Supporting Students
The San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) assists schools in addressing systemic barriers to student engagement and good attendance, thereby enhancing student achievement, and college and career readiness.
Awards and Competitions
Learn more about the SDCOE-supported countywide academic competitions and recognition programs for employees and students.
Community Schools
SDCOE is working with schools and districts across Southern California to develop community schools, where schools, families, and community members work together to create safe, supportive spaces where students have what they need to learn; families are partners and have what they need to thrive; and communities benefit from stronger, healthier, more informed people.
Expanded Learning
SDCOE is committed to providing opportunities to expand the way we think about learning. County Office staff are champions for bridging opportunities in the larger communities in which our students and families live with real-world learning opportunities at the districts and charters where they learn.
Family and community Engagement
SDCOE works with districts, schools, parents, teachers, students, administrators, and community members to enhance parent participation in children's lives. A child's education is a responsibility shared by school, family, and community stakeholders during their time in school.
Health and Well-Being
SDCOE is committed to supporting school districts, schools, students, and families with resources to improve their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Our goal is to support the removal of barriers that impact student success.
PASS AmeriCorps
The PASS (Promoting Achievement and Student Success) AmeriCorps Program serves students in grades 3-12 at 31 school sites across San Diego County, including campuses in San Diego, Oceanside, Vista, Escondido, Valley Center, and Carlsbad. Each PASS AmeriCorps member provides support for 30 targeted students through individual and group mentoring, academic support, grades and attendance reviews, leadership development, and more.
School Counseling
School counselors play a critical role in ensuring schools provide a safe, caring environment and that students have the necessary mindsets and behaviors to advance academic achievement outcomes. School counselors deliver programs that have an impact on student growth in three domain areas: academic development, career development, and social / emotional development.
School Safety
SDCOE staff provide training, technical assistance, and direct services to assist school districts in developing and supporting their Comprehensive School Safety Plans. These plans incorporate the Incident Command System which is a specific requirement of the National Incident Command System.
Substance Abuse Prevention and Education
Student experimentation and use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs is a major contributing factor to underachievement, truancy, and failure to graduate. Training, workshops, and resources are available to assist educators in leveraging existing resources and systems to create better options for student health.
SDCOE assists local education agencies with developing the components essential to building a sustainable Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS). Learn more about MTSS and other supports, including Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, Restorative Practices, School Social Work, and Transformative Social-Emotional Learning.