Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
What is PBIS?
PBIS is a framework for creating safe, positive, equitable schools, where every student can feel valued, connected to the school community and supported by caring adults. By implementing evidence-based practices within a PBIS framework, schools support their students’ academic, social, emotional, and behavioral success, engage with families to create locally-meaningful and culturally-relevant outcomes, and use data to make informed decisions that improve the way things work for everyone.
- Center on PBIS
Center on PBIS (2023). Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports [Website]. www.pbis.org.
When implemented with fidelity, PBIS has improved student outcomes, reduced exclusionary discipline, and improved teacher outcomes. Read more about the research studies that have shown these results.
Improved Student Outcomes
academic achievement
prosocial behavior
emotional regulation
reduced bullying behaviors
decreased rates of drug/alcohol use
social & academic outcomes for SWDs
Reduced Exclusionary Discipline
office discipline referrals
restraint and seclusion
racial inequities
Improved Teacher Outcomes
teacher efficacy & well-being
teacher-student relationships
student engagement & instructional time
school culture & organizational health
climate & safety
When Implementing Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) with Fidelity
Adapted from Gage, N. adapted from Center on PBIS (2023). Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports . www.pbis.org.
How does it work?
A key strategy of the PBIS process is prevention. The school-wide expectations and rules are intentionally created with faculty, student and community voice. Through instruction, comprehension and regular practice, all adults use this consistent set of behavior expectations and rules. When students do not meet behavioral expectations, PBIS schools view it as an opportunity for re-teaching, not punishing. Systems are created for regularly reviewing data and using data-based decision making skills to drive action planning for school improvement. The ultimate goal of implementing PBIS data, systems, and practices that center equity is to improve outcomes. PBIS intentionally supports staff and student behavior, decision making, social competence and academic achievement.
To learn more visit The Center on PBIS.
Center on PBIS (2023). Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports
Professional Development Opportunities
- From Surviving to Thriving PBIS: Early Childhood Educators Edition
- From Surviving to Thriving PBIS: Elementary Classroom Teacher Edition
- From Surviving to Thriving PBIS: Middle and High School Teacher Edition
- From Surviving to Thriving PBIS: Non-Classroom Educator Edition (classified staff, bus drivers, noon duty, substitutes, etc.)
- ABC Easy as 123, but is it easy? Integrating PBIS with Restorative Justice Practices (RJP), Trauma Informed Practices (TIP) & Transformative Social and Emotional Learning (T-SEL)
- Mastering Data: Collection, Organization, and Utilization for Success in PBIS Implementation
- PBIS, How does that connect to me? School Based Mental Health Professionals and Service Providers
- PBIS. What is it and Why do it?
- PBIS Strategies for Expanded Learning
- Transforming Schools: Coaching Strategies for Sustainable Success
- CAPBIS Authorized California External Reviewer
From Surviving to Thriving PBIS: Early Childhood Educators Edition
From Surviving to Thriving PBIS: Elementary Classroom Teacher Edition
From Surviving to Thriving PBIS: Middle and High School Teacher Edition
From Surviving to Thriving PBIS: Non-Classroom Educator Edition (classified staff, bus drivers, noon duty, substitutes, etc.)
ABC Easy as 123, but is it easy? Integrating PBIS with Restorative Justice Practices (RJP), Trauma Informed Practices (TIP) & Transformative Social and Emotional Learning (T-SEL)
Mastering Data: Collection, Organization, and Utilization for Success in PBIS Implementation
PBIS, How does that connect to me? School Based Mental Health Professionals and Service Providers
PBIS. What is it and Why do it?
PBIS Strategies for Expanded Learning
Transforming Schools: Coaching Strategies for Sustainable Success
CAPBIS Authorized California External Reviewer
pbis implementation statewide recognition
California PBIS initiated our first statewide effort to implement a recognition system to acknowledge schools for implementing PBIS with fidelity to the national framework. Schools may apply to be recognized as Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum. Your dedication and commitment to the students, families, and communities of your respective districts is a major contributing factor to the excellence in education in the state of California.
We are thrilled to celebrate the schools that are recognized for their PBIS Implementation
Spotlight on Youth Voices