School Climate
Creating environments in which all students feel safe, supported, and respected, as well as a sense of connection with their school and peers helps them to stay engaged and be more successful. SDCOE supports schools and districts in a variety of ways to ensure that both staff and students feel a sense of belonging at school and have the tools necessary to thrive.
Bullying Prevention
SDCOE supports school district offices, parents, and community-based agencies in issues related to bullying prevention and intervention by providing staff development training, technical assistance, and resources.
Human Trafficking of Children
Studies show that the average age a child is trafficked into the commercial sex trade is between 11 and 14 years old, which is why the San Diego County Office of Education supports school districts, parents, and community-based agencies with training, resources, and consultations around issues related to human trafficking of children.
Teen Dating Violence Prevention
Teen dating violence is serious and can negatively impact a student's mental health and academics, which is why the San Diego County Office of Education is a partner on the TDV Committee of the San Diego Domestic Violence Council that provides resources and supports to educators and families.
Trauma-Sensitive Schools
The San Diego County of Office of Education is committed to supporting school districts, schools, students, and families with resources to support Trauma-Sensitive Schools. Our goal is to support the removal of barriers that impact student success.
main contacts
Mara Madrigal-Weiss
Executive Director,
Student Wellness and School Culture
Linda Vista Campus
Heather Nemour
Student Wellness and School Culture
Linda Vista Campus
Violeta Mora
Program Specialist,
Student Wellness and School Culture & Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program
Linda Vista Campus & Old Town
Charisma De Los Reyes
Coordinator, FYS & HES
Student Wellness and School Culture
Linda Vista Campus
Roxanna Bayon
Administrative Assistant III,
Student Wellness and School Culture
Linda Vista Campus