to Alternative Formats
The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that SDCOE provides appropriate auxiliary aids and services when necessary to afford individuals with disabilities equal opportunity to participate in or enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity. These aids and services may include, but are not limited to, qualified interpreters or readers, assistive listening devices, assistive technologies, or other modifications to increase accessibility to SDCOE and school websites, notetakers, written materials, taped text, and Braille or large-print materials. Individuals with disabilities shall notify the Superintendent or principal if they have a disability that requires special assistance or services. Reasonable notification should be given prior to a school-sponsored function, program, or meeting.
The specific type of alternative format used will depend on the individual's needs and preferences, as well as the type of information being communicated. The following steps, while not limited to, are typically followed to provide alternative formats for students:
- A parent, teacher, or healthcare provider submits a request for an alternative format or accommodation to the student's health care plan team.
- The student is assessed to determine the appropriateness of the request and its potential benefit to the student.
- The alternative format or accommodation is documented in the student's health care plan (IEP, IFSP, 504, or other).
- If the alternative format or accommodation requires a tangible object that needs to be purchased, proper authorization for the purchase is obtained, and internal processes are followed to place the corresponding order.
- If the alternative format or accommodation is a service, such as American Sign Language, SDCOE has contracts in place to fulfill this accommodation.
- Once the alternative format or accommodation is obtained, the requesting party is notified, and the product and/or service is delivered to the student. Adequate training is provided if needed.
Healthcare providers and schools will ensure that alternative formats are provided in a timely manner and in a format that is accessible to the individual, without discrimination or exclusion.
Coordination with Medi-Cal
As a provider of service enrolled with Medi-Cal and participating in Medi-Cal billing, SDCOE is required to verify any alternative format requests a student/family may have already provided to Medi-Cal. To accomplish this, SDCOE partners with the District’s Medi-Cal billing vendor, who is authorized by DHCS’ Tri-Party Data Use Agreement (DUA) to provide a data output file which indicates if a beneficiary requests alternative formatting. This file will be provided on a quarterly basis.
The information obtained from this report is provided by the Medi-Cal billing coordinator to the healthcare teams managing school health services for Medi-Cal eligible students, who will update a student's health care plan as needed to ensure that alternative formats are provided. On a quarterly basis, the Medi-Cal billing coordinator will report any new alternative format requests received to Medi-Cal via its Alternative Format Request portal (https://afs.dhcs.ca.gov/), if they are not already on file with Medi-Cal.
SDCOE’s Medi-Cal billing coordinator has access to the required information to perform this task via the report supplied by the District’s Medi-Cal billing vendor. Through this coordinated approach, SDCOE can comply with state and federal laws, ensure equal access to healthcare information and communications, and support the success of students with disabilities.
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main contacts
Cara Schukoske
Executive Director of Special Education
Renee Zartner
Administrative Assistant
For questions or concerns about SDCOE's special education schools, please contact each school directly.
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